Abyss Knight

Chapter 411

He threw the nun\'s headless body on the ground, and kukas roared. In this way, he waved a huge copper clock naked and jumped over the space crack again. Waving the bronze bell with both hands, he hit the crack hard, making the crack shrink again, and he was also pushed more than ten steps away by the powerful rebound force.

"Humble man, get away from me." a bleak voice suddenly came out of the slowly disappearing crack, accompanied by a pair of big hands as thin as firewood. The big hand grabbed the edge of the crack and tore it to the left and right, trying to make the space crack bigger, or let him come out of it.

"Humble you head." kukas was furious at his words. He screamed a few times, waved a huge copper bell and hit the crack again. This time, his goal was no longer the crack, but the withered hands at the edge of the crack. At the same time, those death casters who didn\'t know how to drill out of it were crazy to release spells to heal the crack.

The flashing light on the copper bell full of fighting spirit urges some special forces attached to the copper bell: heavy blow, armor breaking, bone breaking, penetration and a series of negative forces. The copper bell hit a withered hand, but it made a strange creak. I saw the magic power flashing on the withered hand, which forcibly resisted kukas\'s attack. That said, it created opportunities for other death mages. Those death mages roared and released powerful magic.

One of the death casters was the most conspicuous. He fiercely pulled out the staff with green flame on his back and inserted it into the frozen soil in front of him. Then he put his hands around the flame and turned slowly. Mysterious words rang from his mouth. This is the first time kukas has seen these death mages recite spells to release spells.

His hands, like rotten tree trunks, slowly turned around the flame, and mysterious magic words jumped out of the flame. These words circled in the air, and then drilled into the body along the nostrils of the death mage. For a time, I saw strange sounds on the caster\'s head, Those eyes without any emotion began to show green light. These green lights flickered in his eyes and outlined a seven pointed star array.

The seven pointed star array swam in his eyes, and finally emerged from his eyes and suspended on his forehead. The Dharma array turned, and a green light came out of it, and finally hit the crack hard.

The green light hit the crack. The crack and the magic power around it seemed to solidify for a moment. Then I only heard bursts of slight crisp sounds, and cold lights were released from it. It quickly shuttled on both sides of the crack, like a girl mending clothes to sew the crack. In this way, the speed of crack healing is faster.

"Even if you are an eighth order caster, you don\'t want to appear in front of us in this way." the death caster made a hoarse roar. With his roar, the seven pointed star array suspended on his forehead turned into a meteor like light and hit the crack.

The light went into the crack, and the whole crack sank fiercely. Then there was an angry roar from inside, but there was no other sound. The withered palms on both sides of the crack shrunk back fiercely when the green light was stitched there.

When the crack healed, kukas couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Just now his copper bell beat hard on the palm of the crack, but he felt the powerful magic power released from the palm. If his evil fighting spirit was not violent and powerful enough, I\'m afraid he would be directly entangled in his body by the magic power attached to the other party\'s hand. If so, it would have a great impact on his future transfer and promotion.

"How do you feel?" when a death caster saw that the crack healed, he went directly to kukas and asked in a hoarse voice.

"The situation is a little worse. Well, tell me, what happened to the nun just now? I think as a knowledgeable caster, you must know the secret." kukas took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and pointed to the wound on his chest.

The wound on his chest was left by the suddenly changed nun\'s nail, which injected a large amount of toxin into his body after penetrating into his body. At this time, his wound not only did not heal by itself, but continued to flow blood, showing an expanding trend. Of course, what\'s more important is that he didn\'t feel his whole chest, and with the passage of time, he felt a burst of fatigue and wanted to lie on the ground and have a good rest. But he knew that this was not the time for him to rest. His body was abnormal and his fatigue came so suddenly that he was worried and angry.

