Abyss Knight

Chapter 330

Playing with the golden token, kukas knew it was arranged for him by the blonde general. And he also believes that such an arrangement is meaningful. Of course, he couldn\'t think of so many benefits that the token would bring to himself. But for now, he is free to go in and out of Imperial College and check the books in the library.

In the following days, kukas stayed in the room of the blonde general. At least he had to read all the books here before he decided to leave here. After reading the experiences of those ancient legendary knights, he had a new understanding of himself. Of course, this understanding may or may not be comprehensive. Maybe it\'s good or bad.

Kukas\'s silence suddenly quieted the whole area near the Imperial College and restored to the original life of their own business. Many people will no longer worry that they will be suddenly killed by the violent and irrational Lord, and then screw off their heads or be burned to death by the fire.

The huge body moved in the study. A heavy book was carefully placed on the shelf by him. Then he was ready to move the huge body to read another book.

Dong Dong! A crisp knock on the door sounded. Kukas opened the door and a female doctor in a light green robe came in from the outside: "kukas, today a group of students at Imperial College are going to hold a graduation ceremony, so the military headquarters held a banquet. They hope you can attend this banquet."

"No time." kukas touched his bald head and said in a deep voice, "if you have time, you can go. Well, see if there are any special professionals. If there are, you can recruit them."

"How to recruit? What can we provide them? There are not many materials in the castle now. We can\'t meet the requirements of some special professionals." the female doctor finally came out of the college. When she returned to the castle, she had to serve as the clerk of kukas. Of course, this is only done when she doesn\'t do the experiment.

"Then you don\'t have to recruit. Some ordinary professionals can also. Well! Our remuneration can be more moderate. By the way, take this to the military headquarters to exchange some money. I think the people in the military headquarters will give you a good price." while talking, kukas took out a scroll from the magic bag and handed it to the female doctor, whispered.

"OK." the female doctor sighed, then took a deep breath, reached out to take the scroll and put it into her arms: "is there anything else? Do you need more food now?" looking at kukas\'s huge body, which weighs almost a thousand pounds, she felt a burst of sadness in her heart. She didn\'t understand whether it was worth it to make herself like this in order to increase her strength.

"No, my method has reached the peak of cultivation, and then the food intake will return to normal." kukas looked down at his body. The strong muscles in the past have disappeared and replaced by a thick layer of fat. He looked very uncomfortable, but in order to enhance his strength, he had to keep it.

"By the way, you asked someone to write an order, which means that from now on, all shops living near Imperial College, regardless of size and background, will have to pay taxes. How many mercenaries have we waved?" kukas bee opened his eyes and asked in a low voice while reading a book.

"There are almost 10000 ordinary veterans, who are equipped with heavy armor and weapons. Only three or five mercenary regiments have been recruited by us, and all their members add up to only a thousand. However, they are all professionals. The highest is a caster and a fifth level caster. I have asked them to establish a new mercenary regiment alone." The female doctor rubbed her temples and thought hard, and then answered in a low voice.

"Well, tell them to get together after lunch. There are some things they need to do. Give them the printed orders and let them stay below." kukas pointed to the open space outside the castle and grinned and said in a deep voice, "if you can, let them be ready for battle. We have no money. We must find a way to get some money."

The female doctor left soon. With her, kukas didn\'t need to do a lot of things. After the female doctor left, kukas put the books on the bookshelf, and then began to stimulate his body with fighting spirit.

A lot of fighting spirit rushed out of the fighting space madly, and then swam in his body, hardening all the flesh and blood on him a little bit. Only a part of his fat sank from time to time, and then recovered again. After repeated dozens of times, it will be transferred to the next piece of fat.

When all the flesh and blood on the body were quenched repeatedly for dozens of times, just three magic hours passed. As soon as the time came, kukas got up and left the study and went directly to a large open space outside the castle.

Outside the castle, the female doctor had already prepared everything for him. There was a special chair under which an iron rod with the thickness of goose eggs passed through. On one side stood eight big men. These big men were naked, with a cross cow belt on their chest and goggles to protect the position of their heart. The lower part of the body wore a pair of shorts, bare hands, and his body was full of scars.

These eight big men were specially trained by kukas. With the support of a large number of drugs from female doctors, they had amazing brute force and thousands of pounds in a flash. Moreover, under some of kukas\'s Secret methods, the use of drugs forced them to break out. He also practiced the special fighting method prepared by kukas for them.

This fighting spirit method is actually prepared for shield guard soldiers. After cultivating this fighting spirit, their defense increases sharply, but their body becomes a little dull. But kukas didn\'t expect them to kill, but just let them lift their chairs.

A hard-working appearance came out of the castle. With each step, the earth would tremble slightly. This slight trembling could only be felt by professionals who broke out fighting spirit, and ordinary people could not notice it at all. The fat on his body trembled up and down. Every step he took, a lot of sweat came out of his body. He looked extremely laborious.

Although he looked extremely disdainful, no one dared to show disdain in front of him. Especially those professionals, they looked nervously and respectfully at kukas, a huge bald evil man, and dared not say anything.