A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 26

Zhuo Qing's self comfort is not over yet. The girl's frightened cry has already sounded: "what do you want to do!?"!? Go away! "

"Don't worry, I just can't wait to kill you! I haven't tasted the taste of Miss Qianjin yet! "

SHIT! The lewd language makes Zhuo Qing get goose bumps! What will happen next? I want to know with my toes!

"If you hurt me, my brother won't give you money!" The girl tried her best to appease the man, but the man spat and scolded: "no? If not, let him collect the body! "

"Please! Please don't! "

"Help -"

then came the sound of torn cloth, women's shrill cries, men's wanton laughter. Everything was like a file, tearing Zhuo Qing's heart. Countless female corpses died of rape flashed in her mind. Zhuo Qing's hands were more and more tight! Damn damn damn! She was so worried but in a dilemma. If she left regardless of the girl herself, she would be upset in her life. But if she rushed in, the result would only be worse!

Zhuo Qing didn't come up with any good way, so she heard a strong wind flash in her ear, and then there was a series of sounds. Looking at it, a fist sized stone is rolling all the way to the hole. Zhuoqing's back is cool. She doesn't move. Where is the stone from!

"Who?!" In the cave, the wary man growled.

Zhuo Qing is in a panic next time. She retreats quickly and wants to get into the nearby trees. Suddenly, a pair of big hands grabbed her shoulder, another hand covered her mouth, and dragged her aside. Zhuo Qing was shocked and struggled desperately. At this time, a strange and familiar male voice whispered in her ear: "I'll lead him out, you go in and save people."

What's the sound? Jingjing? Zhuo Qing doesn't struggle any more, and finally her hand is released. Zhuoqing hurriedly turned around. In the misty rain, she had a pair of eyes that were as deep as a pool. The visitor is indeed Qian Jing, but at this time his eyes are full of awe, which is quite different from the way he used to hang his son. Zhuo Qing lost his mind for a moment.

Qianjing pushed her gently to the side of the cave and ran to the end of the cave. Standing outside the cave, Qianjing put his hands on his hips and cried out: "in broad daylight, it's so beautiful that he robbed the women! I really can't see it. I can't come out and die! "

Zhuo Qing is suddenly covered with black lines. It's clear that there are dark clouds and high winds. Where does it come from? He is the ruffian she knows! In my heart, Zhuoqing clings to the stone wall and carefully hides herself. Suddenly a stream of light flew out of the cave, and Qian Jing leaped back and dodged dangerously. After flying silver light, Zhuoqing returns to the cave again. Zhuoqing is surprised. What kind of weapon is it.

"The wet baby, see Grandpa don't chop you!" With a rough roar, a tall and strong man appeared at the entrance of the cave. Zhuo Qing carefully looks at the object in his hand and finds that there are several rings of thin iron chains around his arm. Under the iron chain, there is a ball slightly smaller than the fist. The surface of the ball is all dense, with cold light barbs. If it hits, it will be bloody.

Zhuo Qing held her breath and curled up tighter, only to hear Qianjing sneer: "then see who died first!" A Throwing Knife flies towards the big man. The big man hits the ball with a bang. The throwing knife and the ball strike a spark. The big Han didn't show weakness either. He waved the iron chain in his hand and attacked Qianjing face to face. Qianjing flew back and jumped. The big Han took advantage of the victory and chased after him. The weapons were handed over, and the sound of plants shaking was more and more far away. Zhuo Qing pulls up her long skirt and runs into the cave.

The cave was quite big, and the fire was burning in the middle. In the small corner, a woman with disheveled hair and ragged clothes crouched on the ground, staring at her in horror, her thin body could not help shaking.

Zhuo Qing stepped forward and said, "get up quickly and follow me."

The woman not only didn't stand up but also shrank back in fear. Zhuo Qing took the woman's arm and helped her up, explaining: "you are ru'er. Qi Tianyu asked us to save you. Don't ask so much. Let's leave first."

It was not easy to pull the woman up, but she was still tightly leaning on her, shaking, motionless. Zhuoqing was in a hurry, but she still didn't speak. The woman's eyes were full of tears and looked at her pitifully. The trembling voice said: "my feet can't move."

Can't move? Zhuo Qing gently lifts up her skirt and feet. Under the light of the fire, Zhuo Qing finally sees the obvious open fracture at the right foot of the woman.

"Damn it!" Zhuoqing low mantra, the wound wound is very large, the leg bone is severely exposed, the muscle is torn, and it is not treated and fixed in time. The girl's foot is useless, and the infection caused by the wound is too large can also kill her! No wonder that man dared to leave her alone in the cave. He had already broken her feet. Let alone run, she could not climb out of the cave even if she did!

Looking at the surface of the wound and the numb expression of the woman, the injury must be more than twelve hours. She can't pick her up and drag her away. She's afraid that she won't be far away. There are dead weeds outside. If she gets infected again, it's a problem. Zhuo Qing quickly judged the situation, helped the woman to sit down, ran to the fire, found two dry branches, walked back to the woman's side, tore the skirt into strips, and said in a low voice: "you bear it!"

Ruer hasn't responded yet. Zhuo Qing has grasped her calf and quickly and accurately straightened the bone.

"Ah -" the pain of bone restoration almost made you faint without pain. It was not easy to slow down. Zhuoqing had fixed the injury with a branch. After a long sigh of relief, Zhuoqing stood up again and asked, "can you move?" Everything is expedient, the cloth tightly around the right foot, only to ensure that she will not fracture twice, no disinfection, infection is inevitable, I hope she can survive it!

Gently moved right foot, still ache, but already can make up force! "You son clenches the lower lip, nods hard to return a way:" OK, let's go

"Go." Zhuo Qing helps ru'er to go outside the cave. She secretly praises that she is a tough and intelligent woman.

"Where to go?!"

When the two men came to the cave entrance, the figure of the big man, heizhuang, appeared at the same time. With a bit of complacency, he laughed and said, "if you want to use the strategy of turning the tiger away from the mountain, you've been wandering in the Jianghu for so many years for nothing!"

Ruer's body shakes uncontrollably. Zhuoqing's heart also mentions her voice and eyes. For the first time, she felt her crazy heartbeat so clearly. Holding ruer, the two of them retreated all the way until they were against the cold stone wall.