"The love of the wailing king. It is said that in ancient times, a female Lich fell in love with an ordinary man, but the ordinary man finally betrayed him and led others to surround and kill the Lich. The Lich was angry, dug her eyes with both hands and took off her skin with her own hands. Therefore, her hands were filled with a series of negative emotions such as hatred, resentment and so on Under the erosion of facial emotion, her hands were wrapped with endless power, and her nails turned green. Then she personally took off her lover\'s skin and eyes with her hands, and finally wrapped their eyes with their skin and swallowed them. "A death Dharma Master thought a little and came forward to identify the wound on kukas\'s chest, He even put out his tongue to lick the turquoise blood left on his chest, and then continued: "Under the siege of some people, she uses her soul as the medium of curse. The cursed hands can be attached to some women\'s arms and get some of her strength. Such hands can only kill the men who have had physical communication with that woman. Those stabbed by these hands eventually lose their skin and their eyes. There is no way to cure them 。”

Kukas was shocked by the words of the death caster. He didn\'t expect to get such news from these mysterious death casters. "Really no way?" kukas took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the tyranny in his heart, and asked in a deep voice.

"We can only keep your eyes from becoming disabled. As for the skin problem, we can\'t do it, even professionals above level 8 can\'t do it. It\'s said that a legendary professional was stabbed by such hands. He also only kept his eyes, but most of his skin still fell off. But don\'t worry, it\'s like this The damage doesn\'t claim people\'s lives at all, it just makes you suffer some pain, "said the death caster.

"Can\'t die?" kukas asked the caster with his head tilted. At this time, he felt that he had lost his intuition in more parts of his body.

"Yes, we won\'t die. Well, now we must remove your eyes with a secret method, and then try to suppress the curse power in your body. After the curse power is exhausted, put your eyes on it." a death caster doesn\'t know where to find a lot of strange magic props. These magic props are strange and look like knives, There are hooks and other things, which look like the anatomical tools of some doctors.

"Well, wait a minute." after getting these information, kukas knew that he had no choice, but he finally found the magic communication prop in contact with the blonde general from the ruins. Through this magic communication prop, he told the blonde general about his situation and the solution of the death casters. I hope the blonde general will tell him whether he can trust the death casters. Of course, I hope the other party can tell me some good news. For example, she can deal with such words as curse.

However, kukas was extremely disappointed by the development of things, because the blonde general also shook his head after watching the scars on his body, saying that she could not find a better way to deal with it than those death casters.

"Kukas, it\'s just the pain of skin falling off. When it\'s over, I\'ll find you some drugs to let you grow new skin. You know, this curse power is not something that legendary professionals can deal with, that is, most legends and gods can\'t do anything in the face of this curse." The blonde general looked at kukas\'s calm face and said helplessly.

"Damn it." kukas growled in a low voice, "general, help me find out who instructed them. Although the nun hated me, she was definitely not as full of endless resentment as just now. I suspect that she was manipulated by some spiritual casters." although he was about to suffer disaster because of the nun\'s attack, But he didn\'t lose all his senses because of anger. Instead, he quickly echoed the nun\'s situation these days and said these words. Because before the nun changed suddenly, she had no intention of killing at all, only some resentment and unwillingness. He believed that his killing talent would not make a mistake for such a nun who did not have much power.

"Don\'t worry. Even if you don\'t say it, I\'ll help you check it." the image of the blonde general seemed a little distressed in front of kukas. She took a deep look at kukas. After a little hesitation, she continued: "let the death mages next to you take the nun\'s soul. I think some of them must have controlled the means of torturing the soul."

"General, things are very bad. The nun\'s soul is gone, and we can\'t extract it at all. You know, the souls of those who cast the love of the wailing king will be forcibly extracted by the abyss, and they won\'t stay in the world for a few breathing times." there is a black robed caster who has already cast a secret spell to extract the nun\'s soul for torture, However, he did it too late, and the nun\'s soul had already been taken away by the endless abyss.

Silence, for a time, everyone was silent. Finally, kukas broke the silence, because he found that the skin on his chest began to fall off. Pieces of skin the size of a baby\'s fingers seemed to be forcibly torn off, and fell off him bit by bit.

"Well, everybody, I think I need your help." kukas took a deep breath, then turned his head and motioned the death mages to save his eyes. Of course, after being recognized by the blonde general, he was relieved of those dead mages.

