Abyss Knight

Chapter 698

The first person in power left. After talking to kukas, he not only left his room, but also left the ice city and even the eternal plane.

When kukas discovered this, it was already a regular meeting in dozens of days.

After he found that the first person in power had been replaced by a bald old man at the regular meeting, kukas suddenly felt something bad in his heart: "the female Knight deceived me. Well, I\'m afraid she really had children, otherwise she would never leave here."

Some stared at the bald old man in front of him in a daze, and kukas fell into a daze for a moment.

The bald old man talked quickly with other people in power. After three or five magic hours, they all left. Kukas was still sitting alone in the conference room, trying to think about the first person in power. Unfortunately, no matter how he thought, he couldn\'t remember the appearance of the female knight.

It took him a long time to wake up. Leave the meeting room blankly, and then walk on the stone road outside. Before he knew it, he went to the square behind the castle.

Here, he saw his black dragon mount.

The black dragon, which used to be fierce and ferocious, became depressed at this time. Even the ferocious breath on his body was invisible and weakened a lot.

When kukas saw him, the black dragon was lying on the ground with big tears. Some trainers pierced him with special tubes and injected some food into him.

"Dear third power holder, your mount is about to collapse now. If you don\'t come here again, he will die if you can\'t tell." a trainer quickly pointed to the black dragon after discovering kukas\'s arrival. "Maybe only you can cheer him up."

The departure of the first person in power, coupled with the failure of his attempt to understand the plane rules for dozens of days, made kukas feel very bad.

After seeing the appearance of the black dragon, the bald evil man kicked the black dragon\'s abdomen, but there he kicked a blood hole.

The dragon\'s blood flowed. The black dragon just glanced at kukas weakly, and then continued to cry on the ground. Big drops of tears, just a person doesn\'t seem to have any vitality.

More than a dozen animal trainers quickly took out huge needles and thread to mend the black dragon. At this time, kukas found that the recovery of the black dragon was dozens of times weaker.

"How did he become like this?" kukas took a deep breath and made a clanging sound when his long and thick fingers collided with each other.

"The third person in power, sir, has been like this since he gave birth to a strange descendant ten days ago." an animal trainer swallowed his saliva hard. After secretly looking at kukas\'s face, he clenched his teeth and told the whole story.

According to these animal trainers, the former first person in power appeared here dozens of days ago. She took the black dragon away. It was not until the night more than ten days ago that the black dragon was sent back. At that time, there was a huge crack in the black dragon\'s stomach, and the internal organs flowed out. He kept shouting about the descendant problem.

"My Lord, according to our inspection, we found that he has become a female creature." some animal trainer said with some uncertainty: "it should be caused by the first person in power of the previous term."

"She said she would help you deal with the black dragon and blow his mind."

"Ha ha!"

Hearing the result, kukas couldn\'t help laughing. When he wanted to change his gender, he just told the first person in power casually. He thought the other party wouldn\'t pay attention to it. Unexpectedly, she really changed her gender to Heilong. Even let the black dragon bear a descendant.

"Get up! If you don\'t get up, I\'ll tell all the dragons that a male black dragon was made into a female and gave birth to offspring." kukas Gaga smiled strangely. The black dragon just whined a few times and still lay on the ground.

"My Lord, he is very weak now. Someone should have urged him to give birth to a descendant decades in advance with a secret method. According to normal conditions, it will take at least decades or even hundreds of years for a giant dragon to give birth to a descendant after being pregnant. Now he has been advanced, which has caused great harm to his body. I\'m afraid it will take years for him to recover." A trainer explained quickly. He didn\'t want kukas to kill the black dragon in front of him in anger. In that way, their trainers wouldn\'t benefit.

You know, every day they take care of the black dragon, they can get a lot of dragon blood, dragon scales and even dragon meat on him. These things are sold to low-level professionals in the ice and snow city, and then exchange a large number of precious magic materials from each other to meet their cultivation.

"Well, take good care of him." kukas turned his mind and released a mind to stab into the black dragon to check.

