Abyss Knight

Chapter 659

The big hand wrapped in Golden Gloves appeared directly in front of the broken short spear. Jin cancan\'s finger gently touched the short spear condensed by the divine text and magic text. The whole spear was like a bubble, which was easily broken by the golden finger.

The sword once again crossed the void, across time and space, and the golden sword appeared directly under the brilliant palace.

The saber that crossed the strange arc struck the palace gently. In an instant, the saber cut thousands of times.

The images of thousands of swords appeared and died around the brilliant Palace at the same time, just like a blooming flower withering in an instant.

Kukas\'s mind was involuntarily pulled into the blooming knife light. When he woke up, thousands of cracks of different sizes had appeared in the brilliant palace.

Endless cold light was instilled into the palace from the virtual shadow behind the palace. The cold light repaired the cracks, but was torn again by the gold fighting spirit hidden in the cracks. Such repeated stalemate, but breathing, the huge brilliant palace finally collapsed.

The broken palace scattered countless fragments of different sizes, but these fragments were completely evaporated by the golden light released by the armor man before they fell to the ground.

When the palace was broken, the armor man did not stop, but waved his sword again and cut at the vague shadow.

A knife crosses space and time, and the sabres that cross the strange arc appear directly around the virtual shadow. These sabres turn into thousands of sabres and cut on the figure from all directions.

When the huge figure was chopping with the golden sabre, it just ejected thousands of feet of cold light from his eyes to block it. In addition, there was no other way to resist the sabre light.

Thousands of knife light easily tore the thousands of feet thick and thin cold light from the virtual shadow\'s eyes. The cold light fell in the void hundreds of thousands of miles away and evolved into all kinds of monsters walking in it. Some broken swords turned into golden turbulence and continued to hunt down the monsters.

The huge virtual shadow collapsed, which made the surrounding void violently turbulent. However, the unrest did not spread to kukas, because the golden light released by the armor man was too tenacious. No matter how violent the void is, those golden lights never wavered.

"Did you wake me up from my deep sleep?" an ethereal voice sounded between heaven and earth. The next moment, kukas and the secret female mage found themselves directly in the tens of thousands of feet high, standing face to face with the armor man.

"Sorry, we didn\'t wake you up. We just passed by here and were attacked by the enemy." the secret female mage didn\'t dare to speak at all, while kukas spoke in a deep voice after the most ancient etiquette.

He did not dare to deceive the armor man in front of him. In his opinion, the armor man in front of him can easily erase the killing scroll that can turn the earth and sky into endless void, which represents his strong strength. In front of such a powerful creature, he knew that lies would only bring him disaster, but would not do him any good.

"Oh! War? Total war? Ha ha!" the armor man smiled in a low voice. His laughter seemed extremely neutral. He didn\'t know whether it was a man or a woman. But it doesn\'t matter to kukas. He looks at the endless void tens of thousands of miles away and just thinks about how to get out of here.

"Abyss alliance? Gate of heaven? HMM! Never heard of it." the armor man was silent for a long time, as if he were checking his memory. It was only after a long time that the words that made kukas and the secret female mage feel extremely collapsed came out.

"The abyss alliance and the gate of heaven, which have existed for countless times, have not heard of it. When did this man exist? Did he live in the same era with those evil knights?" a series of doubts emerged in kukas\'s mind, but he did not dare to ask each other.

"Where do you want to go? I\'ll send you away! This plane is about to collapse." after a slight pause, the armor man said in a deep voice, "for the sake of being the ash knight."

Kukas just wanted to refuse, but the secret female mage on one side suddenly condensed a breath and entrusted it to the armor man to watch.

That breath is the thematic world of the birth of kukas. Of course, it is also the thematic world of the birth of secret female mages.

Obviously, the secret female mage is extremely eager to leave the war and return to her hometown. As for whether her hometown is in good condition, she can\'t care now.

"As you wish." the armor man stretched out his hand and made a virtual point at the secret female mage. The next moment, the secret female mage\'s body blurred. She looked at kukas in surprise, but disappeared out of thin air in a few moments. No space crack, no transmission array, just disappeared.

"I think we should have a good talk. Well! Tell me about what happened since the era of ghost crying Knight! Although the plane is about to collapse, I believe you won\'t be hurt here." the armor man was so quietly suspended in the air, and decided kukas\'s idea very casually.

