A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men's Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains

Chapter 101: Look how I used to be

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In ghost stories, places like cemeteries, crematoriums, deserted villages, murder scenes, around hospitals, places where people have drowned, elevators and underground parking lots are most likely to see ghosts.

In the hospital, the morgue and bathroom can be said to be the most cloudy and dangerous places.

Jing Yunkui didn\'t know if Gu Lan knew about this. The hospital here was more terrifying than his ward. However, thinking about the ghosts in the toilet, Jing Yunkui found it more interesting.

"Okay," Jing Yunkui said to Gu Lan, "then go to the bathroom. Which floor do you want to go to?"

Gu Lan asked, "How many floors is this?"

"Fourth floor", Jing Yunkui said, his eyes fell on the long corridor, this dark corridor seemed to be submerged by the tide of the night, with no end in sight.

The lights in the corridor are very bright, dazzling, as if everything is bright, but this light makes people think of something indifferent and dead white.

Gu Lan followed Jing Yunkui\'s gaze, and she couldn\'t help saying, "Where is the restaurant? Or is the bathroom over there? Anyway, let\'s go."

"The sky is big and the earth is big, and the rice is the biggest."

Jing Yunkui seemed to be amused, he nodded slightly, there was no trace of madness on his face, today he is more like a doctor than a doctor in normal life, it seems that he has carved the gentleness into his bones.

He took Gu Lan to the bathroom. On the way, he passed one closed door after another.

Jing Yunkui\'s patient number is No. 002, the ward next to him is No. 003, and so on, but the doors of other wards are all locked, only Jing Yunkui\'s door is the most special.

The heavy big lock locks the iron door of the ward, just looking at it makes people feel depressed.

Under the pale light, this place seems to be an operating table, and the patients in each ward are not patients who need to be cured, but they are like experimental products waiting for experiments.

The front ward here is Room 2.

It is very likely that Jing Yunkui lived with patient No. 1.

The further back the others, the smaller the constraints outside the door. It should be that the lower the number, the less dangerous the patient is.

Gu Lan\'s gaze fell on the door, and when she walked to the door marked Ward 009, there was a soft sound from inside the door, and that sound seemed to be caused by something hitting the door.

Gu Lan stopped and walked to the door.

She looked at the thick door, "This door is the same soundproof door as your ward, and it must have taken a lot of effort to knock such a thick door panel to make a sound."

Knowing that Gu Lan stopped and took the initiative to talk to him, Jing Yunkui wanted to know about the situation in Ward 009, he said.

"Patient No. 009 has bipolar disorder and severe bipolar disorder. She is a girl, 17 years old, she is very quiet and likes to read books when she is normal, but when she has an attack, she will crazily hit the wall."

"This sound should come from her banging on the door."

Gu Lan was a little worried, "Her voice is so loud, and no doctor has come yet. It\'s all my fault for playing basketball and letting those doctors run away. What if I run into myself and die?"

When Jing Yunkui heard Gu Lan\'s words, he couldn\'t help looking at Gu Lan, "What do you mean?—"

Gu Lan shrugged, "I don\'t have the tools to open the door right now. I don\'t have enough food and I don\'t have the energy. When I\'m full and drink enough, if I\'m still alive, come and see her."

After Gu Lan finished speaking, she looked at the door of Ward 009 and smiled meaningfully, "This is the first person who greeted me friendly after I came here. Yes, little beauty, I remember you."

Seeing that Gu Lan seemed obsessed with "beauties", Jing Yunkui frowned slightly, and said with a smile on his face, "Not many people here are beautiful..."

He just said this when he thought that Gu Lan thought she was a beautiful woman when she saw the female nurse with a slit, so she suddenly didn\'t want to continue talking.

Gu Lan said, "I have my own criteria for judging beauties."

After speaking, Gu Lan pointed to the position of her heart, and Jing Yunkui understood, "You mean to say, you are looking at their hearts?"

"No, I just look at my mood."

Gu Lan is very serious, "Everything is beautiful when you are in a good mood, and ugly when you are in a bad mood."

"The exercise just now made me feel good, let\'s go, let\'s go to the bathroom quickly, don\'t keep the ghost there waiting for a long time."

After Gu Lan finished speaking, she strode forward.

It is difficult for Jing Yunkui to predict what Gu Lan is thinking. Gu Lan looks more crazy than others, but under the crazy appearance, she still has a very delicate heart.

Thinking about it, Jing Yunkui saw Gu Lan come back again, she scratched her head, seemed a little embarrassed, "Accidentally, I went the wrong way."

After about three minutes.

After turning two corners, Gu Lan and Jing Yunkui came to the bathroom at the corner of the 4th floor.