Without too much delay, kukas was soon taken to a tent by the death mages, where the death caster removed his eyes and preserved his eye activity with a secret method.

The pain of skin tearing is unbearable for ordinary people, but for kukas, he can resist it. With the help of the casters, he hung naked in the air and let his skin fall off, while the casters stood quietly aside without emotional fluctuations due to the scene in front of him.

"Help me open the tent, well, call all the Knights and squires to watch." kukas fell into darkness after his eyes were removed. Losing his eyes made him feel more pain, but it also made him think about some things more clearly. "I think they should see this happen. After all, they have not experienced real war and the cruelty of the battlefield."

"In fact, the place where people like you should go is the death knights. Because only there, it really belongs to you." a death caster said calmly.

"Finally, like you, without any emotional fluctuations, like a puppet?" kukas giggled. "Is the death knights strong?"

"Not as powerful as the death mage group." the death caster still said in an extremely calm and emotionless tone, "the most powerful is not you special classes, but our death casters."

"It was caused by cruel training." kukas giggled. The skin on his face had fallen off, and even some flesh and blood had fallen off. His strange smile made his face more ferocious, no less than those monsters who climbed out of the abyss.

"In the training base of the death mage regiment where I am located, more than 3000 spellcasters joined me for training. Finally, more than 1000 people died, more than 500 people withdrew, and more than 100 people became real death mages." the first spellcaster waited a moment and said what kukas wanted to know.

"What about the rest of the people? Don\'t tell me that they were made into puppets by the military headquarters. Well, I heard that it happened that living people made puppets. Is that so?" kukas didn\'t care about the pain on his body at all. He just felt the loss of his skin silently. Even he had the heart to adjust his fighting spirit to fill the exposed flesh and blood, and took the opportunity to harden his body.

"The rest are crazy." the death caster was silent longer this time. After kukas lost more than half of his skin, he answered kukas\'s question: "it has happened that living people make puppets, but I can\'t understand it now. Are you interested in puppets?"

"Hey, hey! I used to get along with a puppet master, but I don\'t think his puppet is strong, huh. I feel some pain in my eyes." kukas took a deep breath and muttered angrily. Because he found that his empty eyes seemed to be burned with fire, and the severe pain was several times higher than the pain of his skin. But he still suppressed it.

In the eyes of those watching knights, squires and death casters, a trace of red light suddenly appeared in kukas\'s eyes, which almost turned into flesh. The red light swam away in the empty eyes, and finally formed two burning red flames.

The two red flames beat in kukas\'s eyes, twisted and changed constantly, forming strange lights.

The death mage who kept kukas\'s eyes suddenly stepped forward and walked to him. Then he took out two eyes and threw them over the red light. The two eyes swam over the light, sometimes sinking and sometimes rising. It looked very strange.

Kukas didn\'t know this. While controlling his fighting spirit to harden his flesh and blood, he distracted himself by counting the times his skin fell. When he felt that the last piece of skin on his body was torn by invisible force, the whole person quacked and laughed: "Squires, see? This is the war. In the war, if you lose, the best end is death. Then, if you are unlucky, like Lao Tzu, people pull out your skin a little bit, and even cut all your muscles a little bit with a blade. 3600 times, ha ha, what\'s the difference between cutting alive?"

In the strange smile, he waved his limbs crazily to vent his depression: "press my eyes."

"Wait a minute, wait until the flame in your eyes disappears, and then place it for you." without any emotion, the death mage like a machine answered his request.

"I can\'t wait." kukas roared wildly. After all his skin was torn down by the invisible force, his mind that he had been insisting on was violently turbulent. How could he accept it calmly when he was secretly plotted and fell into such a field? He now needs his eyes to show him the way, and then vent wildly.

"Give it to him." the image of the blonde general suddenly emerged from the magic communication prop. At the same time, the image stabbed both hands into the void, and then created a crack in front of a black robed caster. At the next breathing time, a gray black box jumped out of the crack: "Apply the medicine on his body, and then stick the skin on him a little. Well, apply it on his eyes, too."