Abyss Knight

Chapter 611

All kinds of the secret method flashed in his mind, and kukas was more and more excited. "It\'s really time to take some time to practice the secret method, otherwise it will continue like this. Although I can master more information and knowledge, it doesn\'t increase the substantive improvement of combat effectiveness. Now I control the magic castle alone. If anything happens, I can only rely on myself."

The thoughts in his mind kept changing. At this time, he suddenly felt a strong magical force coming in the distance.

The powerful magic power rolled over like a tide. After feeling that there was a trace of murderous spirit in it, kukas immediately improved his caution.

When his mind turned, some forbidden Dharma arrays in the magic castle began to draw magic liquid for operation at any time, while he himself drew out his gun and axe with his back hand.

The strong magic power turned into a dark cloud and rolled over, but in a few breathing times, it rushed to him from hundreds of miles away.

The magic power dissipated, revealing the figure of a black robed caster. Looking carefully, the man was a caster who controlled the magic castle with him a few days ago.

"Kukas." the dark cloud rolled, and the caster stood in the dark cloud of magic power and stared at kukas fiercely. "What do you mean?"

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about." kukas narrowed his eyes, slowly turned his gun and axe in his hand, and said grimly: "If nothing happens, you\'d better not come here. This is the area controlled by the abyss alliance. It\'s easy for me to think you\'re invading. If it\'s the same next time, I think you won\'t mind feeling the power of the magic castle."

"Kukas, don\'t be careless with me. Why are we all transferred from this magic castle and you still stay here? When will the other controllers come?" the caster snorted coldly, but didn\'t pay attention to kukas\'s threat and ridicule.

"There are no other masters. From now on, I will be the only master of this magic castle. What\'s the matter?" kukas heard the speech and giggled. He looked at the black robed caster and said in a strange voice: "To tell you the truth, if you agreed to my request a few days ago, maybe the alliance would not transfer you out. Well, it\'s very strange. I just said that you had some degree of trade with some empires in this plane, and the leaders of that plane alliance transferred you to other places. It\'s a little strange!"

The black robed caster took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his anger and snorted.

"Maybe we should talk about future transactions. If you need it, we can help you build thousands of magic pools." after a little silence, the black robed caster suddenly changed the topic and said so.

"Magic pool? I\'m sorry, I don\'t understand what you\'re talking about. I don\'t need any magic pool now." kukas touched his bald head and laughed. After completely controlling the magic castle, he found that there was a huge magic pool in the castle, constantly drawing magic power from the void and condensing into liquid.

Although it is only a magic pool, the power contained in it is extremely powerful. Almost a magic time, there is a magic stone condensed in the pool. After he extracted a third of the magic liquid from the pool to expand the plantation, but in just half a magic time, enough magic liquid gathered in the pool again.

He roughly estimated that relying on the magic pool in the magic castle alone, he can not only continuously increase the area of the plantation, but also mobilize some magic liquid to irrigate the barren mountains outside the castle, so as to plant more magic plants.

Of course, he just thought about it, and would not really spend a lot of energy to transport those magic liquids to the outside. According to his idea, if we continue to build magic plantations outside, what will be used as energy supplement will not be the magic pool, but the magic stone taken from the magic castle.

These magic stones are the essence of the magic pool. Normally, a standard magic pool takes hundreds of years to produce a magic stone. But in the magic pool of magic castle, half magic time can coagulate one.

Although the cohesion speed of the magic stone is countless times faster than normal, the power contained in the magic stone is not half weakened.

A magic stone embedded in a special Dharma array can slowly transform the land within a hundred miles. Like the magic liquid, it can release fluctuations and irrigate all plants in the whole area and even underground minerals.

Speaking of magic stone, it can also be quenched by secret method. It can be used to quench the armor gathered by melee professionals. It can also be polished by secret method and become a necessary material for making powerful magic props.

Of course, the most important reason why he doesn\'t need the magic pool is that he has completely controlled the magic castle. As long as he has enough magic power, the plantation in the castle can be continuously expanded. In this way, he doesn\'t have to waste time to expand the planting area outside.

"Kukas, I think you need it." the caster took a deep breath and was extremely dissatisfied with the bald man\'s answer, but now is not the time to roar.

"No, I just needed it before, but I don\'t need it now. Well! Is there anything else? If there\'s nothing else, I think you can leave." kukas shook his gun and axe and said impatiently, "I have a lot of things to do, and I don\'t have time to waste on this meaningless conversation."

"Several empires want to trade with you, hoping to get some magic materials from you, and what they provide are some ancient and powerful professional books and special treasures: such as magic stones."

"Those books are original books and are permanently traded to you."

"Will a huge empire lack magic materials? Although the quality of magic materials in the castle is very good, compared with those empires, this magic material is nothing at all. I don\'t think they want to trade with me for these reasons!" kukas laughed strangely, and he didn\'t recognize the words of the caster at all. He had enough reason to believe that even if he took out the materials in the whole magic castle and gave them to an empire, the Empire would not increase its national strength because of the surplus materials.

"That\'s why. To be honest, some empires are very sincere to cooperate with you." the black robed caster continued after a little silence: "I think you should go with me to meet the personnel of these empires and talk to them in detail, which is more detailed than I told you."

"Forget it! I don\'t have much time to wander outside. I don\'t have time to talk about cooperation with strangers. Owning this magic castle has made me feel satisfied." kukas touched his bare head and laughed.

"I think you should meet those who want to cooperate with you. You should know that they have great energy in those empires. They can provide you with some spell casters who are proficient in research, and can also prevent any spell caster who is proficient in research from arriving here." the black robed caster feels extremely helpless about kukas\'s stubbornness, But for a while, I couldn\'t think of any way to solve it, so I said a way out, hoping to make the bald evil man have some scruples.

"Well, I don\'t need any researchers anymore." he didn\'t care at all about the threat of the black robed caster. In his opinion, in the past, researchers were called to study those magical plants in order to increase production and turn in more materials to benefit themselves. But now he alone controls a magic castle, and the plantations inside can provide him with enough benefits, so he doesn\'t have to spend energy recruiting researchers at all.

For kukas\'s insistence, the black robed caster had no way at all. After another conversation, they separated.

After the black robed caster left, kukas issued a new order. At his command, the spellcasters who were studying magic plants thousands of miles away gave up their base and began to march towards the magic castle as required by kukas.

Kukas plans to let these spell casters who are proficient in research to his magic castle for various research. After all, there are more abundant materials here, which can greatly speed up their research speed.

As the days passed, after more than 10000 casters were arranged to live in the castle, kukas\'s life returned to a regular state again.

Every day, he spends a lot of time reading books, understanding his previous knowledge stored in the fighting space, using secret methods to refine his fighting armor, and patrolling the mountains with the help of props in the magic castle. He spends other time practicing overlaying seals.

The cultivation of Fu Di Yin is very simple compared with other secret methods. In just a few days, he had a simple understanding of the structure of the first-order Dharma array of Fu Di Yin, and could outline the Dharma array little by little without the fighting spirit of secret method operation. However, if you want to really cultivate and complete this killing method, it is impossible to succeed by condensing the Dharma array with ordinary fighting spirit. Because what has not been tempered by the secret method is ash fighting Qi. Even if the Dharma array is outlined, the Dharma array has no power and effect.

If he wants to cultivate the killing method of success, he must swim the initial ash fighting Qi in several special meridians in his body in different order and frequency, and then use these changed fighting Qi to outline the Dharma array, which can be regarded as successful cultivation.