A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 25

Night fell, and the moon was at the top. It was the time of Hai. In the main hall, the lights are still bright. The building's sunset sits on the main seat. The forefinger gently taps on the handle of the wooden chair. The sound is not loud. But in the quiet main hall, it is very clear. Lou Xiwu raises her head slightly and takes a peek at Lou Xiyan. He doesn't speak or scold her, and the expression on his face doesn't look happy or angry. The heavy rain just now poured her from head to foot. Now she is cold and hungry, shivering. But Lou Xiwu still bowed her head and dared not say a word.

At that time, she left the book and left, which was also a temporary impulse. Later, she regretted it, but she could not run back by herself. She guessed that Jing SA and elder brother would find her soon, which proved to be very fast. But if she had known that it would rain so heavily in this damn day, elder brother would be as terrible as now, and she would not run out if she died.

"Ink white." The low voice of Lou Xiyan suddenly rings, scaring Lou Xiwu. He steals his eyes again and finds that Lou Xiyan is not looking at her at all. He just whispers to the nearby Ink White: "go to tell Tianyu and Qingfeng that Xi Wu has found them. So they don't have to look. "

"Yes." When Mobai walks past jingsa, he gives him a little calm and calm look, so go out in a hurry.

Looking at the dancing of the building, jingsa was like a fallen leaf in the wind. Jingsa wanted to say something, but he swallowed it at last because of his white eyes.

The main hall once again returned to its stifling silence.

Half an hour later, Lou Xiwu couldn't stand it. If she wanted to fight, she would scold. She would never suffer this kind of suffering again. She raised her head. Lou Xiwu opened her mouth and said, "elder brother"

unfortunately, she said a word. Lou Xiyan suddenly called out in a faint voice, "come. Help Miss go back to the room to rest. Without my order, she is not allowed to step out of the door! "

The bodyguard outside came in, stood behind the Lou Xi dance, looked at each other, and went out with the Lou Xi dance.

"Brother! Can't you lock me up like this? " Lou Xi danced back to her mind and shouted loudly. Unfortunately, from the beginning to the end, Lou Xiyan didn't even look at her.

Lou Xiyan is calm all the time. He is not angry at all. Jing SA knows that he is very angry. King SA stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "master, this is all because of me. It has nothing to do with the young lady. Please punish your subordinates. "

Lou Xiyan gently raised her hand to stop what he was going to say. She replied lightly, "I have my own discretion, so you can go down and rest."

"Yes." The master didn't want to hear him. Jing Sa's heart sank and he could only bow away.

Jing SA turns around and leaves. Even his back shows his stubbornness and coldness. Lou Xiyan shakes her head helplessly. Xiwu likes jingsa. He has known that jingsa is not uninteresting to the girl. He is not a pedantic person. If they really agree with each other and get married, it is also a good thing. However, jingsa's stubborn temper is to stick to the distinction between the master and the servant. Even if he is the master himself, jingsa will not agree. In order to avoid jingsa's uneasiness, this matter has been regarded as not seen. It's not easy for him not to have a headache.

Gently rubbing the temple, Lou Xiyan gets up and is ready to go back to the room, but sees Mo Bai hurrying. His steps seem to be in a hurry. Inexplicably, a bad premonition rises. Without waiting for Mo Bai to speak, Lou Xiyan asks, "what happened?"

"The green maple is gone."

Gone?! The building's setting face looks up at dusk, and there is a flicker in its eyes.

Do not need to ask the floor sunset, ink white has truthfully replied: "looked for the entire hot spring garden, did not find her shadow. In the afternoon, everyone in the villa went out to find Miss Xiwu. No one found out how she was missing. "

Did she run away? Unlikely, she is not so stupid, if she wants to run, she can look for other opportunities, should not be chosen in this sparsely populated Valley, and she is so run, it is more difficult to see her sisters. Or was she caught? Thinking of this, Lou Xiyan's face darkened, and his voice seemed a little hasty: "mobilize all the guards who have come here, and turn over this Hongshan mountain to find her."

"Yes." Ink white eyebrow unconsciously micro Cu, this green maple, seems to have been able to affect the master's mind.

She's a pig!

She's a pig!

She is a stupid pig!

She is such a stupid pig!

Why does she have to manage the life and death of Lou Xi dance? Why doesn't she stay in the small garden and wait for news? Why does she have to look for her around the small garden for nothing? Why does the sky suddenly rain? Why does she get lost?!

Yes, she's lost. She's lost for the first time in her life. She has a strong memory. She's lost!

Zhuo Qing scolds herself in the bottom of her heart, but she dare not stop at all. After the heavy rain, the mountain was surrounded by rain and fog, surrounded by tall and uneven trees. There was no visibility around, so she could only grope forward. She should still be on the mountain of small hot spring garden, so it is unlikely to meet large wild animals. There are hot springs here, and there will be running water. As long as she finds running water, she can go out.

The night wind is chilly, she is cold and hungry, walking in the dark for a long time, finally, the distant light flashes, Zhuoqing almost wants to scream! If there is fire, there will be people! Zhuo Qing quickened her pace and walked towards the fire.

More and more close, when Zhuo Qing felt that the hope was in front of her, a roar made her dare not move --

"shut up for me, and kill you when you are crying!"

Zhuo Qing's body is stiff, sky! How unlucky she is! It's hard to see hope. It turns out to be despair.

Zhuoqing is very close to the cave from the fire. For fear of disturbing the people inside, Zhuoqing takes a deep breath. After calming down, she gently raises her feet and walks back at the lightest pace.

Just a few steps forward, the rude and crazy man scolded: "it's not a fucking thing for you to have a gambling house to rob me of my money. Don't think I'm easy to bully, and don't ask who I am! If the Qi family doesn't take money to redeem you, don't blame me for being cruel! "

Family? It's not such a coincidence! Is this man Qi Tianyu asked Qian Jing to catch? He was not stupid. Qi Tianyu would not think that he was hiding under his own eyes. Besides, it was too easy to hide one or two people in such a dense jungle.

A low female voice, crying and panicking, said, "don't kill me, my brother will redeem me!"

The clever girl didn't reveal her identity as a servant girl, or the bandit would be angry and her life would be over. Zhuo Qing raises her feet to walk forward again, secretly prays that she can leave smoothly. The girl's machine intelligence lets her hold on for a while, waiting for her to find someone to save her.