Abyss Knight

Chapter 395

"Hundreds of professionals protect him at all times." the owner of the room smiled and said, "he has too many wings, so why not cut off his wings first? Killing a person may take a breath, and it may take decades of preparation."

"I\'m afraid we can\'t afford to wait." kukas opened his bloody scroll and found that there were only a few dozen mission targets left on the scroll. Around the target they are going to deal with, at least a dozen hunters are coming towards them. Obviously, the hunters did not kill enough people. If other hunters come with them to hunt the lucky one, their mission is likely to miss. At that time, the end of the task failure was not what they could think of.

"There is no peace of mind to wait, but it is very difficult for the four of you to kill the prince of a super empire. I need your help, and you also need my help. We have a common enemy." the owner of the room took out a map and put it on the table. He reached out his hand to guide the map and whispered: "The fourth Prince has a manor outside the imperial capital. In this manor, there are more than 50 of his men. Some people who cooperate with me have decided to attack the manor. I think you can act together." while talking, he took out a token and handed it to kukas and continued: "this represents your identity."

"Is that manor important to the fourth Prince Trollope?" kukas asked in a deep voice, tilting his head and fiddling with the scroll in his hand.

"Maybe it\'s important, maybe it\'s not important. The purpose of the manor is to hide one of his lovers. His lover is his communication tool with another powerful organization." the owner of the room gently tapped the map and continued: "they\'ll do it tonight. If you\'re willing to join, I think they\'ll be very happy."

The owner of the room helped kukas hide when they found that they had attacked the fourth Prince Trollope and fled. That\'s why kukas and them stayed in this luxurious room to discuss some killings.

"Then it\'s settled." kukas put away his bloody scroll and hit the map. With his beating, the location of the manor depicted on the map disappeared. Only a thick hole was left.

Leaving this luxurious room, you can go out to a small manor. The manor is very remote, outside the imperial capital of the super empire. In fact, it is not far from another manor they killed tonight.

"Shall we join the others?" asked kukas with his head tilted.

"Meet up! I\'ll see you at this time. It\'ll save you from accidental injury in the evening." kukas shook his head and muttered a little bored. The death of the fallen brilliant knight and fighter made him very depressed. But the only consolation is that although the fallen brilliant Knight died, kukas had completely mastered the brilliant fist before that.

"I wish those boys were in the manor the day before yesterday. Damn it, I\'ll make them pay some price." the Gladiator took a deep breath. He was angry at the experience faced by the dead Gladiator, so he wanted to revenge each other tonight.

"Kill?" kukas scratched his head and looked at the puppet master and said, "do you know where we should meet the others?"

"There is no sign on the token?" the puppet master was a little stunned, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "I was thinking about something and didn\'t listen to what the man said."

"As the great God of victory, those humble people must come to me to meet, and we can wait here." the crazy caster said seriously, "my subjects will worship me, and I will give them any blessings they want."

It was obvious that kukas and others stood alone three or five miles outside the manor until late at night, and no one came to meet them. In this case, the crazy caster was extremely angry. He muttered a curse, while the gladiator and the puppet master slept on the ground with the puppet lying on the pillow.

"Well, let\'s go! There\'s no need to wait here. I think the killing has begun." kukas touched his bare head and smiled cruelly: "revenge for our mistake the day before yesterday."

"Return to the right path for those believers who have betrayed me," muttered the crazy caster as usual.

"For freedom," the puppet master whispered.

"For blood." this is the words of the Gladiator.

They didn\'t stay any longer. After identifying the direction, kukas quickly ran towards the manor. It was only more than ten miles. For kukas and their professionals, it was only half a moment of magic. When they arrived at the manor, there was no killing here, and some obscure professional breath lingered outside the manor Wandering, and there are a large number of guards on the enclosure of the manor.

"A bunch of counsellors." It was late at night, and the people lurking outside the manor had not started, which made kukas extremely despise them. As for whether the professionals lurking outside the manor were fake, he didn\'t think too much, because his killing breath told him that the murderous gas emitted by those lurking outside was aimed at the manor Of course, unless these people have powerful magic props to hide or change their murderous spirit.

