Abyss Knight

Chapter 660

A group of legends whispered beside kukas. Their conversation was fast. Kukas only heard some sporadically. Although he heard a small number, he still had a clear understanding of the follow-up impact of the incident.

After the legend talked with the gods for some time, only one legend remained next to kukas, and all the others left.

"Kukas, I think you should be rewarded in this mission." the legend had a high pointed hat with an unknown metal carved Raptor on the top. In his dry hand, he carried a twisted staff. At the top of the staff, there was a gray black gem shining with a faint light.

"Yes, I successfully completed the task assigned by the league." kukas nodded without any modesty. Although he was a knight, it was sad that he did not inherit the virtues of knights, so he did not understand humility.

"The League heard that you are very interested in an eternal ash book, isn\'t it?" the legend of the pointed hat tilted his head and stared at kukas with a soft smile. "It\'s also a very coincidence that you are the only one among the countless high-level professionals in our jurisdiction."

"We make our own decisions and let you have that book for ten years." finally, the legend of pointed hat said their decision.

"Thank you!" kukas was excited at the speech. You know, it took him more than a hundred years to accumulate enough contributions to exchange for the book when he cultivated magical plants to exchange awards. The books that have exhausted his contribution for more than 100 years can only stay in his hands for one year. Now, because of a task, he got the right to own the book for ten years, which made him extremely excited.

"Although there are some gains in a stable life, they are not as big as those in the battlefield of killing." kukas subconsciously muttered after touching his bald head.

"If people choose, I think most people want to gain in a stable life, not in a dangerous battlefield." the legend of the pointed hat tilted his mouth and muttered: "Of course, there are also some changes and states that like killing most. They like the battlefield, like to screw off other people\'s heads, like to blow up some people\'s bodies, and like to smear them with blood. They are eager for war, killing and death."

"Really?" kukas murmured in a low voice. He had never been to the front line of the gate of heaven and the abyss alliance, so he didn\'t know what the war on the front line was like. But he also longed for war, because only war can have killing, and killing is the best way to stimulate professionals to greatly improve, especially the killing between life and death.

"I don\'t think you want to go to the battlefield, do you?" the legend of the pointed hat asked softly after hearing kukas\'s low voice.

"Maybe! I hope the alliance can give me eleven years of quiet time to study the book. Otherwise, I believe I won\'t have time to study the book when I enter the battlefield. You don\'t want us low-level professionals to die worthless!" kukas touched his bald head and whispered his thoughts.

"Well, we\'ll give you eleven years of comfortable life, which can be regarded as the reward you get for discovering the recovery of supreme existence." the legend of the pointed hat seemed to have expected him to make this request. Without any hesitation, the legend of the pointed hat agreed. With such a fast speed, kukas felt that the members of the abyss alliance had planned it long ago.

The legend of the pointed hat agreed to kukas\'s request, did not say much, but led him to a transmission array, and then motioned him to set out on the array.

"This transmission array leads to a knowledge level, where there are a large number of original books and tens of thousands of professionals in the void area. Maybe you will meet the ash knight in other areas there. You can communicate at that time."

Kukas was puzzled by the legendary words of the pointed hat: "the void area?"

"Yes, the void area. In this endless void, the area controlled by our abyss alliance is divided into hundreds of millions of small areas. Each small area is composed of tens of millions to billions of planes of different sizes."

"The power of the abyss alliance is really strong." kukas took a deep breath and looked at the sharp hat legend with some shock.

"Really? Hehe! If one day you become a legend, I\'m afraid you\'ll take back what you say now." the legend of the pointed hat shook his head and smiled in a low voice: "What I want to tell you here is that you may have a comfortable life in an ordinary empire in a plane, but for the whole endless void, it is extremely rare to have a comfortable life in any period of time. I hope you can make good use of these eleven years, or maybe this is your last quiet retreat."

"The last latent cultivation?" kukas was moved when he looked at the serious pointed hat legend with his head tilted. No matter whether the other party said this to every professional or not, in his opinion, the other party told himself that it was already a kind of kindness.

"The war is far from ordinary people and close to low-level professionals, but it is always with the eighth level professionals."

