Abyss Knight

Chapter 412

"General, isn\'t there any medicine to cure me directly? I\'ve just been stripped of my skin!" kukas immediately muttered after hearing the words of the blonde general: "I\'m afraid they don\'t have the ability to piece together so many fragments on me completely! If something goes wrong, will they turn me into a monster?"

"You\'re a monster, so you don\'t have to worry about it. Ha ha!" the blonde general smiled softly. "Oh! Do you want your newly grown skin to be as fragile as those noble ladies? Don\'t forget, you\'re about to change your job. These time is not enough for you to exercise your new skin to a certain extent."

Silence, the words of the blonde general can only silence kukas, because he knows that what the blonde general says is true, because only in this way can he avoid the trouble of continuing to harden his skin. You should know that the physical quality required for transfer is not affordable for ordinary people. If his skin is as fragile as ordinary people, I\'m afraid that before he completes his transfer, the powerful force will tear his skin and even directly destroy his body.

"Well, if you succeed in your transfer, I will give you something that belongs to you, but if you fail, it will become mine. Well, good luck." the image of the blonde general disappeared, and then the death mages began to get busy and prepare to put all the fallen skin back together on kukas.

"Damn it." kukas cursed in a low voice. What he thought now was not the pain caused by the skin sticking to himself again, but the words of the blonde general. He didn\'t know what the other party had given him, let alone what he had lost. Of course, he won\'t believe what good things the blonde general will give him, because he knows that good things will be taken away by powerful professionals first.

He felt cool, and then a short burning sensation was released from his chest. Kukas knew that it was the death casters who applied ointment to him and began to stick to his skin.

I don\'t know if those death mages will make the skin order wrong. Now he can only pray silently, hoping that those death mages who look like puppets can make their skin look better, at least not like the sewing puppets under the puppet master at the beginning.

Some close knights and squires clearly watched the death casters attach the suspended skin fragments to their instructors. Some of these fragments can be connected to each other, but some don\'t know where they were torn off. But it doesn\'t matter. Death casters rely on their powerful spiritual power to cut those skin fragments and fill some gaps. In this way, the already broken skin is torn into more small pieces by their spiritual force, and the bloody and strange degree of the scene is no less than that of the skin falling off.

When the two eyes fell into the eyes of the extinguished flame, a death mage released a spell to heal kukas. Of course, this kind of healing is according to kukas\'s instructions. The powerful magic power is only branded around his eyes, which speeds up the healing of his eyes. As for other parts of his body, there is no treatment, because that will reduce the speed of his body\'s self healing.

For kukas\'s extreme paranoia, those death mages agree very much, because among them, in order to make themselves stronger, there are many professionals who want him to do so.

When kukas opened his eyes and saw the death casters and the frightened and forbearing Knight attendants around him, he felt very happy: "gaga! I survived, ha ha! Oh! I like the smell of blood, but it\'s all my blood." he looked down at his hands, I found that the skin on my hand was like the bark of a dead tree. I could see countless cracks. Of course, these cracks are slowly healing. According to his estimation, it may take only one day to restore the skin to the previous state.

"Kukas, do you want to be stronger?" just as kukas looked at his body, a death caster suddenly released a magic prohibition to wrap them up.

"It\'s not necessary to join the so-called death knights. Well, if you provide me with some cultivation secrets for free, I\'m still very willing to accept it." kukas laughed strangely, and his face was full of cracks, which made him look ferocious and scared.

"No, the death knights will not recruit professionals like you now, because they only recruit Knights below level 3 as reserves. Well, I mean, make you strong through some small operations. For example, do you think it is feasible to add a strong heart and replace your bones with magic materials? Of course, we will fund you for free You have magical materials and a strong heart. What you need to do at that time is to help us deal with some small problems in the dark. "The death mage had no emotion. There was a trace of fanaticism in the open air. Looking at him, he seemed to want to do some so-called surgery for kukas now.

