Abyss Knight

Chapter 699

With the passage of time, the atmosphere of ice and snow cities and even the whole Arctic ice sheet becomes more and more dignified. On the vast Arctic ice sheet, the killing between the gate of heaven and the abyss alliance becomes more and more fierce.

In some areas where the two sides fought, the killing went on day and night. In the end, the blood even dyed the iceberg and snow fields scarlet.

The pouring of blood did not ease the killing on both sides, but became more ferocious.

The killing breath condensed in the sky. Some grievances swam around with the cold wind. Some were sucked by the devil\'s nest and some by the ice corpses.

A large number of ice corpses have increased their strength to a certain extent after taking the breath of resentment. They walk on the ice and snow sea, killing all the creatures they can see in front of them. Some high-level ice corpses with wisdom consciously manipulate low-level ice corpses to form their own forces. They regard the Arctic ice sheet as their hometown, where they kill ordinary people to strengthen their team. Then they fought with the professionals of the gate of heaven and the abyss alliance. Fight for control of the Arctic ice sheet. In order to bring a breeding ground for their own race.

Three years after the first person in power who had made contact with kukas left, the showdown finally broke out, and the location of the outbreak was on the polar ice sheet controlled by kukas.

In the sky of the Arctic ice sheet, there are eight ranks of professionals fighting each other every night, and the legends of both sides meet to fight at an interval.

In the past battles, although there were many deaths and injuries among level 8 professionals, none of the legendary people fell, but they were injured at most.

But in this fight, a God fell.

A female Deity at the gate of heaven was caught and exploded by a top demon of the abyss alliance.

God\'s personality is broken, God\'s body is revealed, and God\'s Kingdom collapses. Thousands of God\'s blood scattered on the earth, hundreds of thousands of miles around the earth were covered with God\'s blood, endless resentment rose, and God\'s body fell on the earth and evolved into an iceberg for hundreds of thousands of miles.

All the creatures in this area, whether high-level professionals or ordinary people, died in the breath of resentment emitted when the goddess fell. Although the unlucky high-level strong survived, they were suppressed by the falling body under the earth. If there was no half step legend or legend, they could not get out of trouble at all. Can only be suppressed under the body of God and suffer endless suffering.

The gods fell, and all high-level professionals sitting in the ice and snow city were aware of it.

"It\'s abnormal." when the bald man in power convened a public meeting, he said: "generally, when gods or legends fall, they will be pulled out of the plane by a force, or flow into the endless void, or enter the legendary star world. They will never fall directly on one of the planes."

"What\'s unusual? In the records of those books, whenever there is a crazy struggle between legends and gods, the bodies of the fallen will fall where they fell, rather than being excluded to other places." kukas sneered: "it is certain that after this great showdown, many mountains and species will be added to this eternal plane."

"I can\'t say you\'re the cornerstone of those mountains." the bald man in power didn\'t like kukas, but kukas couldn\'t feel whether he had a killing intention in his heart. Therefore, the two people are at most just verbal conflict, and there is no extreme behavior.

"Who dares to press me with mountains?" kukas giggled. Others in power were silent, thinking about what to do.

In kukas, only a few days after their meeting, the high-altitude battle in the Arctic ice sheet became more and more fierce.

The aftermath of the struggle between the top beings began to pour uncontrollably onto the earth. God\'s blood sprinkles the blue sky, and God\'s body falls to the end of the earth. Murderous spirit tears the sky and magic breaks the earth; Hundreds of millions of thunder and fire fell from the sky and infinite magma rose into the sky.

In just three or five days, the Arctic ice sheet was completely destroyed. Countless creatures were affected by the uncontrolled struggle of the top beings. Dozens of empires, only their emperors can be preserved under the protection of the legendary Dharma array. Other cities, as long as there is no legendary Dharma array, are all destroyed by the aftermath of the struggle of the top beings.

Although kukas and their ice city and the two demon nests outside have been affected, the existence of the legendary Dharma array has not been erased. However, a large number of low-level professionals were shocked to death by the aftermath of those struggles.

The struggle of the top beings in the sky fell into a white hot state, and kukas and their high-level professionals also began their killing on the earth.