Of course, kukas can choose to refuse, but he dare not refuse. After all, the other party is too powerful. If he refuses such a powerful and insignificant request, he believes something will happen to make his situation worse.

As his mind turned, kukas quickly condensed some of his understanding of the endless void into a trace of fighting spirit, and then handed that trace of fighting spirit to the armor man.

The armor man did not observe whether there was any killing secret in the fighting spirit, but reached out to touch the fighting spirit and immediately mastered all the information contained therein. Of course, the information is not too comprehensive. At least kukas hides a lot about the abyss alliance and himself.

The armor man seemed not to know that he had hidden some information. After absorbing the information, he turned his head and looked into the void in the distance.

For a long time, a slight sigh sounded in his mouth: "Normally, I should help you find an inheritance of the ash knight and give it to you, but unfortunately, in the era when the ash knight was destroyed, all the top-level ash knights were forcibly destroyed by others, and the inheritance of knights hidden in the long river of years was forcibly destroyed by some people. Even now I am not able to help you You find the legacy of the ash knight. "

"My Lord, I don\'t want the inheritance of the ash Knight any more. I\'m just curious. Why would someone erase the inheritance of the ash knight? Isn\'t this inheritance immortal?" kukas was confused after hearing the words of the armor man.

According to the armor man, even if he is promoted to the ash knight in the normal way, it will not be passed on to him by the void. This result is unacceptable to him. In his opinion, even if all the Knights are dead, even after the endless era, the inheritance of a knight will still exist. As long as someone is promoted, there will be Inheritance appeared. But now the other party\'s words suddenly overturned his previous understanding, so he couldn\'t help asking.

"Ha ha! It seems that people in your age have really lost a lot of things. HMM! Or they have been plundered by people in the future." The armor man muttered to himself. At first, kukas could hear what he was saying, but in the back, he saw the armor man\'s face twisting and wriggling, but he couldn\'t hear any sound, and the surrounding images were blurred. In the end, it seemed that he was alone standing in the endless void.

"Boom!" a muffled sound rang in his mind. After the muffled sound, kukas felt the void around him broken, and the disappearing scene and sound appeared next to him at once.

"It is said that there is a strong existence in the future. After crossing the river of time and going against the current for countless times, they fought with a powerful enemy of the past era, and their struggle spread to the ash knights in the ancient times. Then the marks of those ash Knights over the ages were all erased by the strong existence." the armor man smiled in a low voice.

"Cross the long river of time? Go back to the past against countless times and fight with his enemies?" kukas cried out. These things were unthinkable before, but now they were said. For a time, his mood was agitated, and countless thoughts emerged and burst in his heart. The whole person\'s thoughts were completely changed by the words of the armor man.

"Ha ha! To be exact, that person is not the enemy of the powerful existence, but the powerful existence, just to explore the long river of time and simply kill the strong." the armor man\'s face armor is constantly changing, sometimes showing an expression of envy, sometimes showing an expression of jealousy. It seems that the legendary powerful existence has a great impact on him.

"Exploring for a long time? Simply killing the strong? I think the strong existence must be crazy." kukaston thought of some accounts he saw in books.

In those books, it is recorded that many legends and gods lived for too long. Finally, for some reasons, they led to psychological collapse and became a madman wandering in the endless void.

"Crazy? Do you think an existence that spans countless times in an instant will go crazy? He just wants to destroy all the strong. He just wants to be the most powerful in the whole void, whether in the past, present or future." the armor man sneered.

"Where are you going?"

"Here." kukas wanted to ask the other party about the long river of time, because he had heard the word long river of time many times, but no one had explained it to him, so he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get some explanations about this word.

However, he was disappointed again. The armor man obviously didn\'t want to talk to him again. Therefore, he had to condense the atmosphere of a standing face of the abyss alliance and let the other party send him.

A trace of facial breath was twining in his hand. After glancing at it, the armor man reached out to take the breath, and then rubbed it in his hand. The next moment, the breath turned into a portal and appeared in front of kukas.

"You go first! I want to borrow that finriel magic bear for a while. I just use it to do some experiments, and it won\'t hurt it. Well, take back the soul in it first, or stay in it?"

