Abyss Knight

Chapter 657

When the secret female mage saw that the sky swallowing Python condensed by the blood rain was fierce, she immediately cut off her mind control in panic. When the sky swallowing Python rushed to her, only a hundred feet away, it suddenly dispersed and turned into an endless rain of blood and fell down.

"The dignity of the gods cannot be violated, even the gods of death." looking at the scene in front of him, kukas thought, "just don\'t know how many years the dignity of a dead god can last."

Kukas couldn\'t help sighing when he thought of the scenes of gods and even clerical fragments collected by the blonde general.

"It\'s just a forced support. After three or five hundred years, someone will come to the door sooner or later and dig out all the mineral veins of her divine bone evolution. It\'s a pity that the crown of skull evolution." the secret female mage muttered with some regret.

The legendary Dharma in the sky made a creaking sound, as if the old wheel was forcibly pushed and powerless turned.

Endless breath of killing, evolving monsters constantly condense out, and then hit it.

The golden cloud was pressed down again. With the golden cloud pressed down again, another cold light fell from the sky and instantly hit the huge light ball swimming on the legendary Dharma array.

The light ball expanded dozens of times, and then contracted a little. The next moment, the ball of light cracked like ice falling from the sky.

With the breaking of the light ball, thousands of solid figures burst out in the rotating legendary Dharma array.

These solid figures made a shrill whistling sound, and the infinite prohibition array was generated behind them, and then expanded wildly around them.

A figure flew into the air and burst. The infinite magic was vented, but it evolved into a legendary range. The magic shrouded tens of thousands of miles outside the imperial capital.

Unfortunately, not only did these magical powers not show up, but even the magical structure was easily erased by the cold light released from the golden cloud.

Hundreds of figures burst in the air, trying to release the most powerful magic in the legend to unite to wipe out the attack around, but no magic can release its power. But in an instant, those magical structures were erased.

When hundreds of people rose to the sky and wanted to release the range magic, a golden cloud sank in the distance, evolved into a huge stone and fell on the earth. After absorbing the gravel and sand on the ground, the stone ridge with a height of more than 1000 feet changes to a height of thousands of feet. From a distance, the whole body is golden, as if it was made of unknown magic metal.

The stone roll, leaving a gully more than a hundred feet deep. Countless strange words and patterns fell from the golden clouds, surrounded by endless killing monsters.

The stone roll, a breath of crushing heaven and earth and destroying all living creatures emanates from it. Even if it was hundreds of thousands of miles apart, even if it was resisted by the legendary Dharma array, some of the breath still penetrated the Dharma array, and then raged wildly in the imperial capital covered with blood.

The tyranny that penetrated into the legendary Dharma array was several times stronger than the tyranny released by the goddess.

Under this pressure, kukas and the secret female mage were all forcibly suppressed into the blood.

After being suppressed by the smell of the stone, the thirteen plane props of the guard kukas made a reluctant hiss.

Although kukas intended to control 13 plane props to compete with the breath, he gave up which idea after considering his current situation.

The head was floating in the blood. Some red blood penetrated the guard of 13 black flags and fell directly on his head.

A drop of blood fell on his head. He only felt a burst of fever in his head, and then he noticed that there was pruritus and itching under his neck. After careful observation, he found that new flesh and blood had grown under his neck.

Unable to hook the plane source to repair the body, kukas was now repaired by the abnormal blood in the blood, and his mood was much better. But then he worried that the fallen goddess\'s mind was hidden in the blood water, so he did it in order to seize the opportunity to give up rebirth.

Therefore, he took the initiative to control 13 black flags and forcibly resisted other blood and water. Only after carefully observing the newly grown flesh and blood, and finding no abnormality, did he open the defense of the thirteen plane props and allow more blood to repair his body.

Of course, not all blood and water can be integrated into his body for repair. In the endless blood and water, only a few blood and water have this effect. According to the conjecture of Kukas and the hidden female master, those blood water that can repair the body is actually the blood essence of the falling goddess, but the other blood water is only a vision of the goddess falling down. Of course, whether this guess is correct or not is not what kukas and his team are considering.

