Abyss Knight

Chapter 595

The golden light came out of the natural Banshee\'s chest and condensed into a strange Rune in mid air.

Before kukas could see the rune clearly, it turned into a golden impact on his forehead. The next moment, it appeared in his fighting space.

The rune appeared in his fighting space and disappeared directly into the altar. Then the altar began to tremble slightly, and bursts of sounds like thunder came out of it.

Every time the thundering sound sounded, the whole fighting space trembled violently. At the same time, the fighting space was expanded, and the altar also drew a lot of fighting spirit by itself to add a circle.

The thunder rang more than a thousand times in a row, and the sound shook his heart and mind. After the thunder, he found that his fighting space had increased dozens of times than at first, and the central altar had also increased dozens of times or even nearly a hundred times in size.

"It is the secret method that increases one\'s own strength. He can\'t understand the mystery, but he has avoided a lot of dangers and has both gains and losses." looking at the expanded altar and space, kukas thought of something in an instant. At this time, he had some remorse in his heart, but more was the joy of promotion.

Silver white silk thread appeared out of thin air from the void. These silk threads melted into his body along the pores of his body. The next moment, countless information and images from the void along these silk threads into his mind.

A crack appeared over the altar in the center of the fighting space. There were no previous visions of promotion, but a golden liquid poured down and poured all on the altar.

"The secret method is a secret method after all. Although it has reduced countless dangers, it has lost a lot of understanding." kukas subconsciously sighed as he watched the golden liquid pouring down.

Feeling in the heart, but the mind didn\'t stop.

A large number of people began to gather the Dharma array. This dharma array is not the promotion Dharma array used in the previous promotion, but the Dharma array that needs to be outlined when transferring. The extremely complex Dharma array was quickly constructed without any influence, and then quickly integrated into the altar.

After the altar got the Dharma array, it just trembled slightly, and then it returned to calm. No professional inheritance, no breath of ancient times, just formed a pattern branded on the altar. All this is the result of his shortcut. Of course, if you are promoted according to normal conditions, the probability of success is only 1%. Now, after paying some price, although some inheritance has been lost, it has been successfully completed.

After a pause, he saw that there was still golden liquid pouring into the altar in the virtual air, and kukas continued to build the Dharma array of the next special professional.

The construction of this dharma array has not been completed unexpectedly, and this time, there is also no ancient professional inheritance. Although it is a great pity, some efforts can be borne in order to complete the promotion safely and smoothly. Moreover, he was prepared long ago. A lot of secrets and knowledge about his new career after this promotion have been obtained with the help of the original plane battlefield center. All he has to do in the future is to study slowly.

Not long after the completion of the Dharma array, the golden liquid poured out from the void crack began to become smaller, but it still didn\'t stop.

At this time, he has completed his promotion. After passing the secret law, there is no vision and no ancient inheritance. Only after he is promoted to the eighth level, this heaven and earth instills some scattered knowledge and information into him. Of course, perhaps because of his position, or because of his skillful secret method, the information and knowledge given to him in this world are also much less than those who are promoted normally.

Perhaps because of the secret method, the golden liquid poured for less than half a quarter of the magic time, which was over.

After all the golden liquids entered the altar, kukas began to mobilize these liquids according to the secret method, and then began to outline his killing talent according to the talent map.

A large amount of golden liquid made him easily complete the construction of level 10 killing talent. Although there was an extremely large amount of golden liquid left, it was not enough for him to outline level 11 talent.

This time, he was successfully promoted to level 8, and he also found dozens of new talent openings. But after watching those talents, he didn\'t find any special talents and abilities. However, he did not want to let those golden liquids remain in the altar to be wasted, so after a little hesitation, he chose a talent proficient in prophecy and calculation.

After having this talent, he will reduce many unnecessary obstacles when learning and mastering the prophecy and calculation secrets, and finally increase the effect of these two secrets to a certain extent.

