Abyss Knight

Chapter 423

The collection of skulls gradually excited kukas. Under the sigh of falling, he could instantly appear next to those people branded by chains with little fighting spirit, and could easily detect their weaknesses through the talent of killing, and then cut off their heads with a gun and axe through their defense.

The residence of violet family is very large here, and a large number of low-level professionals guard here. Of course, there were some high-level professionals here, but when they went to support the valley, they were all killed by the mercenaries hired by kukas.

The strange killing frightened these professionals who couldn\'t escape. They didn\'t know where their enemies were. They just frantically waved their weapons and urged their forces to chop around, hoping to resist the enemies in this way.

During the half hour of magic, all the people in the whole manor except kukas died. Even some people hiding in the basement were found by kukas because of the sigh of falling, and then cut off their heads with the gun and axe given to him by the old knight.

Walking in the manor full of headless bodies, kukas collected all kinds of money and magic materials without delay. Finally, he lit the fire and lit the whole manor.

"This is just the beginning, unless I die or you die completely." standing outside the burning manor, kukas smiled with blood. He looked at what he had done with satisfaction. After perceiving the presence of the city\'s guards, he left here without delay.

In the following three or five years, kukas walked in cities one by one. He spent a lot of money hiring mercenaries to serve as cannon fodder for him, and then led these cannon fodder to thoroughly clean up the residence of the violet family. Every station was bloody cleaned up under his command. Men, women, children, professionals and ordinary people were finally cut off and put their heads into kukas\'s magic ring.

In these three or five years, not only the violet family began to increase their strength to pursue him, but also the glorious hand that has been immersed for a long time, but also constantly sent a large number of high-level professionals to surround him, hoping to kill kukas, a crazy murderer. Although he encountered many dangers during this period, he finally solved them one by one. Of course, with his killing, it became more and more difficult to deal with the violet family. Because the family threw out a lot of money and began to chase him throughout the Latour Empire, crazy mercenaries looked for his trace like moths to the fire in order to kill him and get the reward of the violet family.

After another violet family station was completely destroyed by the mercenaries blinded by gold coins, kukas didn\'t stay here more, but gathered his cloak tightly, rode the ghost crying war horse, quickly harvested the heads of those people, and then left the city step by step. Some of the mercenaries who had just worked for him clenched their teeth and turned around to kill him, but more mercenaries knew the power of kukas, a bloodthirsty man, so they didn\'t want to turn around and kill their employers to receive rewards from the violet family, but began to seriously search for wealth here in order to make themselves live better.

After killing several greedy mercenaries, kukas left the city and directly urged the ghost crying war horse to run frantically towards the elraze wasteland. The long revenge made him lose his initial excitement and only tired. In this case, he was too lazy to continue to quarrel with the violet family in various cities, because he knew that no matter how many people he killed in the periphery of the other party, he would not make the violet family feel distressed. This time, he went to the elraze wasteland in order to hunt a woman of the family. Of course, if it goes well, he doesn\'t mind killing other children of the family who study at Imperial College.

Zishanshan, the granddaughter of the contemporary owner of the violet family, is just 18 years old. Now she is studying at the Imperial College on the elraze wasteland. This girl is said to be very popular with contemporary houseowners. More importantly, a message said that this girl is actually the offspring of contemporary houseowners and his daughter-in-law. It should be the daughter of contemporary houseowners rather than granddaughter.

Under the cover of night, kukas went to an unknown town, where he scattered his ghost crying horses and started a very practical magic prop.

This is a magic prop made of an ancient gold coin. Some small words and patterns are carved on the gold coin. After he picked up the gold coin and threw it on the ground, the gold coin burst.

The cracked gold coins burst out in a golden red light, which was like a poisonous snake and kept twisting and wriggling in CASS\'s body. Bursts of jumping noise rang from him, and then he saw his body shrink rapidly, narrowing to about two meters in just three or five breathing times. More strangely, his bald brain bag also quickly grew long black hair. These long hair were not magic illusions, but grew out of his head in a short time.