With this discovery, kukas began to actively and purposefully absorb those special blood water. The secret female mage on one side also went to the distance to help him collect it.

However, in a few breathing times, under the action of a large number of special blood and water, kukas\'s body soon recovered its integrity.

The light mass of gold and silver mixed into his arms again, and the strong ash swam around the new body, but he found that the newly generated body was just as strong as his head, so he didn\'t reduce his strength because of his physical strength.

The breath released by Shi Yu became more and more powerful. It was like the unwilling cry of hundreds of millions of creatures at the time of death and the resentment of infinite powerful people who fell in countless times.

In the breath condensed into essence, tens of millions of monsters gallop on the earth, and one incomplete image emits an infinite smell of killing and dances in the air.

These smells hit the legendary Dharma array fiercely. For a moment, the explosion continued, the ten million forbidden Dharma array kept growing and dying, the earth trembled, and the sky within hundreds of thousands of miles was violently turbulent.

At this moment, it seems that the whole world will be torn apart by infinite power, and it is like the coming of the supreme existence.

The blood cloud in the imperial capital kept rolling under the impact of the breath, and large tracts of blood cloud broke, and the foul blood sent out a stench and fell into the blood water.

Those dirty blood fell to the ground, and suddenly a ferocious beast came out. After swallowing some blood, the monsters turned to attack the legendary Dharma array around them. But the resentment of the goddess after her death manipulated them, resenting that the legendary Dharma array did not protect her.

The secret female mage in the blood gave up this work after collecting some abnormal blood. This is not because the outside atmosphere oppressed her and she didn\'t have that ability, but she completely lost the idea of living after she noticed the abnormal situation outside.

"Since we are all going to die, why waste time collecting those useless things? Hehe! I wanted to ascend the throne and become the Supreme God King in the future. Unexpectedly, everything has become a fantasy." the secret female mage smiled in a low voice. Laughing and laughing, drops of crystal clear tears slid down his face, and finally he couldn\'t help crying.

Kukas did not feel anything inappropriate about the gaffe of the secret female mage. Although they are high-level professionals and appear so strong and noble in front of those low-level beings, their hearts are still very fragile in the face of death that they can\'t resist. Even because they can\'t accept the reality for a time, their inner fragility is more violent than those low-level professionals.

Such fragility often represents a person\'s growth limit. In his opinion, even if the secret female mage can live under the power of the killing scroll, she will not be able to step on the position of God in the future.

The golden clouds in the sky are still slow and calm, and the stones hundreds of thousands of miles away are rolling faster and faster.

The roar continued. According to kukas\'s estimation, it was only more than ten breathing times at most, and the huge stone would hit the legendary array. At that time, he believed that the unmanned legendary array could not resist.

Quietly suspended in the sky, feeling the coolness brought by blood scattered on him, kukas\'s thoughts became clearer and clearer.

"I\'m afraid the most powerful power of the killing scroll is the cold light and the current Shi Heng. The cold light has disappeared. As long as I can escape to a certain distance at the moment when Shi Heng tears the legendary Dharma array, I can avoid its most powerful power." he slowly turned the gun and axe in his hand, and he remembered the fenrier magic bear still fighting with the golden spear in the cave: "At that time, it\'s not impossible to join forces with the finriel magic bear to use the knight\'s secret method to resist those monsters with a murderous atmosphere."

"It\'s really not good. I\'ll try my best to spend some soul power and urge a plane prop. I don\'t believe that plane prop can\'t resist those killing monsters. At that time, with the power of plane prop, it may even break the power of this killing scroll."

A series of strange ideas flashed through his mind, but he didn\'t know that the goddess fought with the cold light released from the killing scroll once. It took a void treasure to be injured and fall under the protection of the legendary Dharma array.

Although his plane props are strong, they are nothing compared with empty treasures.

After all, in the information he has, the plane props are extremely precious to every legend and God, not to mention the vanity treasure he has never heard of?