Abyss Knight

Chapter 331

"Ladies and gentlemen, as soldiers of elraze castle, you can\'t get money from any organization or any force. I pay a lot of money to you because I need your strength. Now it\'s time for you to show your strength. Ladies and gentlemen, show your real strength! Let me see if you have it or not Kukas sat down on the special chair, and then eight big men came forward and raised the chair.

"There are many mercenaries on the whole erlanze wasteland, and many earn money by knives and blood. I think many people are very willing to take your place." kukas lit a silver smoke, took a hard blow and continued to shout: "I am the governor of the elraze wasteland. You are the soldiers of the governor. Today, I use you not to patrol, but to collect money. I think you should share one fifth of the money collected this time. If you are injured during this period, I will pay ten times of gold coins as compensation. If you die because of collecting taxes, I will pay ten thousand gold coins Money to take care of your family and offspring until they reach adulthood. You can even train them into professionals. "

"I know that many of your families are studying in some unknown colleges. If you perform perfectly this time, I think from now on, all your families who are studying will get my money subsidy until they leave the college."

"When I say this, in fact, there is only one sentence to sum up. That is money. As long as you complete my orders, a large amount of money will be put into your pockets. Women you can only watch but can\'t play with on weekdays will also become things in your pockets. What you want but can\'t get on weekdays will eventually get."

A brilliant speech made everyone\'s blood boil. Especially when dozens of veterans threw heavy boxes in front of kukas, the blood of the soldiers who had just been recruited for a long time became more boiling.

One heavy box fell to the ground, and a large number of gold coins rolled out from the broken box. The bright gold coins made everyone cheer in a low voice. If kukas hadn\'t suppressed here, I\'m afraid they would have rushed up and robbed all the money.

"When you come back, these gold coins belong to you, which is an additional reward." kukas grinned. He felt the enthusiasm of the soldiers and the eyes of these people eager for gold coins.

Without saying anything more, kukas just waved his big hand and signaled the team to start. He walked in front of the team. Around him, there were more than 100 third-order soldiers with knives, guns and sticks guarding around. Of course, he should be in the middle of the team, but for some special reasons, he had to walk in front to prevent the soldiers from falling.

More than a dozen wind whistles were at the front of the team. The wind whistle turned and made a whine. Dozens of iron flags fluttered in the wind, depicting the name of kukas and the mark on the elraze wasteland. Of course, the mark was designed by kukas, an unknown monster standing on the wasteland. And the monster was one he deduced from an ancient biography of legendary knights Tough creatures.

The team of more than 10000 people was spectacular. There were more than 10000 people, boundless. More than 10000 troops rushed to the gathering area around Imperial College, which attracted the attention of interested people almost instantly. Before kukas and them reached the edge of the huge gathering area, the people in the whole gathering area almost knew that a well-equipped army of 10000 people came slowly.

During the clearing, kukas\'s tax collection method was extremely simple and rough. More than 10000 troops walked in line on the wide street and immediately blocked the 30-50 meter wide road. The soldiers took orders copied by the alchemists, walked into the shops on both sides of the street and asked for money. There was not much money, the most was only 100 gold coins, and the least was also Ten gold coins. These gold coins were gathered together and stacked on a huge carriage in the middle of the team. At the same time, the soldiers recorded the name of the owner of the store as a sign.

In this way, kukas and his men walked through the most prosperous street here according to the predetermined route, and then collected the money from all the shops. At the same time, kukas also ordered the soldiers to distribute the elraze wasteland code he prepared a few days ago to those shops. Of course, the thin code still had to collect money, one gold coin and one copy The code is very cheap for kukas.

During this period, some shops planned to resist paying taxes and take out the vouchers that had paid taxes before to prove their reasons. However, kukas threw the elraze wasteland code in front of each other and gave them ten breathing time to think about it.

Most shop owners compromised, and only a few people decided to continue to resist. They thought that the forces behind them would not allow them to bow to such a mean so-called governor. Of course, people like this ended badly. Their heads were cut off by violent soldiers, and everything in the shop was forcibly seized by them. Because whoever resisted, the library Cass won\'t charge them any more, but let the soldiers who destroyed the shop get the money.

Ordinary soldiers joined in, and even some soldiers robbed some shops that had already paid taxes. Of course, kukas didn\'t care about this situation at all. He just sat in his chair silently, squinting at the crowd in front of him. Watching the crowd show anger, disgust, disdain and other expressions.

His thick fingers gently knocked on the handrail, and beside him were two one legged copper man dolls wrapped with black smoke. Every time he flicked his fingers, the copper man would make bursts of sobs. Although the sound was very weak, it was enough for some people to hear.

There were five carriages in the team. When the five carriages were full of money, he ordered the soldiers to disperse and post their orders in various streets, so that all shop owners could go to him and pay taxes on their own initiative. The time he gave this time was three days.

The money on the five carriages left one for all the soldiers to share equally, and the remaining gold coins were purchased by kukas, a large number of magic materials and drugs, as well as some food and props he needed to practice special methods.