A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men's Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains

Chapter 100: Let's play sports with ghosts

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Jing Yunkui stood up, in a pale room, his skin was just like the flawless walls here, clean and beautiful but without any blood color, Jing Yunkui looked at Gu Lan.

"Whatever you want to eat, go and have a look."

Jing Yunkui knew almost everything here, but he still chose to play charades with Gu Lan, letting Gu Lan enjoy the "fun" and "wonderful" exploration by himself.

Gu Lan thought it was ok, she stood in front of the door, turned the handle of the doorknob, and opened it—

Outside the door is a power grid.

Gu Lan stared at the power grid for a long time, then turned to look at Jing Yunkui, "I\'m going, it\'s so ruthless, and you still use the electricity to close the door. What a waste of electricity, the country\'s electricity is used in such redundant places. "

Gu Lan stared at the power grid that blocked people, and said seriously, "The problem that can be solved with only a big lock is so troublesome. Your hospital should have used locks before, right?"

Jing Yunkui was standing in front of the hospital bed. He hadn\'t moved, and he knew that this would happen.

He patiently explained, "The lock was used. But the patients in ward 005 escaped. So, so, this is what happened now. You can\'t get out for a while, and you have to be hungry for a while."

Gu Lan looked at the power grid and became angry, "Hungry during the day and hungry at night. No matter how hungry..."

Gu Lan turned her head and looked Jing Yunkui up and down, a meaningful smile appeared on her neutral and handsome face.

"No matter how hungry I am, I can only eat you."

Hearing what Gu Lan said, Jing Yunkui spread out his hands directly, with a gentle smile on his pale face, as if he was a martyr, and his movements were somewhat pious.

Jing Yunkui slowly closed his eyes.

"Come on. If you want to eat...it\'s not impossible."

Gu Lan walked over to Jing Yunkui, and said with a low smile, "That\'s fine, don\'t worry, I\'m not a rude person, I will be very gentle~ If it hurts, you can call me a little beauty~"

Jing Yunkui bit his lower lip lightly, "Okay."

ten minutes later.

The siren sounded in the terrifying hospital at midnight, and the messy footsteps of doctors and nurses came from the corridor. This sound sounded very strange, and the sound of something thick dragging on the ground could be faintly heard.

The nurse on night shift stood at the door of the ward. Her appearance was probably the same as that of the daytime, except that her mouth seemed to be cut open by something forcefully, and the corners of her mouth slid to her ears.

The face of the little nurse can only be forever smiling.

Now even though she is a little afraid of this ward, she still has a smile on her face. She turned her head and said to the doctor standing behind her, "Doctor... here is the new patient No. 017."

"The two of them were locked together. Now, they have begun to kill each other. The control room shows that patient No. 027, who has severe persecution delusions, tried to hurt patient No. 002."

The doctor behind the female nurse held his head with his hands, his ears turned up, listening to the little nurse\'s voice, and then he put his head in his hands so that part of his face turned up.

Withered lips made a rough voice, "How is it going?"

The little nurse lowered her head, "The surveillance camera has been cut off."

The doctor\'s shriveled lips let out a horrible laugh again, "It\'s cut off...then open the door and drag No. 027\'s body out."

The little nurse didn\'t want to go in at all. She clearly remembered that the people who lived in the same ward as patient 002 died in the end...

Patient 002 is almost a gentle and perfect personality.

He is knowledgeable and talented, has a gentle personality, his tone is never slow or ill, and there is no sign of violence at ordinary times. He is a gentle man who likes to watch falling flowers, listen to the sound of rain, drink tea and play chess.


If patient No. 002 is an angel, then his other personality is the scariest devil.

That demon has the most mysterious thinking, is extremely anti-social and has a very strong tendency to violence, and that kind of personality itself is also mentally ill and crazy.

Patient 002 has severe cleanliness.

The little nurse didn\'t understand why the doctor had to arrange a roommate for patient 002 every time, but the result was that the roommate was killed and sent out. Now, it is such a result.

The little nurse was obviously used to doing this kind of thing, but she felt a little sad when she thought that the handsome boy had died inside.

Why are you sad?

She didn\'t know, but the doctor entered an order for people to enter the ward, and the little nurse entered the ward, but was stunned for a moment—

When this happened in the past, the walls in the ward would be spattered with blood.

Blood is like a flower that heralds withering and death.

And at this time, a man with a gentle face would sit on the bed, covering his face so that no one could see his expression. Sadness and despair seemed to be revealed from his figure.

The murderer was another personality of patient No. 002.