More than 300 meters away from the manor, kukas summoned his ghost crying war horse. When the horses ran, bursts of sobbing sounded from the tail of the horse. This strange cry not only surprised the hidden professionals around, but also shocked the guards on the manor 300 meters away.

"Enemy attack!" a guard roared. He pulled the rope and the bronze bell rang. Soon the manor that had just calmed down was boiling and lively again.

"Damn reckless man." almost at the same time, the killers buried outside cursed kukas in a low voice. Because of the banquet just held in the manor, some guests staying in the house have not fallen asleep. They had planned to kill at dawn, but now they were broken by the bald evil hankucas.

Two barrels of iron barrels filled with fierce fire oil were thrown into the manor by kukas. The crazy caster who had cooperated with him for more than three years released a fireball and hit the barrel. Two iron barrels exploded in mid air, and countless flames scattered everywhere, instantly igniting a large number of houses in the manor.

Barrels of fire oil were thrown out, and the crazy caster always detonated these iron barrels at the right time, resulting in a violent explosion to destroy the enemy. In their consciousness, all the creatures in this manor will die tonight, so there is no need to worry about anything at all. However, what they did made those professionals who were ambushed outside couldn\'t help but be surprised.

In a short distance of 300 meters, kukas lost more than ten barrels of fierce fire oil to the manor. A series of explosions completely burned the whole manor. Some ordinary people and low-level professionals, regardless of their identity, were burned or killed by the fierce fire oil added with a large amount of magic materials in this series of explosions.

When kukas rushed to the wall, the guards on the wall were either severely thrown to the ground by the air wave caused by the explosion, or directly swallowed by the flame and turned into fly ash. The two bronze chopsticks waved in their hands and smashed them on the solid wall. Although he didn\'t attach any fighting force to the copper plate, there was a flash of light on the copper plate. The mysterious violent force emerged from the copper plate itself, and then tore the solid wall into a crack more than ten feet wide.

"Kill!" accompanied by kukas\'s roar, the puppet master released hundreds of stitched puppets with two or even three heads, and burst into the manor with strange cries. These stitching puppets hit the wall and easily tore more cracks out of the wall. They look for all living creatures, then grab them, put them in their mouths and chew them crazily.

Crazy casters constantly throw fireballs at the manor, regardless of whether they will hit their own people. As for the gladiator, he followed the pace of kukas and rushed to the manor to start killing.

Driven by kukas, the killers hidden outside had to fight. Some arrows hid behind the mysterious spell and quickly attacked the manor, while dozens of melee professionals kept rising and falling and surrounded the whole manor from all directions. They were not as crazy as kukas, but carefully united to take care of each other and pushed deeper into the manor. And such a speed of advance, let them completely break the hopes of those who want to escape from the manor.

A soldier jumped out from the cover of the fire and cut kukas at his waist. Kukas didn\'t even look at the other party. He waved a copper pawl and hit the other party\'s head directly. A pawl smashed him into meat sauce. The bronze mask was shining brightly, but it showed all the abilities of attachment under the blessing of kukas.

More and more professionals have noticed kukas, but they are not opponents of kukas and gladiators. Everyone who rushed up was either smashed into a meat pie by a bronze pig or scratched by a gladiator and pierced his neck and chest.

During the killing, the fire burst into the sky, and kukas soon realized a new goal: it was a young and beautiful woman wearing gorgeous clothes and clothes, accompanied by seven or eight professional guards. These people are constantly gathering other flustered professionals to rush out of the manor. When kukas noticed them, those people also noticed him.

"This is the real goal!" looking at the beautiful woman\'s panic, kukas didn\'t know why he felt very happy. He giggled and directly urged the ghost to cry and the war horse rushed towards her.

"Kill him. If anyone kills him, I\'ll let your royal highness reward you a large territory and make you a Lord." the beautiful woman screamed with distorted face. Under the threat of death, what else is there for her?

"Kill you, chick, have a good time with grandpa!" the Gladiator giggled, perhaps because of his past experience or psychological metamorphosis. The Gladiator was very interested in noble women. He likes to torture those noble women and kill them cruelly.

Several professionals who rushed up were all level 6 and level 7. The fighting spirit was rampant while walking, and some casters began to prepare powerful mysterious spells behind.