"Well, I think I\'ll forget it. Now I\'m still alone. I don\'t want to be a monster." kukas was not moved by the words of the death caster. Because in his opinion, no matter how crazy he is, he is essentially the same as most people. Killing, yes, he killed countless people, but those in power of the army killed more. Because of one word, hundreds of thousands or even millions of people will die. If he underwent the so-called surgery, he would be essentially different from other killers, and he would have no way to make excuses for himself.

Because stupid ordinary people will think that those in power kill hundreds of millions of creatures in order to save more creatures when making some decisions. Such a person in power is great and worth learning. If he had two hearts or his bones were replaced with magic materials, he would kill a person and be described by stupid ordinary people as a demon attack, a heinous abyss creature. At that time, he will not know how to refute with words. Of course, he may refute with no answer, but it will always make him feel a little pressure on his mind.

"Man? Hey hey! Don\'t you think your words are very funny? Where are you like a person now? I feel endless darkness in you. You are falling into the abyss. You are no longer a pure person, just like us." the dead mage\'s stiff mouth twitched involuntarily and said in a sinking voice.

"I say I\'m human, do you have a problem?" kukas narrowed his eyes and looked at the death mage carefully. His hands had caught his bronze bell. The bronze bell was as tall as a man. Kukas leaned on the copper handle with his hands and roared ferociously: "do I fall into the abyss or not? What are you qualified to say? I am different from you. At least I have feelings, and there are many joys and sorrows, but what about you?"

"Well, we are not qualified to say, but I also want to tell you that we have joys and sorrows, but we just suppressed them. Don\'t think we are puppets with a stiff face. If we weren\'t ordered by the military headquarters to protect you, you think I would tell you this? Well, well, we\'re going to patrol outside. I hope you can be promoted successfully." The death caster was not satisfied with kukas\' words, but they were not angry about such small things. They just silently performed their tasks, received enough rewards, and finally completed their dreams.

The death mages soon disappeared in the dark, while kukas dispersed the knight\'s entourage and returned to the monastery to choose a new house for rest. The friars and nuns of the shining church sorted out the bodies of their companions and buried them with the unique secrets of their church. Although it was night, these friars and nuns still had a simple mass ritual to pray for the dead, just as they prayed for the Knights and squires who died in training.

When kukas returned to his room, he lay down in bed and fell asleep. Although he was not seriously hurt in the fight just now, he consumed a lot of energy. And a lot of mental consumption, let him continue to supplement through sleep.

Lying in bed, he felt a strong burning force burning on the flesh and blood under his skin. Although it was extremely painful, he had to bear it forcibly, because he knew that it was the love of the so-called wailing king, the residual power of the curse and the drugs of the blonde general. For this kind of struggle, his evil fighting spirit can\'t get involved at all.

Three or five days later, kukas was completely healed. At this time, it was less than three days before the transfer altar appeared. In these days, he almost never left his room. He sat silently in the room and tried his best to adjust his situation, because only in this way can he have greater confidence to face the transfer.

The knight\'s retinues also got his orders. These retinues patrolled more than a hundred miles around the whole coloman monastery every day. During their patrols, any living creature within a hundred miles was forcibly expelled or killed by them, even the adventure team composed of level 5 and 6 practitioners.

When there was still one day before the altar appeared, kukas\'s impetuous mood finally calmed down. Because at this time, he knew that even if he was upset, he would not change anything. After figuring out some things, he would not pay so much attention to tomorrow\'s promotion. "Success or failure, now everything depends on luck." sitting in the room, kukas thought secretly with his hands on the huge copper bell.

On one side of the table, he had written a letter, which he planned to hand over the blonde general to the female doctor who left here with the scarlet queen after his failure in promotion. In that letter, there was another letter, which asked the female doctor to hand over to the old knight or the successor of the old knight who taught him that year.

He was ready to fail and thought of everything that might happen soon. Now all he has to do is wait silently, wait for the emergence of the altar, and then transfer. He will not consider whether he will succeed or not. Now he will try to change his post and become a more powerful ghost crying knight to prepare for his final impact on the legend.

The door was gently knocked, and the sudden sound interrupted some of his thoughts. With his permission, the door opened and a figure flashed in from the outside.