"Stay inside first!" kukas thought a little, knew he had no right to refuse, and immediately made a decision. In his opinion, if he left part of his soul fragments in the magic bear, he could not say that he could learn something from the armor man in front of him through the magic bear.

"Well." the armor man hummed softly, and then continued, "it seems that a lot of knowledge in this era has been plundered and erased. Otherwise, you should know that some means can manipulate the noumenon soul through soul fragments."

"I believe you." kukas clenched his teeth, but he couldn\'t care about anything else. Opening his mouth was a lie. At this moment, he can\'t show timidity, especially can\'t overturn the original decision.

After deciding about the finriel magic bear, the armor man looked at the void outside the golden light for a long time, and then stretched out his hand to point at the finriel magic bear. The golden light shrouded the demon bear and instantly reduced it to the size of a baby\'s fist. At the same time, the soul fragment of kukas contained in the magic bear also completely lost contact with him.

"Go in! It won\'t last long," whispered the armor man. "Maybe you can stay here and wait for the evolution of the void, and finally give birth to a new plane. You may feel something."

Kukas did not pay attention to the words behind the armor man. After he did a courtesy to the other party, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he turned sideways and entered the portal. At the moment of entering the portal, he hoped that he would never meet the armored man. After all, the strength of the other party is too strong. Maybe an idea will make him completely disappear from the world.

As for the finriel magic bear, it did not belong to him. He decided to return to the burning plane immediately after returning, and wash his soul with the help of the original power of the plane to prevent accidents.

Across the portal, kukas appeared directly in the plane that had sent him away.

But this time he appeared not in an underground space, nor on an island floating in the air, but directly in mid air.

Coming out of the portal, kukas was stunned by everything in front of him. After the portal disappeared behind him, he found that his upper, lower, left and right were full of professionals.

Each of these professionals sent out an extremely obscure breath. Although the breath was extremely weak, he still noticed that the breath was somewhat similar to the strong breath he felt on the fallen goddess. Obviously, it is not legends or gods who gather here.

Such a large number of legends and gods gathered here, which made kukas immediately feel infinite pressure. Even though the breath of these legends and gods did not lock him, he still felt the air around him was dignified, and his body seemed to be imprisoned by the secret law and could not move.

After seeing the power of a goddess, I now see that there are countless people as powerful as the goddess around me. For a time, I can\'t even say a word.

"How did you get to this plane?" a voice rang in his ear.

"Sent by someone." he opened his mouth hard. Kukas swallowed his saliva hard before he spoke. When the sound sounded, he felt that the dignified pressure shrouded around him disappeared in an instant.

"Who are you? You are the ash Knight kukas. You once entered a plane of the gate of heaven to perform a task, and the task time is not up." a legendary voice sounded, but questioned kukas.

"That face has been broken," kukas said with the a wry smile, and then described in detail what he had encountered in that face.

In this mission, the most regrettable thing he felt was not that he didn\'t get the object when the goddess fell, nor did he lose the finriel magic bear, but the eternal ashes. He didn\'t read this book for much time.

Listening to the story of kukas, the legends and gods around him gradually disappeared. Finally, there were only dozens of legends and gods around him to prevent accidents.

"Can you condense the image of that man with a secret method?" a god suddenly asked when hearing kukas\'s story about the palace of the evolution of armor man and killing scroll.

"I can try." kukas took a deep breath, and then prepared to use a secret method to condense the image of the armored man in his memory.

"Don\'t try, he doesn\'t have that ability." an old legend suddenly stopped kukas\'s behavior: "an existence that can easily resist the attack of killing gods, and an existence that can eliminate the plane with every move, is not the eighth level professional who can condense the image."

"That is the supreme existence." a legend sighed in a low voice, and his words were full of worry: "even we have no ability to condense the image of the supreme existence."

"What is the reason for the emergence of a supreme being who has been sleeping for many times? Is it this war?"

"Don\'t think so much. The supreme existence does not recover by itself, but because of the spread of struggle."

"The scroll of killing, if it were not for the emergence of the scroll of killing, I\'m afraid that plane would completely collapse and die, and the supreme existence would not appear."

"Yes! I didn\'t expect that in this endless void, there are such things as killing scrolls."