Abyss Knight

Chapter 396

There was a thumb sized hole in the Gladiator\'s chest, and a trace of blood flowed out of it. The hole was not left by professionals, nor by his own mistake, but by the magic props worn by the woman. If the Gladiator had not been a level 7 professional with a strong fighting spirit to protect himself, I\'m afraid he would have been torn by the magic props on the woman and died.

"It\'s just an accident this time. Yes, it\'s just an accident. Do you know what an accident is?" the scarlet eyed Gladiator roared in his throat. His mood seemed extremely excited. The bodies in his arms were torn into pieces by him. Even he unconsciously grabbed the torn flesh and blood and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I don\'t know what an accident is. I just know that you must wake me up now. Even if you want to go crazy, you can\'t go crazy until we kill the damn lucky man." kukas grabbed the Gladiator\'s neck and lifted him high into the air. The flames around him tilted towards the surroundings because of his anger, and some onlookers frowned slightly, Dissatisfied with his behavior.

"You\'ll go crazy. Do you think I\'m the poor mage?" the pain in his neck made the scarlet color in the Gladiator\'s eyes fade a lot. He gasped hard and said, "I know what I\'m doing. Damn, you\'re more crazy than me. If any of us go crazy, it\'s definitely you, not me."

Kukas didn\'t have time to talk to the Gladiator. When he saw the scarlet color in each other\'s eyes fade, he threw him on the ground: "go, I think we should find a place to have a rest."

"My friend, come to our station! After this killing, I think the four princes will kill us wantonly, and we can take care of each other." a caster coughed a few times in a low voice, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and persuaded in a low voice. In the battle just now, he fought against a caster. The powerful magic power made him suffer some damage.

"Why are you against the four princes?" kukas asked with his head tilted.

"He seduced my fiancee, killed my friends and destroyed my family. Isn\'t this hatred enough for me to retaliate against him? Hey hey! And that damn little bitch took away our family heirloom, damn it." the caster talked about the past, his pale face looked more pale, and because of anger, It was a handsome face that looked extremely distorted.

"Then let\'s go!" kukas did not think much. As soon as he pulled the gladiators, he signaled the killers to lead the way. But before that, with the help of the puppets, the killers cleaned the whole manor thoroughly, and they forcibly broke all the secret rooms, even if they destroyed the things in the secret rooms. The act of cleaning up the secret room let them find some people. These people are not professionals, but high-ranking nobles and officials.

When more than a dozen dignitaries were brought to the ground, kukas did not hesitate to kill them with seven sins and let them accumulate strength for their thousands of miles of smoke and dust. Of course, the power provided by these people is really weak. He doesn\'t care too much now. "Because you are with the four princes, you must die, and your soul will be imprisoned forever and will never rest." kukas said when killing those dignitaries.

The dignitaries spoke of their names, their families and their forces. But these kukas didn\'t hear it. He just did what he wanted to do and ignored the words of others.

The manor of the fourth Prince outside the imperial capital was completely destroyed. The news spread all over the imperial capital of the super Empire at dawn, and more people in the city knew the news over time.

The imperial army was running wildly, and a large number of professionals and troops began large-scale search and arrest in the imperial capital and even dozens of nearby cities. For a time, a large number of mercenaries and some innocent professionals were forcibly killed or arrested, and some dignitaries and businessmen lost all, even the lives of members of the whole family, in this turmoil.

In just three days, the whole empire was a bloodbath. At least 10000 people were beheaded by the Imperial military headquarters, and more than 100000 people were imprisoned and became slaves.

However, all this has nothing to do with kukas and them. They are now quietly hiding in a secret room more than 1000 meters underground, enjoying all kinds of luxury and cultivation materials provided by the owner here.

After fighting with some professionals in the school field, kukas could not suppress his suffocation and impatience. He shook his head and left the school yard and directly found the owner of the basement.

"It shouldn\'t be like this. If it takes so much time to cut off his wings every time, I\'d rather not do it again. I think we must find a time to kill the prince directly. Instead of killing his wings to make him vigilant." kukas told the master here.

"We can\'t be anxious to kill the four princes. You know, the more anxious we are, the more likely we are to make mistakes and even die. In fact, before this, even before you, we have assassinated the four princes and even destroyed some of his industries, but we didn\'t trigger a big search for the whole empire." The owner of this underground secret room is an old man. He bent down, coughed a few times from time to time, and his face is wrinkled. It seems that he won\'t live long. Of course, if it weren\'t for the powerful pressure occasionally released by him, which only eighth level professionals can release, kukas wouldn\'t take him in the eye at all.

"To tell you the truth, I feel very sorry to cooperate with you." kukas rubbed his head and laughed.

"If you don\'t like it, leave here. I didn\'t force you to stay here." the old man coughed hard and said with a dull face: "The passage leading to the above has been opened. Three days later, the four princes will go to an eternal night church outside the city, where he will pray. You will assassinate one day and one night. But I don\'t think you will succeed. First of all, the four princes will carry more than 100 seventh level professionals as guards. There are also some powerful priests and temple riders in that church They will never allow the blood of believers to be stained in the church. "

"The Church of the eternal night church?" kukas asked unconsciously.

"Yes, the Church of the eternal night church. The priests there are not easy to provoke. Almost all of them are combat priests, and most of them are about seven steps." the old man coughed hard, then turned his head and walked slowly towards his room: "It is said that the fourth Prince is pursuing a beautiful woman in that church. Maybe he has already pursued it. He will stay there for a day and a night every time."

Kukas nodded. Without saying anything, he called the gladiators. They left the basement directly. Some killers wanted to go with him and didn\'t want to wait in the basement, but they were stopped by others.

The search around the imperial capital continued, but it was not as severe as before. Kukas just shrunk, and then perfectly avoided the eyes and ears of the soldiers. Some soldiers wanted to catch them, but under the attack of gold coins, they soon let kukas go as if they didn\'t see anything.

The location of the church outside the imperial capital is very remote. It is neither near the commercial road nor near the town, but in a wilderness. Of course, all this has a lot to do with the too many church forces in the super empire. In this super Empire, at least hundreds of churches of different sizes gather. They frantically compete for believers and try every means to exclude them Other churches, and the Church of the eternal night Church in the imperial capital, were forced to build in this wilderness under such circumstances.

Although the Church of the eternal night church is very remote here, when kukas came to the church, they found that there are many believers here. The towering church is more than 200 meters high, and the huge church covers an area of at least 200 mu, which can accommodate tens of thousands of believers to pray at the same time.

Simple houses have been built near the church, where some believers sell all kinds of materials cheaply to serve other believers. Some believers even build their own homes here by themselves. Under this trend, the prototype of a small town is emerging near the huge church.

Several miles away from the church, kukas felt the strong divine power transmitted there. These divine powers made him feel uncomfortable, especially for gladiators and puppets. As for the crazy caster, after feeling the strong divine power, he did not hesitate to say that he was a great God of victory and would never go to the church of other gods In this case, the puppet division and gladiators clearly showed their disgust with the divine power here.

"OK! You find a place to rest and I\'ll go inside. Well, during this time, don\'t act at all. I\'ll make a decision after I come out of the church." although kukas is disgusted with the divine power, in order to kill the four princes, he had to go to the church to check the situation, so as to facilitate the assassination in the future.