Abyss Knight

Chapter 745

"Is it true?" kukas put his hand between the ruby Sutra and the female scholars and stopped their struggle: "Sutra, I don\'t think you will deceive me."

In silence, the ruby master turned his head slightly, did not look at kukas, but put his eyes on the burning fireplace not far away.

The water in the copper pot on the fireplace was making a loud noise. After a long time, the teacher nodded.

"It\'s just a cursed creature. There\'s nothing to worry about." seeing the ruby master nodding, kukas said with a relaxed look: "being cursed is a very serious thing for others, but it\'s too common for me to be cursed."

"Kukas, to tell you the truth, I didn\'t expect that so many people cursed you on the verge of death in the polar ice sheet over the years." the ruby master opened his mouth and said after a long time: "if part of their curse fell on me, maybe you wouldn\'t become a cursed creature."

"They cursed me, but I\'m still alive. Do you think those curses are useful? And to become a cursed creature, it needs the resentment curse of infinite creatures when they die. It\'s not because of the curses of the creatures on the Arctic ice sheet that made me like this." kukas touched his bald head and laughed: "Almost everyone killed by me will curse me. Why on earth do you say that?"

"Because you don\'t leave a little leeway to be a man, it\'s amazing to do things." the ruby master just wanted to answer, but the female scholar on one side answered him first: "almost every creature you killed, you have to erase their souls and don\'t give them any chance. Do you think those people will hate you after the news spread?"

"You said I was wrong to erase their souls?"

"Yes." the female scholar nodded solemnly, "destroy their souls and make them have no vitality. How can they not hate you?"

"Give them a chance to revenge me?" kukas narrowed his eyes and pressed the female scholar tightly. "Or imprison their souls? Let them suffer endless torture?"

"Not all people will retaliate against you. Since they can\'t win when they face you for the first time, do you think they will win when they face you for the second time? If you want to become a top existence, you must first be strong in your own heart. If you are strong enough, will you fear the retaliation of the losers? It\'s just fear in your heart to cut the grass and eliminate the roots After saying so much in one breath, the female scholar stared at kukas nervously.

"Well, we won\'t talk about it." kukas looked at the female scholar for a long time. Finally, he shook his head and said with a smile: "some of our understanding is different, but there\'s no need to try to convince the other party to accept ourselves with our own words."

"Master, we must go to the place where the blue water cold wave broke out and assist her in her investigation." kukas flicked his finger and pointed to the female scholar.

"Is it because of the warrior?" the ruby Sutra thought a little and understood the reason why kukas did this.

"Yes, in order to get the details of Zhan Tian, I must help the old scholar, well, her mentor to do something." kukas nodded and smiled.

"To be clear, my mentor has fallen, and the old man you said has nothing to do with me." the young female scholar coughed softly and interrupted kukas.

"You said it was wrong to interrupt others casually."

"I apologize."

"OK." the ruby master nodded and agreed without hesitation. She knew that kukas\'s trouble for the warrior was entirely because of her. Therefore, she had no reason to refuse in this matter. Moreover, she would not refuse.

The hatred in her heart was so strong that she had to kill her opponent.

The three of them had nothing to clean up. After kukas sorted out the killing props, they rode on the black dragon and embarked on the journey.

The ice and snow city is only thousands of miles away from the place where the blue water cold wave broke out. However, due to the continuous changes in the rules of the eternal plane, the spatial structure is becoming more and more stable. Therefore, kukas and his team can no longer tear the space for transmission at will. Of course, even if they can tear the space for transmission, they dare not do that. Because they kill red in the sky Blind legends will never allow them to do so.

Originally, kukas and the others could be transmitted through the portal of the ice and snow city, but the female scholar objected, and the reason for her objection sounded very sufficient.

"If I want to study the situation when the blue water cold wave breaks out, I must start from the edge area. Only in this way can I have a deeper understanding of it."

Kukas didn\'t know anything about the research. After being affirmed by the master, they rode the black dragon and flew to their destination a little bit.

Yes, a little bit toward the destination. Because every tens of thousands of miles or so, female scholars always ask to land on the ground for exploration.

In order to fulfill the original promise, kukas had to obey her request.

The female scholar\'s exploration is extremely time-consuming. Every time she goes to the ground, she always takes out all kinds of large-scale magic instruments to stack them on the ground, and then excavates the ice little by little.

Those magic instruments are very huge, and the largest is about seventy-eight feet. These magic instruments are driven by magic crystals.

A drill bit drilled into the ice tens or even hundreds of feet deep and collected the ice according to a certain law. Every time some ice was collected, the female scholar carefully collected it and stored it in some special vessels.

During the period, the ruby master just watched indifferently, but later, the female scholar began to analyze the ice with some strange instruments, and found a large number of strange tiny creatures from the ice, and the master\'s curiosity was also lifted.

"These creatures are really beautiful." the master lay down in front of a crystal ball, observed the creatures in the ice through the crystal ball, and sighed in a low voice.

Of course, with her mental power, although she can also find these tiny creatures in the ice, she can\'t see them in such detail. More importantly, she had never noticed before. This kind of thing.

"Look! This creature was named the finger of xiumuruo by us." the scholar pointed to one of the tiny creatures that was magnified thousands of times like a bamboo insect and said, "look, is the pattern on its body very similar to the magic pattern on the legendary xiumuruo?"

"Yes." the ruby master thought a little. After searching for some knowledge about the xiumoruo race, he immediately nodded and said, "are they related to the xiumoruo family?"

"Yes, in ancient times, some scholars began to study the xiumoruo race. Finally, they found that the xiumoruo family evolved from this tiny creature to what it is now." the female scholar whispered, "maybe one day, the creatures in this ice layer can evolve into a new xiumoruo tribe."

"But I think it will be an extremely long time."

"Funny, how could a tiny creature evolve into a powerful race?" kukas retorted in an audience. "Did you find a tiny creature in the shape of a human?"

"What it doesn\'t matter as like as two peas can be evolved into a race?" the female scholar loudly retorted. "What if they are not related to the manros race, then why are they similar to the magic lines of the demon family, or even the same?"

"You\'re wrong. The magic pattern on this thing is just the same as that on the fingers of the xiumoruo people." kukas shook his head and smiled: "There is a legend in the world of the main plane where I live:" in ancient times, the powerful xiumoruo family had great power to come to the surface, but he was killed. The soul and body were wiped out, and only a small piece of finger fell into a piece of cold ice to survive. "Later, the cold ice disappeared without any sign. Up No one noticed this at first, but it was discovered later. However, if you want to find the finger of xiumoruo\'s great power again at that time, you can only find it in the ice. Have you ever seen the microorganism of xiumoruo\'s finger in other soil or rocks? "

"It\'s impossible." female scholars have never heard of these words said by kukas. Kukas\'s words were found in a Knight Book of the blonde general.

As for these things recorded in that book, it was entirely because the knight\'s wife was a doctor.

Of course, it is not just scholars who study these things. To a certain extent, those doctors do better than them.

"Where is your plane? I\'ll go with you." the scholar narrowed his eyes and asked hurriedly.

"Your past? The world of my theme has been occupied. I\'m afraid there will be danger in your past."

"It doesn\'t matter if it\'s dangerous. Knowledge is priceless. If we can prove this, I\'m afraid that many of the knowledge in my academic faction will be proved wrong. In that way, we can avoid the latecomers from going further and further on this wrong road."

"If you want to go, go alone. I won\'t go with you, at least not yet." kukas\'s mood is extremely bad when he thinks of the current situation of the thematic world.