Patient 002\'s gentle personality is really innocent.

It\'s just that the current scene is completely different from the past.

Open the ward, and you can see on the floor near the door, a teenager riding on a man, with his head lowered and biting his neck—

The teenager looks ruffian and handsome, and the maroon wolf-tail hairstyle makes her look like a special androgynous charm.

And the man under him was gentle and handsome, with his eyes closed, as if he was compromising, he allowed the young man to act presumptuously on him.

Even though the little nurse had turned into a ghost, the soul of a rotten girl in her heart still burned for no reason.


As soon as her words sounded, Gu Lan who was "entangled" on the floor suddenly jumped up, Jing Yunkui also opened his eyes, and rushed out of the ward in cooperation with Gu Lan!

Gu Lan and Jing Yunkui had planned it long ago.

Since the door is not easy to get out from the inside, let the door be opened from the outside.

Gu Lan was the first to rush out the door. As soon as she came out, she saw two rows of white coats standing in the corridor.

Almost Jing Yunkui has always been quiet, and basically would not take the initiative to leave the ward, so Gu Lan was able to slip out in one fell swoop.

But so many doctors outside the door are obviously the second line of defense.

Even if they come out of the ward, so many doctors are indeed a headache, and they also have all kinds of weapons in their pockets, which is not a good thing.

The doctors outside the door are like walking white coats.

Their heads were picked up in their hands, and when Gu Lan came out, the heads of the group of headless ghosts turned slowly together, and finally all the heads faced Gu Lan\'s direction, opening their shriveled mouths.

"You want to escape?"

"No. 002, what are you doing here?"

"No. 027, you are not dead?"

"No. 027, are you willing to be killed by us? Resistance is futile—"


Gu Lan didn\'t bother to listen to what they said, she had seen this ghost before, she even broke off a head and gave it to Jing Yunkui to play with, but the serious cleanliness sister Jing Yun directly kicked her out of the dream .

Thinking of this, Gu Lan rolled up her sleeves and said to Jing Yunkui, "I\'ll charge, you follow behind."

Jing Yunkui is obviously obsessed with cleanliness. He has not spoken now. His hospital gown is a single piece, and when he takes it off, he can only show his flesh, but his clothes should be dirty just now.

Jing Yunkui thought of a way to pat the dust off his clothes, but he didn\'t care about Gu Lan.

Gu Lan also knew that time was important, she said to Jing Yunkui again, "If you feel dirty, you can come into the room and wait for me, I won\'t wait for you."

Jing Yunkui raised his head and was about to speak when his eyes widened unconsciously.

Not only him, but all the doctors in the corridor were also stunned!

Gu Lan quickly grabbed the head that was held by the doctor closest to her, and then slapped the head hard to the ground like a basketball. The head kept cursing, but it bounced off helplessly stand up.

Gu Lan patted the head of the ball and shouted—

"Wow! I\'m going to pass the ball! I played basketball very well back then! The school team! I also won the national student competition award!"

As Gu Lan said so, she patted the head of the ball, and slammed into the shoulder with the posture of playing basketball. She patted the **** head from one side of the team to the other side of the team.

The doctors were stunned, and so were the heads in their hands.


"Fuck! What the **** is this?!"

Gu Lan patted the head in her hand, but it was not very satisfying, "This one is not too round, it doesn\'t feel good in the hand."

As she said that, Gu Lan stared at the round head of a fat doctor amidst the inexplicably trembling eyes of the crowd. She raised the corners of her lips, and the smile on her face could be said to be full of evil spirits.

"That\'s all. This one is absolutely round, with high bounce and good maneuverability."

"Hey, do you want to give me this head, or should I grab it myself?"

The doctors never thought that the head they removed would turn into a ball one day! Well, Gu Lan gave them face, saying that this is not a ball but a basketball.

In the terrifying mental hospital, there was a madman who patted the doctor\'s head, from the doctor\'s east end to the west end, and from the west end to the east end.

The skills of playing basketball are clearly used by her. She can also use human heads as tools to hit people, and also use human heads to block attacks. It can be said that the handsomeness and attack power of violent basketball have been brought to the extreme.

for a while.

This crazily joyous voice resounded throughout the hospital, accompanied by the screams of the head.

"Hahahaha, it\'s fun! It\'s the first time to shoot this kind of ball! It\'s so exciting!"

"Help! My eyeballs are about to fall out! Ah—! Ah!—!"

Gu Lan had a good time playing, she found that the ball in her hand became rounder and rounder, she patted the head, lowered her head and raised her eyes, looked at the large group of white coats in front of her, and said with a smile.