This talent was pushed to the seventh level by him with an extremely large amount of golden liquid. If the amount of golden liquid was not too small, he would continue to improve this talent. Of course, the more talent goes to the back, the more golden liquid needs to be consumed. Under normal circumstances, he can continue to promote talent promotion only after he is promoted again. Of course, there are exceptions. If he finds another method similar to the secret method he got from the blonde general, the condensation speed of the golden liquid will increase several times.

After completing the outline of his talent, kukas did not quit the fighting space, but began to urge fighting spirit to pass through the changed Dharma array in the shortest time according to the previous method, and then changed his fighting spirit characteristics.

A large number of fighting light bands quickly entered the altar under the traction of his mind. The last Dharma array outlined when you were promoted to the eighth level was suspended, absorbed these fighting spirit light bands, polished and transformed a little, and finally evolved a new fighting spirit.

Dozens of light bands of ghosts crying and fighting spirit flew out of the array for a long time. This gray and cyan light band is his unique fighting spirit after he was promoted to the eighth order ash knight.

After transforming the first fighting spirit light, kukas was always nervous and relaxed. Although the fighting spirit of the seventh level special class did not condense, resulting in a significant reduction in the number of his fighting spirit, he was extremely satisfied with the fighting quality of the ash knight.

Through mental induction, he found that the ash fighting spirit he mastered did not have the violent power of ghost crying fighting spirit, but had incomparable erosion characteristics. If the ghost cry fighting spirit used to tear the opponent with the most direct violent means, the ash fighting spirit now erodes the opponent a little bit with a relatively gentle method. Of course, their final effect is the same: killing opponents.

With the first light band of ash fighting spirit, the rest of the things don\'t need his mind to control. Driven by the first light band of ash fighting spirit, the Dharma array will always float over the altar and transform all the ghost crying fighting spirit. Until these ghost crying fighting spirit are transformed into ash fighting spirit, the Dharma array will not hide in the altar. At that time, the fighting spirit of the altar rotation, recovery and self increase turned into ash fighting spirit with extremely strong erosion characteristics.

After withdrawing from the fighting space and returning to the body, kukas couldn\'t care about the unconscious natural Banshee under him. Instead, focus on your body.

After this promotion, the huge non-human body not only did not converge, but became more huge and ferocious.

The muscles on the limbs are bulging, and the green tendons are quietly coiled under the skin like withered ones. With the movement of the limbs, those green tendons wriggle, looking like poisonous snakes wriggling under the skin.

The body of two meters three or four soared a large part, and stood barefoot on the unknown altar under him, almost three meters high.

The change of body shape did not attract much attention. What attracted his attention most was the change of body essence.

When the mind turns, a trace of ash flows into the body, and then swims away in several special meridians and acupoints. The next moment, his huge body slowly suspended in the air.

Reach out and grasp falsely in front of the body, but an idea rises, and some ashes that have just been transformed pour into the big palm. The five fingers held falsely, and the next moment there was a gray blue flame burning from the palm of his hand.

"You don\'t need to spend your mind to outline the Dharma array, and you don\'t need to walk around special meridians and acupoints. Just an idea rises and everything is formed according to your own ideas. Is this the change brought about by the eighth order?"

Looking at the gray blue flame burning in the heart of the hand and feeling the powerful power contained in the flame, kukas looked up and smiled: "eighth order ash Knight: kukas, well, what a wonderful name!"

Further away from his dream, he smiled wildly: "in vain. I used to worry about the situation after promotion, ha ha! But I made a mistake."

After a strange laugh, he stopped. The fighting spirit wrapped in the palm of his hand slowly weakened, because the amount of ash in his body was too small. Although the ghost cry fighting spirit that has not been transformed is also very powerful, it has been transferred after all. Therefore, these ghost cry fighting spirit are not enough to operate on the basis of the ash Knight\'s Dharma array.

"It\'s a pity that the ash knight, like the ghost crying knight, can\'t cultivate Qi by himself. He can only increase the amount of Qi by himself over time. HMM! But it doesn\'t matter. One day, I\'ll find a secret method to actively cultivate this spirit, and then I\'ll be promoted to level 9 as soon as possible. Unfortunately, if I\'m promoted in the normal way, I\'ll get the ancient ash rider If you do, you may have some unexpected gains. "