"Unexpectedly, the general came." kukas lifted his eyelids and couldn\'t help laughing when he found the identity of the visitor. The arrival of the blonde general made him more relieved about the security situation tomorrow.

"Yes, I have to guard your transfer." the dress of the blonde general is no different from that of many years ago, a military uniform, long high-heeled shoes and a golden cloak. The passage of time left no trace on her. Everything was the same as when kukas first saw her.

"Are you sure of success?"

"I don\'t know. You should ask those mysterious spellcasters. It is said that some of them can see through the future and are great prophets." kukas pulled the corners of his mouth and stood up to show etiquette to the blonde general and motioned him to sit down and talk. But she just shook her head and stood in front of kukas without sitting down.

"I don\'t like to know the future, because it\'s no surprise to life." the blonde general suddenly laughed in a low voice: "well, this is your suicide note?" her eyes fell on the letter on the desk.

"That\'s right! If I die, it\'s a suicide note." kukas sat down on the bed again and touched his bald head. Hehe smiled: "any news about the nun? And the space crack."

"What the nun did was guided by her own heart, and no one controlled her. The crack was caused by the violet family and the hand of glory. They hired a caster who escaped from the black prison some time ago to do it, hoping to kill you." the blonde general knocked her forehead and said with some distress: "Didn\'t a black prison collapse a few days ago? Well, I heard you were there."

"Well, I\'m also responsible for the collapse of the black prison. I really didn\'t expect the people who came out of it to retaliate against me. Well, they should actually thank me." kukas felt a little bad. He suddenly felt very tired. He felt that he was working hard, but he was still suppressed by some people, which made him feel very unhappy.

"If you succeed in transferring to ghost cry knight, what are your plans?" the blonde general suddenly changed the topic.

"Kill all the members of the violet family and kill all those who have something to do with the hand of glory." kukas said his plan immediately without hesitation. "No, kill all those who have something to do with the violet family. Well, that\'s it. Well, I\'ve smelled blood." While talking, he also shrugged his nose and came out with a strange look of intoxication.

"Well, I have to admit that you are a madman. Well, you are a madman without morality and humanity. But there are really few people who do this obviously. I don\'t know what you will look like when you keep this madness and become a legend one day." The blonde general was not surprised by kukas\'s answer, because what the bald man had done before made her infer what he would do in the future.

"If I become a legend, I will become the king of the legend, let the whole world operate according to my will, and let all gods believe that I am their king of kings." kukas giggled. I don\'t know why, in front of the blonde general, he said his ideal without any warning.

"If you are successfully transferred to ghost cry knight, I will send you to bloody prison." the blonde general was a little stunned. She was surprised by kukas\'s ideal, but did not laugh at him, but nodded very seriously: "there, your time to become a legend will be greatly shortened, and of course, your probability of death will be greatly improved."

"Bloody prison killing?" kukas asked suspiciously with his head tilted. He was familiar with the name, but strange.

"The sealed Lich land, the bloody land, the part of the endless abyss, a magic prop from the ancient times, and some other special places. There you will have endless killing, where the winners will survive and the losers will die." the blonde general knocked on her smooth forehead and whispered: "In fact, the scarlet queen and your little lovers went there."

"You force them?" kukas clenched the bronze bell in his hands, and his muscles tightened all at once.

"Like you, they all want to be strong at the fastest speed, and in this world, only that place can make them strong at the fastest speed. Hehe, in fact, I\'ve been there before, but I didn\'t stick to it all the time, and finally took the initiative to leave that place. I remember that there were few things integrated with bloody prison killing at that time, not as strong as now When she said this, the blonde general looked a little sad. It was obvious that she had experienced some terrible things in the so-called bloody prison. "Of course, you can refuse. After all, I won\'t force you. But what I want to say is that you make the fastest progress there. You know, as a professional, if you want to improve your strength, only endless war is the most fundamental."

"I don\'t think I like that place. I want to have a good rest. I\'m very tired. I\'m really tired. I\'ve been killing since I became a knight and squire. I think my mind can\'t bear it." Kukas took a deep breath and said what he thought. Yes, he kept killing in his previous life. Up to now, for hundreds of years, he felt deeply tired.