Kukas didn\'t have time to tangle with these people. He directly waved the copper plate and collided with them. A black smoke about the thickness of an adult\'s arm burst out from the copper plate and then wrapped directly around one of the casters. Such repeated collisions three or five times, relying on thousands of miles of smoke, he forcibly made the three or five spell casters lose the ability to attack.

Without the threat of the caster, the Gladiator became more rampant. He let out a strange howl in his mouth and was fighting with those professionals. And the puppet master and crazy caster joined him to kill those professionals.

After quietly calming his fighting space, kukas urged the horse to charge directly at a caster. The knight\'s charge exceeded the speed of sound. When his copper shield hit the defense scroll thrown out by a caster in a hurry, the shrill sonic boom sounded and the sobbing sound spread from the original position to the surrounding.

With the support of the fierce evil fighting spirit, the copper spike flashed up, and the three edged spike forcibly tore the caster\'s scroll defense, and then hit him hard on the chest.

The imaginary split of flesh and blood did not appear. At the moment when the copper tablet hit the caster, the caster\'s face distorted, and a seven pointed star array suddenly burst out from the whole person\'s chest. The Dharma array turned and forcibly held up kukas\'s bronze plate. At the same time, two cold lights shot out of the caster\'s eyes and hit kukas\'s head directly.

Kukas saw such strange magic for the first time. Fortunately, with the help of killing talent, he realized the danger in time. The ghost cried and the war horse neighed and stood up fiercely, using its chest to resist the cold light from the caster\'s eyes.

There were bursts of slight explosions, and a layer of stones appeared from the chest of the ghost crying war horse. The stone spread, and almost instantly turned the ghost crying war horse into a stone statue. Kukas felt bad and immediately jumped down from the horse, which avoided the possibility of the cold light spreading towards him.

"What a powerful means." kukas growled and looked at the caster with a shocked face, but the next moment, he smiled grimly again. It turned out that after a series of counterattacks, the magic in the caster\'s body was not enough to support him to resist the thousands of miles of smoke and dust wrapped around him. An oversight, the remaining magic defense on his body completely collapsed, and the black smoke drilled into his body like a poisonous snake. At the next breathing time, his whole body was eroded into a rotten and dry body.

After losing the mount, kukas summoned a new mount again. The ghost cried, and the war horse lifted up his huge body and began to charge again. The violent evil spirit spewed out of his pores and formed a fighting light on him and the ghost crying war horse. The quick impact on another caster, the caster shrieked, the whole body was torn to pieces by the charge of the knight, and the thousands of smoke wrapped around him around and constantly polishing his magic power penetrated into the meat pieces, draining all the flesh essence of the meat.

If it was repeated, although the other casters were extremely powerful, their means were not as powerful as the original caster. Even the counterattack only delayed kukas\'s breathing time. Did not really change their fate of death.

When kukas completely killed the casters, the battle in the manor came to an end. Some surrendered professionals were brutally scratched by gladiators to break their necks and hearts, while some women were swallowed by puppet masters with suture puppets, and then made some small and strange puppets.

As for the woman in gorgeous clothes, she became a prisoner of war for gladiators. The crazy Gladiator grabbed the woman and ravaged her wildly while killing some others. Some of the other killers applauded gladiators\' cruelty, while others looked disdainful and contemptuous. Of course, they don\'t have to fight a gladiator because of a woman, because at the end of the battle, almost everyone knows that the fourth order evil knight kukas killed three or five seventh order casters with a strange secret method.

When the last crazy prisoner of war was crushed by the gladiator, the life of the noble woman struggling with him came to an end. Kukas came forward and grabbed the woman\'s head. Then he squeezed and burst the woman\'s head with five fingers. The Gladiator reached the extreme excitement point under the convulsion of the woman\'s headless body.

"Such a good toy, I want to play more time!" the not very strong Gladiator roared wildly with scarlet eyes. His hands went up the woman\'s body, tore off pieces of flesh and blood and threw them on the ground.

"Time is running out. I think the lucky man\'s men are coming." kukas shook off the blood on his hand and chuckled. "I heard that there are many women who are lucky enough for you to enjoy. If you don\'t be killed by these women." while talking, he pointed to the Gladiator\'s thin chest and roared.