"The melody of fate!" this is the name of the gold coin magic prop, which kukas bought from a powerful alchemist. Of course, he paid a heavy price for it. Alone, this magic prop that changed his shape and most of his breath reduced his property by more than two-thirds.

"If my secret didn\'t disappear, I\'m afraid I wouldn\'t worry about this shape and my own breath." kukas looked very depressed by touching his newly grown shawl and long hair. If it were not for his secret method and dealing with the people of the violet family, he would never spend so much money to buy this melody of fate.

Although the price of this magic prop is extremely expensive, the effect is also very powerful. After using this magic prop, his changed body shape and breath will never lose effect due to some special magic means. Even this magic prop wrapped his mind power, a new mind power wrapped his original mind, and the mind mark formed was very different from his previous mind mark. It is worth mentioning that this change is permanent at least now. At least kukas has not become the eighth order, and this change will not be reversed by any method. That\'s why kukas wasn\'t too depressed.

After changing his body shape, breath and even mind, he dressed up as a gladiator with his bare hands. Of course, ordinary knights can\'t dress up as gladiators at all, because their fighting styles are very different, but for kukas, killing with limbs and killing with weapons are actually the same. More often, he likes to kill with his own limbs, because the most direct collision of flesh and blood can bring him great pleasure.

He didn\'t decide to dress up as a gladiator, but he had such a plan since he knew that zishanshan of the violet family studied at Imperial College on the elraze wasteland. He spent all his little money to bribe the administrator of a city, and the administrator prepared a set of identity certificates without any loopholes for him. With that identity certificate, he can act as a mentor in Imperial College. Of course, the specific type of tutor you will do there is not what you can get with money.

Barefoot, wearing only a pair of ordinary cowhide shorts, and wearing more than a dozen magic rings with a silk thread around his neck. Three wide bandages were wound around his hands and forearms. Of course, this bandage is not an ordinary bandage, but a special bandage purchased from an alchemist after spending some money.

These bandages are branded with some simple magic words, thus forming a simple magic prop. And bandages like him are very common among gladiators.

His hands collided and felt the powerful power on him. Kukas knew that he must succeed this time, otherwise he didn\'t know whether he had the patience to kill the peripheral members of the other family.

After preparing his new identity, kukas took a carriage directly to the Imperial College without delay. Of course, it\'s not that he doesn\'t want to use the transmission array to get there quickly, but that he wants to practice his secret method with the help of this long journey, so as to make himself stronger.

Sitting in a large carriage, the coachman, with his consent, whipped forward. And he took out a bloody head from the magic ring to prepare to practice the secret method.

Yes, practice with your head. This is the secret method kukas got from the inheritance of ghost crying knight. Such a secret method is very common to ghost crying knights. Of course, the secret method he practiced was not ordinary. On the contrary, in the inheritance of ghost crying knight, he found that this secret method was extremely powerful and ferocious. More importantly, this secret method would not disappear because he changed his post again in the future.

Skeleton secret method; This is the name given by kukas to the secret method he wants to practice, because in the inheritance, this secret method has no name at all, and there are not many ghost crying knights to practice, because the conditions for practicing this secret method are relatively harsh.

The way to practice this skeleton secret method is actually very simple, that is to integrate skeleton heads into your body through the secret method, so as to increase the strength of your body a little bit. However, what bothered the former ghost crying Knights was that if they wanted to practice this secret method, they must use at least 10000 heads to lay the foundation at the beginning, and these 10000 heads must be related to each other, that is to say, these heads must be related by blood. It is for this reason that those ancient ghost crying Knights have no way to practice. Because in that ancient era, not many families were able to crazily produce tens of thousands of blood descendants.

When his mind turned, a trace of fighting spirit came out of his fingertips. These black fighting spirits went in along the nostrils and mouth of his head, and then woven a small Dharma array inside. The Dharma array works, but the head burns black flame after more than 100 breathing times. The black flame burned the hair and flesh, and finally the whole head disappeared, leaving only a gray smoke with thick and thin hair.

His fingers flicked, and the gray smoke circled in the air and went in with his fingertips. The stinging pain almost made kukas roar, but he gritted his teeth and forced his patience.