"It turns out that everything can be twisted. Look at how smooth this human head is like a ball."

"But I still like to scream."

"This one has been photographed for too long, so I won\'t call it anymore."

All the heads in the hands of the white coats looked at the ball in Gu Lan\'s hand, whose facial features could hardly be seen. After all, the eyes should have flown out when they were shot, and they might have been trampled flat by someone.

The nose has been flattened and pressed against the lips, which can only be distinguished by some colors.

They have dealt with many people and turned many people into eccentrics and lunatics, but when they see their own heads like this, it is inevitable that rabbits die of foxes, and white coats with heads die, because things hurt their own kind.

Gu Lan patted the ball, looking at the treasures in the hands of other white coats with burning eyes.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

"The one next to the wall in the second row! That\'s right, it\'s you! Your head is very round! How come you have such a round head? Why didn\'t I see it before!"

The head stared at by Gu Lan immediately rolled up.

It didn\'t even dare to stay in the hands of the white coat, it really rolled on the ground like a ball, and then rolled forward in a daze, screaming as it rolled.

"Ah! Help! I\'m not round! My head is pointed! They all say that I was admitted to this hospital because my head was sharpened! That\'s why my head is pointed! Don\'t shoot me!"

This can be the head has always been very noble.

He is a doctor in a mental hospital with a decent job and a good income, especially even though these special patients know the dirty things in the hospital, and have personally participated in some tragedies and have lived to this day.

He is intelligent, capable, and always on top, being dragged in the palm of his hand.

Maybe it was the first time he felt scared as a man-made ghost, and he thought while running away—

This patient No. 027 made him so embarrassed!

When he comes back to his senses, he must take a good breath, formulate the strictest treatment plan for patient No. 027, and reshape him into a well-behaved personality who allows him to bully him!

Heh, Patient 027, you wait—

The frantically fleeing head was thinking about it, when suddenly, with a "bang", another round head came from far to near, and hit the back of his head directly.

Not far away, Gu Lan\'s quite satisfied voice came.

"This time, it\'s bowling! Wow, it looks like my skills haven\'t deteriorated!"

"These heads are really good things. One ball can be used for multiple purposes, I am worried that I have nothing to do this night-"

As Gu Lan said, she walked towards the stunned head.

The white coat belonging to the head hurriedly strode over, not caring about stopping Gu Lan and Jing Yunkui, and ran away holding the head, like an old hen protecting its cubs.

Gu Lan did not chase.

What a tiring chase, this hospital is so big, it is very likely that you will be ambushed by ghosts as soon as you follow.


Gu Lan turned around, with a very friendly smile on her face, bright eyes, and her hair sticking to her forehead because of playing basketball, she looked like a beautiful sports boy.

"It doesn\'t matter if one person sneaked away, there are still three, four, five, six or seven heads here!"

Speaking of this, Gu Lan couldn\'t help rubbing her hands excitedly, "Let me see, that baby\'s head is the roundest."

Gu Lan felt that she was smiling very gently, or that she had tried to be as gentle as possible.

She has had strange powers since she entered the dreamland, and these white coats seem to be some very weak people. If she wants to fight, she may not be able to fight against a group of people.

But let her play extraordinary, then she is too skilled.

She walked in front of the white coat, and the white coats hugged their heads tightly in fright, and all took a step back.

Gu Lan took another step, and the other party took a step back.

Gu Lan understood, "You don\'t want to play basketball, do you?"

"Actually, basketball is not necessary. I can also play football, table tennis, golf, baseball, and billiards. You can choose."

Gu Lan gave the white coats freedom, but this group of people didn\'t want to play games with Gu Lan, so they all ran away, and even the unrecognizable ball that was shot by her at the beginning was picked up by the white coats. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

There was a sudden silence in the corridor.

The quiet Gu Lan felt very lonely.

Gu Lan sighed heavily, her hands were covered with blood and some strange liquid, she felt quite disgusting when she recovered.

"I\'ll go, won\'t that head cry? It\'s a big head, and it\'s still crying. It\'s not strong at all."

Jing Yunkui witnessed everything, he looked at Gu Lan, sighed softly, walked over, took out a tissue from his pocket, "wipe your hands."

Gu Lan said, "I can\'t go back in the ward, I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to get out. So let\'s go to the toilet together."

When Jing Yunkui heard this, his eyelashes trembled slightly.

"You...do you still remember that you are a woman? I..."

Gu Lan said, "What are you thinking? I said wash your hands. How can you eat without washing your hands?"