Abyss Knight

Chapter 524

When the smoke was extracted, the monsters drilled out of the crack absorbed it. Maybe it was a breathing time, maybe dozens of magic hours, but at this time, kukas could no longer feel the passage of any time, and his mind was deeply attracted by the gray smoke change.

I don\'t know how long in the past, the amount of gray smoke condensed became more and more, and finally turned into gray rocks to fill the whole fighting space. At the moment when the gray smoke changed into rock, the blonde general also completely mastered the fluctuation of his brand mark from kukas\'s altar, so it came out of his memory.

As soon as the strong spirit and mind of the female general came out of the altar, they were forcibly squeezed down by the endless gray smoke around. She didn\'t notice, but was forcibly suppressed by the smoke on the altar.

This time, her spirit collided with kukas\'s altar and made a loud noise.

At this moment, kukas\'s mind and spirit rushed out of the altar uncontrollably and collided with the spirit and spirit of the blonde general. No, it should be said to be integrated. Under the action of the gray smoke, their spiritual power seemed to be the same root and homology, and they instantly fused together.

A large number of memory pictures were transmitted to kukas\'s mind. Just in a moment, he mastered the past of some blonde women generals from the collision just now.

The integrated mental power and mind did not simply exchange memories and information, but began to beat slightly in the gray smoke.

"What\'s the matter? I can\'t control my mental power." the blonde general whispered. She had never encountered such a strange thing. You know, in this world, there has never been such a smooth integration of two people\'s spiritual power and mind, and such a perfect integration.

"How do I know? Anyway, I didn\'t do it." kukas was even more surprised, but he wasn\'t frightened. He just curiously observed the changes in front of him, wanted to learn from the powerful beings in the ancient times, and wanted to feel some secrets from the evolution of his fighting space. It\'s a pity that he concentrated all his mind, but he didn\'t have any feeling. I don\'t know whether his mental strength and mind are low, or for some other reason.

When they talked with each other, their intertwined mind and spirit stirred up faster. The violent beating was like a heart. With this more rapid beating, some gray monsters hidden in the smoke and not absorbed by the chain and altar gave a shout of joy, and then rushed into their mental strength and mind.

After these monsters rushed into their minds, kukas only felt a violent tremor in his mind and mental power. Under this tremor, he completely lost his control over his mind and mental power, and the whole person was confused, stiff and completely unconscious. The female doctor was no better. Although her mental strength and mind were countless times stronger than kukas, she also completely lost consciousness in the roar just now.

At the moment when kukas and the female general lost consciousness at the same time, the gray smoke instantly drilled into the place where the monsters gathered, that is, the place where kukas and the blonde female general were entangled.

All the gray smoke gathered at one point and spread around. Black Ghost sobbing and dancing light band; With the gray smoke expanding and disappearing around, those lost things are restored again. The restored fighting space is not changed except that it looks several times larger than before.

Of course, if kukas was sober at this time, he would find that there were more virtual shadows of monsters in the burning flame on the chain connected with the altar and the space barrier, but these virtual shadows flashed and soon disappeared in the chain, leaving only a reluctant roar echoing in his angry space.

After about two or three breaths, kukas\'s mind recovered. When he recovered, he found that the spirit and mind of the blonde general were still hovering on his altar. On the thirteen crystal pillars around the altar, flames were emitted, burning her spiritual strength and mind. Under the burning of these flames, the mind of the female general kept sending out waves of comfortable waves.

Perhaps aware of kukas\'s soberness, the blonde general\'s mind fiercely gathered up. The next moment, her spirit and mind hurried away from his fighting space.

"What\'s running? Can I eat you? Well! I don\'t know if there\'s a secret method to swallow other people\'s mental strength and mind." kukas didn\'t care why the blonde general left suddenly when he saw that his fighting space was restored. He wanted to carefully observe his fighting space, but thinking of the outside situation, he pressed this year and released his mind to return to his noumenon.

After returning to his body, kukas was stunned by the scene in front of him. In front of him was the anxious face of the female doctor, and behind the female doctor was the female general wearing a certain golden gem crown. Of course, the golden gem crown that appeared out of thin air was not the most attractive place for kukas, but the dress of the female general.

A golden armor wrapped the female general\'s body, but the armor did not bring her any heroic spirit, but brought her a charm and tenderness.

It turned out that the armor was very simple, but it simply protected her lower body and chest, and other places were exposed. In this case, her military uniform did not know when it disappeared, exposing a large area of white jade like skin.

At this time, the female general is slightly frowning and thinking. Her armor will spread and shrink for a while. It looks very strange.

Perhaps she noticed kukas\' sight. She looked up and glanced at kukas. A layer of blush appeared on her cold face, but it disappeared in an instant. With a cold hum, he stabbed his backhand into the void, got new clothes from the void, and dressed them in front of kukas.

After wearing the clothes, the strange image of the female general began to dissipate from kukas\'s mind, but he felt a little strange to see the golden gem crown still on her head.

"Well, where did this thing come from?" kukas asked suspiciously.