After the gray smoke got into his fingers, it wound around his fingerbones and penetrated a little bit, making his bones harder. So repeatedly, heads were polished into a gray smoke by his fighting spirit and drilled into his hands and forearms. During the months\' journey, thousands of heads turned into smoke and drilled into them.

Normally, the smoke should be wrapped around his bones, but kukas restrained it forcibly, just let the smoke wrap around his hands and forearms. Starting from the elbow, the head was not quenched elsewhere. In this way, the hardness of his arms was several times higher than that of other parts of his body.

However, even so, kukas was still not satisfied. For the rest of the journey, he even asked the coachman to slow down and spent most of his time on refining his arms. The strong fighting spirit washed his arm again and again, but it made his arm look a little strong and horizontal. When he arrived at the huge imperial college, even if he waved a huge siege hammer and hit it hard on the arm without any fighting defense, the arm would not be damaged by half.

It was only five or six months away, but it took a full year to reach the destination. Kukas is worried about this waste of time. After all, his vitality has lost a lot. Later, he restored part of his vitality by taking the blood of others\' hearts intermittently, but he still feels the urgency of time. However, in this long time, he practiced a powerful secret method, which made him feel better.

"After killing the purple Shanshan this time, find some treasures to quickly restore vitality, otherwise the efficiency will be too low by sucking other people\'s heart essence." kukas lay in bed and silently thought about his next plan after officially joining Imperial College and finding his own residence: "Well, damn it, why is the efficiency of sucking * * blood getting lower and lower? At first, sucking a heart can restore vitality for more than half a year, but now it only restores vitality for one day. Well, there are still more than 100 years, and there is still some time."

After some random thinking, kukas shook his head and started to do it all at once. He began to check all kinds of materials next to him. After he was hired, Imperial College did not despise him because he was only a small fifth rank Gladiator. Instead, after testing his killing methods, he let him serve as a mentor for senior students.

Kukas felt lucky that his mentor of senior students did not teach gladiators alone, but took turns teaching some senior students to learn close combat and killing skills. If necessary, he would also teach courses such as soldiers\' empty handed combat and mages\' close avoidance.

The whole Imperial College is big, even bigger than some large cities. Here he is protected by the college, and outsiders have no way to attack him.

It is the huge size of Imperial College that makes the teaching environment here different from other colleges. There is no simple division of departments here, but there are huge stone towers hundreds of meters high among the students. It is said that these stone towers are modeled on the ancient mage tower, and there is a lot of space in them. There are countless classrooms and training venues in these stone towers, which are in the field of space technology With blessings, each stone tower can accommodate at least 100000 people to study.

Each stone pagoda is equivalent to a small college, which teaches knowledge of various professions, even courses for ordinary craftsmen and businessmen. After all, the Imperial College trains talents and will not treat them differently because they are professionals or ordinary people.

In this Imperial College, the largest number of professionals is not all kinds of professionals, but ordinary people. They learn all kinds of knowledge here and work in various business groups or government departments after graduation. The number of professionals is about 100 times less than that of ordinary people.

Kukas was assigned to the 13th stone tower as a mentor, and zishanshan of the violet family also belonged to the students of the 13th stone tower.

It took kukas three or five days to learn about the whole college in detail before he left his residence. It is worth mentioning that in the Imperial College, except for more than 100 huge stone towers, other places are not much different from a big city. The only thing worth mentioning is that there are a large number of patrols here, even on the most remote street There will also be continuous patrols to prevent students from fighting with each other.

As tutors of the college, they didn\'t gather together, but randomly selected vacant houses within the stone tower as their residence. The house selected by kukas is a small courtyard. Although the area is only three mu, it is good in the college. The location here is also good. There is a carriage when you go out. If you take a carriage, you only need to take it The stone tower can be reached in half a magic hour. If you want to be faster, you can also rent horses and other things.

Most of the houses near kukas\' residence are small courtyards. There are many tutors living here, but most of them are students with a lot of money. After paying a lot of money, they don\'t have to live in relatively small buildings. Of course, living here costs a lot of money. If they live in a seven or eight storey building, it\'s free.