When kukas stepped on the transmission array and was transmitted away, the pointed hat legend said this last sentence. This sentence was firmly remembered by kukas.

Knowledge level, as the pointed hat legend said, there are a lot of books here. Countless bookshelves hundreds or even thousands of feet high are quietly suspended in the air. Countless professionals fly or stay in those bookshelves quickly.

The whole plane, whether the sky or the earth, is full of bookshelves of different sizes and various rooms for simple rest. Here, no one goes to play and rest, and no one conflicts because of the dispute of spirit. All professionals are crazy reading all the knowledge they want to get here.

In this extremely peaceful plane, kukas took eleven years. In these eleven years, at first, he wanted to collect the traces of other ash Knights through a magic prop to sort out information here. But after wasting three or five days without any harvest, he immediately gave up this behavior. Instead, he began to seriously study the book of eternal ashes.

In these eleven years, he didn\'t stay alone in the corner reading books, but gathered with hundreds of knights to discuss and learn from each other.

Although the thousands of knights are not ash knights, they are all special Knights like kukas.

Shadow knight, thunder knight, starlight knight, morning rain knight, split sky knight, space knight and other extremely rare types of knights. Of course, there are also fierce Knights such as ghost crying knights and evil knights. However, among these knights, kukas is most interested in a killing knight.

Like him, there is only one person in the whole plane of knowledge. Like kukas, she has just become an eighth order knight for more than a hundred years.

The killing knight has never heard of this kind of knight in kukas\'s knowledge, but she is the only professional who gathers thousands of void areas in the whole knowledge level. This killing knight is also extremely strong.

According to the killing knight, now she can easily kill any ninth level professional. In this regard, her knight type is more powerful than the ash Knight of kukas. However, similarly, the killing knight has not been inherited in ancient times, so he came to this knowledge plane through some methods to get some secrets about the killing knight.

However, the luck of the killing knight was countless times worse than that of kukas. She didn\'t find any secret method about the killing Knight here.

Before kukas left, the killing Knight left early because of time. Although they have left a means of contact between them, they all know that after leaving this knowledge plane, the probability of meeting again in the future tends to zero.

"Is this the sorrow of the special knight?"

After eleven years of communication with other knights and studying the book of eternal ashes, kukas only knew two killing secrets. The cultivation of these two killing secrets is extremely time-consuming. Without three or five thousand years, there is no hope of success. And he doesn\'t know if he can live three or five thousand years.

When he returned to the fortress again through the teleportation array, he was immediately assigned a new task.

As the legend of pointed hat said before, after becoming the eighth order, the war time is with them, and the comfortable life is too extravagant for them.

The new task is very simple, that is to kill. The battlefield of murder is a high-order plane of different sizes.

However, before going to the battlefield, kukas talked to the masters of the abyss alliance and took the lead in returning to the burning plane under his control.

After tens of thousands of years of development, the burning plane has been greatly different from that when kukas left that year.

Back to the burning plane, kukas is the mysterious space where the origin of the plane directly appears.

In the millions of miles of huge space, those golden original forces occupy less than one tenth of the area.

Of course, this does not mean that the original power of the plane has weakened, but that the original power of the plane has undergone strange changes in these tens of thousands of years.

Under the condition that the abyss alliance continues to extract other plane source forces and instill them into this plane source, a large part of the plane source forces here have condensed into a golden crystal. These golden crystals are far more pure than the fog like original power, and they are also more powerful than the power they contain.

Tens of thousands of legends and gods are floating in this space. Their faces are pale and look like dead. However, kukas knows that these people are not dead, but they have been fatally wounded in the war. Here, they are rapidly recovering with the nourishment of the plane\'s original power. These injured legends and gods can absorb some original power to recover from their injuries here, It is because the abyss alliance forcibly extracted thousands of planes and instilled their original power here.

In exchange, kukas manipulated the original power and modified the plane rules to a certain extent, so as to treat all kinds of legends and gods who were seriously injured.

Of course, although there are a large number of plane origins in general planes, those planes are not really controlled by a person, or after being controlled, they cannot actively modify the rules because of the lack of plane props. Therefore, although the original power in those planes is strong, they have no ability to treat injuries.