After this inspection, he found that the soul of the black dragon was not damaged, but the blood essence in his body.

A large amount of blood essence consumption makes the black dragon look so tired and weak. If there is enough time and supplies, the black dragon can recover in less than three or five years.

But kukas didn\'t know whether he could wait three or five years, because at the regular meeting, he felt the anxiety and anxiety of those in power. The emergence of this fluctuation indicates that a large-scale war is coming. Otherwise, as the highest level of the Arctic ice sheet, these rulers would never be so restless.

Considering the coming of large-scale war, kukas directly supplemented the blood essence consumed by the black dragon with the plane original power after thinking about it.

The blood essence was replenished, and the weak black dragon\'s spirit was much better at once. Even the wound just trampled out by kukas healed quickly.

The trainers around looked at kukas with envy. They were very curious about the way the black dragon replenished blood essence so quickly. But they also know that they have only envy and jealousy, but they don\'t have the possibility of that means. You know, the method of replenishing blood essence is not only extremely important for low-level professionals, but also a powerful method of replenishing blood essence for high-level professionals, which is equivalent to a killing secret method.

"I don\'t want to have children. Damn it, I\'ll kill that bitch." the black dragon roared and the ferocious faucet shook up and down. If he hadn\'t been very afraid of the surrounding animal trainer and kukas, he would have been crazy to vent.

"Bitch? How dare you say that about her?" kukas smiled grimly, shook his body and appeared directly on the black dragon\'s head. Then he stepped on it with one foot, which not only crushed the flesh and blood on his head, but also the skull.

"Roar! You are all demons, you bastards. I swear, one day, I want all of you to die." the black dragon wailed miserably, then fell on the ground and didn\'t move.

"Devil? Hehe! No matter what we are, be honest with me. Well! I forgot that you have become a female dragon now. Maybe I should find you a partner." kukas snorted coldly, then stretched out his hand and grabbed each other\'s Dragon horn and twisted.

The Dragon horn creaked, and the painful black dragon rolled on the ground: "OK! OK! I listen to you. Don\'t torture me like this."

"Well, as long as you are honest, I won\'t torture you at all." kukas snorted coldly, loosened the horns of the black dragon, and then motioned the animal trainers to continue to train the black dragon.

"Can you let these bastards leave here? I\'m really fed up with them. I\'ll follow your orders and don\'t let these bastards bother me anymore." at this moment, the black dragon\'s disgust with the profession of animal trainer has reached the extreme. In his mind, if it is possible to get out of trouble in the future, he will try his best to make the profession of animal trainer disappear from countless aspects. At least disappear in the plane he will walk in the future.

"No, you need them, just as they need you." kukas shook his head, then quickly restrained all the power of the black dragon and threw it to the animal trainers to continue training.

All the trainers in the ice castle were extremely excited about kukas\'s behavior. Many of them have rapidly improved their accomplishments because they trained kukas\'s black dragon. Even one person has entered the peak of level 7 from level 6 in a short time. As long as there are sufficient materials and several secret methods, he can really step into the ranks of level 8 animal trainers.

The eighth level animal trainer is extremely powerful, even no worse than the special casters. Therefore, the ice and snow city has long exhausted all means to prepare the materials needed for his promotion. As for the cultivation of secret Dharma, the animal trainer needs to work hard by himself.

After leaving the square, kukas returned to his residence. In his own residence, kukas can lie lazily in bed and find some beautiful women to serve him. Of course, he seldom enjoys this relaxed life. Most of the time, he is busy practicing secret Dharma and trying to understand the rules of heaven and earth.

"If I still can\'t understand the rules of heaven and earth before the war, I\'ll get my noumenon into the thematic world where I was born. If I try there, I may have a harvest." kukas made his latest decision while enjoying the small hand massage of several beautiful women.

The coming showdown may be very tragic, but he is unwilling to let ontology join it. Because the perception of his armor body when fighting with people can also be perceived by his noumenon. His noumenon will seize the time, find ways to understand the rules in place, and fundamentally improve his strength again.