In this battle, low-level professionals can only shrink under the protection of the legendary law array and dare not go out at all. Only high-level professionals like kukas and others can walk outside.

Perhaps aware of the battle of the eternal plane, the number of professionals above level 8 transmitted by the abyss alliance is increasing.

In the end, the eighth level professionals are just cannon fodder, while the professionals above the tenth level can be regarded as the main force of the war.

Kukas, the rulers of the Arctic ice sheet, lost their identity after the start of the showdown. Turned into the most common cannon fodder.

A piece of divine blood scattered from the sky, fell on the broken earth, touched with the magma, and evolved into some ferocious monsters without any wisdom.

These monsters huff and puff flames, release poisonous smoke and run on the broken earth. Constantly devour all the creatures they can see.

A sacred fire fell from the sky to the earth, and the sacred fire burst into a sea of fire for thousands of miles.

A small group of professionals of the gate of heaven carefully avoided the sacred fire area and were ready to rush into a newly formed mountain to search for precious magic materials.

When they had just bypassed the flame and appeared next to the mountain that had just been formed for only three or five days, they were immediately locked. The next moment, dozens of streamers rushed towards them from the depths of the mountain like lightning.

"Enemy attack!" a caster at the gate of heaven first found the abnormality, so he shouted loudly to remind his companions.

At the same time, he drew strange arcs in the air with his hands. These arcs were combined into a magic array. After extracting enough magic, they turned into a cloud of fire and spread in the direction of dozens of streamers.

Kukas stood on the head of the black dragon, carrying a burning black flag and a knight\'s long gun, cruising at low altitude. Beside him, he followed dozens of professionals who were also level 8.

After the start of the showdown, his noumenon did not return to the main plane world, but remained in this eternal plane, and led dozens of eighth level professionals in the ice and snow city to start cruel hunting in this plane.

A few days ago, when he led dozens of high-level professionals to patrol, he found a newly formed mountain range. Therefore, several people entered the mountain without hesitation. Taking advantage of the fact that the prohibition in the depths of the mountain has not yet evolved successfully, they began to mine the precious magic materials contained therein.

These magic materials are extremely precious. Most of them are evolved from the vertebrae, divine personality and skull in the bodies of fallen top beings.

The magic materials evolved from these things can be made into powerful magic props after secret processing.

Kukas has excavated dozens of such mountains. After collecting some materials, he simply made those materials into one-time killing treasures through secret methods.

Although these killing treasures can only be used once, the power contained in them is extremely powerful. If you hit it, even the Ninth level professional can\'t resist this one-time killing treasure.

After discovering the new top mountain formed by falling, kukas did not hesitate to lead those who followed his high-level professionals to find it, in order to dig out the most precious materials as soon as possible.

However, just as they arrived at the mountain and had not explored the terrain, some spiritual casters in the team noticed the fluctuation of the gate of heaven in the distance.

"Go and kill them." kukas smiled grimly, stepped on the black dragon, waved his long gun and screamed, but called the people to charge there.

The black dragon roared, and the powerful dragon Qi was released and wrapped around the people to form a layer of defense. Then they turned into streamers and rushed towards the people at the gate of heaven.

Of course, they are not unable to use space cracks, but dare not use them. Now the top beings in the sky have been killed crazy. As long as someone on the earth dares to tear the space for transmission, it will be attacked by those top beings immediately.

"Everyone will fall here. No matter which side you are." at the beginning of the war, a top demon shouted out such a sentence with a secret method.

Of course, the top devil fell, and the fallen devil turned into a blood pool hundreds of thousands of miles in size. The blood pool rolled, and endless ferocious monsters climbed out of it, and then walked on the incomplete earth, a difficult survivor.

Although the top devil fell, other top beings also accepted his words. In the eyes of those top beings, all who enter this plane must be buried with fallen legends and gods. Because the falling of the top can\'t be so lonely.

So in order to prevent people from escaping this plane, they will attack there without hesitation as long as they detect the fluctuation of the transmission space crack. Therefore, neither the abyss alliance nor the professionals of the gate of heaven dare tear the space to move if it is not a critical moment of life and death.