To say that the location of this bathroom is indeed a hell, there seems to be a storage room next to it, and the big lock on the door has rusted.

The lights here also seem to be broken, and the lights in the corridor flicker, which has a particularly haunted atmosphere.

Gu Lan looked at it and couldn\'t help commenting, "This toilet is very interesting. I would call it a qualified ghost hospital toilet. Come, come, let\'s go to the toilet together."

With that said, Gu Lan walked confidently and boldly into the men\'s room.

She knew that Jing Yunkui saw her childhood in Hua Yin\'s dream, so she must also know that she was a girl in childhood, but at this time, she had a question to ask Jing Yunkui.

"I once saw a news. A girl was hospitalized in the hospital with severe depression because she went crazy after being excluded from school."

"As a result, due to some special circumstances, she had dystocia and died in the toilet."

"To be exact, he died in the last cubicle of the men\'s restroom."

"Finally, the investigation found that a male patient in the same ward raped her, and committed violence against her when she was pregnant and giving birth, resulting in the tragic death of the female patient."

As Gu Lan said, she walked into the men\'s toilet, which was very clean. As soon as she entered, she could see the urinal in the bathroom and the washstand outside the urinal.

There is also a floor-to-ceiling mirror next to the washstand.

Generally speaking, there are large mirrors in public toilets, but the mirrors are all on the washstand, unlike here, there is a mirror on the washstand, and there is a floor-to-ceiling mirror next to it.

As if the place was already surrounded by mirrors, Gu Lan looked at the two mirrors, and the two mirrors printed shadows from different angles.

Gu Lan stared at the mirror on the washstand for a long time, and the handsome guy in the mirror who looked exactly like her also stared at her for a long time, and the two handsome men looked at each other.

Gu Lan inside the mirror suddenly showed a ferocious expression, and her hand suddenly hit the mirror, as if she was about to come out of the mirror.

Gu Lan outside the mirror was still washing her hands seriously, motionless.

Jing Yunkui also walked in, frowning slightly, and said to Gu Lan. "Low your head, don\'t look in the mirror. The mirror here shuts the ghosts, they will imitate you from the mirror, and replace you..."

As soon as Jing Yunkui finished speaking, Gu Lan, who was washing her hands, slowly raised her head. Her eyes were cloudy, and a hint of madness could be vaguely seen.

Gu Lan\'s wet hands suddenly pressed against the window of the washstand, and she leaned forward, as if she was going to get into the territory!

Not only that, Gu Lan\'s fingers gripped the mirror tightly, and she made the sound of scratching nails that is common in horror novels. She didn\'t speak, but her expression became more and more crazy.

Looking at the ghost in the mirror, her expression was like a beast that had been starved for a long time, and suddenly saw the food as greedy and crazy, as if she wanted to grab the things in the mirror and eat them.

The ghost who looked exactly like her in the mirror was not there. Gu Lan\'s situation at this time was terrible.

Moreover, the ghost in the mirror was taken aback.

Seeing the dazed expression of the ghost in the mirror, Gu Lan showed a crazy and satisfied smile on her face. It seems that she likes to torture people very much, and she will be happy when she sees people dazed. In this way, she seems to be satisfied when she sees others suffering.

The ghost in the mirror has been in this hospital and has seen too many things.

Does this patient wearing No. 027 patient suit have binge eating disorder? Even ghosts want to eat? !

It\'s too scary, right? !

Patient No. 27, the patient number is so far behind, it should not be lethal.

But it seems weird, this guy didn\'t have this expression when he first came in... Where is it weird?

Jing Yunkui frowned, walked directly to Gu Lan\'s side, put his hand on Gu Lan\'s shoulder, his voice was full of tension.

The usual Gu Lan is obviously not like this.

"Gu Lan! You are not Gu Lan! Who are you, get off Gu Lan!"

As Jing Yunkui said, he wanted to drag Gu Lan from the mirror.

When the ghost in the mirror saw Jing Yunkui, he was taken aback. His expression showed a hint of confusion, followed by deep fear.


How did he find it weird?

This guy has long been possessed by a ghost, UU reading www. uukanshu.com brought ghosts in!

There is a ghost!

Even a lunatic can\'t eat ghosts, only ghosts can eat ghosts!

The ghosts outside are definitely going to eat him!

The ghost inside the mirror slipped away without saying a word, and he had to save his life to wait for other people to come over so that he could take advantage of other people\'s bodies, not to mention...

The ghost glanced quietly at Jing Yunkui standing behind Gu Lan from the corner of his eyes, his body trembling uncontrollably.

This devil must be the one who let the ghost get on No. 027\'s body, and pretended to be a good person in front of No. 027!

No, he has to find a chance to remind No. 027.

If the next time he sees No. 027, No. 027 is still alive...