Moreover, if the injured legends and gods enter into those plane sources, they will be forcibly absorbed by the plane source power as a material to increase power.

A white light flashed, and from time to time, there were legends and gods who lacked arms and legs and looked very embarrassed. At the same time, some people are directly transmitted away by white light after recovering from the injury.

After standing here for more than ten breaths, kukas found that at least a thousand legends had left, and also more than a thousand top classes came here to heal their wounds.

This healing speed seems to be extremely fast, but compared with the whole all-out war, the speed of healing pain is too slow. You know, in the front line, almost every breath time, countless legends and gods fall completely, and more people are injured.

Most of the injured powerful professionals can only recover a little by themselves and some magic drugs. Only a few strong disciples will be transported to special areas like kukas for treatment.

There are only dozens of special areas for treatment like kukas in his void area. Moreover, only a few of the therapeutic effects there can surpass kukas, and several other special areas are not as strong as kukas.

Although the ability of face-to-face therapy can be improved, the investment required is extremely huge. Even the abyss alliance is unwilling to invest too much. According to kukas\'s estimation, it will take at least hundreds of thousands of low-order planes to double the therapeutic ability of this face source. Among them, there is the possibility of failure.

Coupled with some power struggles and interest relations within the abyss alliance, kukas gradually cut off the support of external original forces in the zero order plane.

In order to develop the plane of combustion, the treatment of this source is controlled and will not reduce the development of many planes due to the treatment of a large number of legends and gods.

Ignore the legends and gods being treated. Of course, those gods and legends will ignore him, even if he is the master of this plane.

A golden original power was ejected from the Golden Crystal and then instilled into him. The golden original power quickly washed his body, and then filled his fighting space, cleaning up some divine power left in the struggle with the goddess.

Finally, these golden original forces poured into his altar and began to wash the altar and the souls hidden in the altar.

The original force scoured repeatedly for dozens of times. After finding no abnormality, kukas ended the clean-up.

He released a trace of mind into the original power. Through the original power, he instantly understood the development of the burning plane during this period of time.

"I don\'t know if I can come back in the future." looking at the top professionals who silently receive treatment around, kukas was bitter in his heart. As strong as legends and gods, he ended up so miserable. I\'m afraid he would be more dangerous as a small eighth order knight.

"What\'s more, now he lacks a mount, and his strength will decline a little, but it\'s unpleasant." after complaining alone, he doesn\'t stay here anymore, but directly appears in the sky in the ruling plane.

Suspended in the sky, endless killing breath filled the air. These killing breath condensed into a substance and slowly floated in the air. The smell of killing is not caused by the invasion of war here, but by the killing of the green skins who regard this place as an eternal home.

Although there are many murderous smells in the sky, kukas believes that these murderous smells will never completely occupy this plane. Because in this plane, people from the abyss alliance have made tens of thousands of huge Dharma arrays to extract these killing breath and refine some magic props.

In the eyes of those in the abyss alliance, the killing breath condensed in this plane is too rare. It\'s not enough for them to refine magic props.

There are white jade like roads on the earth. Looking down from the sky, it looks like a huge spider web covering the whole earth.

The white jade like roads are thousands of feet wide, and countless green teeth are planted on them. However, in one day, those teeth will mature. Then they kill their companions, wave their leg bones and go to the distant transmission altar.

All the way forward, all the way to kill, the flesh and blood of the same kind is their food, and the bones of the same kind are their weapons.

When a green skin crosses tens of thousands of miles to reach the nearest transmission altar, they have to kill at least hundreds of their own kind.

Around the huge transmission altar, there are thousands of miles of white bones. Plant green teeth in this white bone land, but a new green skin will be born in less than half a moment of magic.

Those who can plant teeth in this area are the green skins furthest from the altar. After a long killing, their own strength has reached the peak. Similarly, their offspring are stronger than ordinary green skins.

According to kukas\'s information, the burning plane has been expanded thousands of times when he left that year. Almost every breathing time, ten billion green skins are born. However, at the same breathing time, less than a billion green skins can step into the transmission altar.