A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 233

"You go on." Gu Yun has seen the hateful little green snake of mocang for a long time. Her mind is only on the distribution map. Since mocang can find the pirate's nest, he must know the basic information inside.

"The pirates have 15 main battle ships in all, five of which were sunk yesterday, ten of which are left, and thirty-six of them. Generally, the main battle ships are distributed in this sea area, because the reef groups here are large and natural barriers, which can easily avoid your search. Most of the small boats are concentrated between the big ship and the big ship to avoid the surging waves when the tide is rising. Pirates like to come out of these two exits. One is where you are besieged today, and the other is here. " Pointing out a sea area on the map, mocang continued: "as long as the warships enter this area, they are easy to be besieged by pirates."

It's amazing that there are more pirate ships than those of sujiajun. Han Shu exclaimed, "I can't imagine there are so many more pirates! Fortunately, boats are not very useful. "

"You are wrong." Gu Yun said worriedly, "small boats are sometimes more powerful than big boats. These boats only need to hide behind the big boats and slowly approach the enemy's ships, and then they can grasp the opportunity to get out and approach the enemy's ships.". The boat is small and flexible, and it's not easy for the cannons to hit them. Once they get closer to within twenty feet, the cannons can't hit them. Then the pirates can launch rockets or even climb the boat directly. "

So serious? "We now know the pirate's nest, and we have a map of the distribution of the reefs, just in time to take advantage of its unprepared, rushed in to wipe them out!"

"The reef group is far more complex than you think. It's just a general distribution. No one can fully understand the large and small submarine reefs inside. Su's warships are so big that they can easily be found once they enter. You don't have pirates who are familiar with the terrain. At that time, you will not annihilate others but seek your own way. " Mu Cang's cold voice completely extinguished Han Shu's high momentum.

This can't be done or that can't be done. Naval battle is really troublesome! Han Shu said angrily, "what do you say? It is impossible for the pirates to enter and enter again. They were severely hurt yesterday. They must not dare to come out. Even if they do, they may come out with three or five ships as they did yesterday. They cannot wipe out their troubles at one stroke. "

All of a sudden, Su Ling, who had been silent, said, "as long as they are baited, they will come out."


Gu Yun was shocked. "Do you want to use yourself as bait?"

Qiao Linfeng's face turned white and said, "general, you can't do anything! You -- "

Su Ling raises his hand to stop Qiao Lin Feng from saying what he wants to say, and continues:" they have so many large warships, operations and array changes. These pirates are certainly not ordinary bandits. I guess they have been so arrogant in provocation these days. The first is to try the ability of the old army. The second is to come to me. As long as they use me as bait and appear in the sea area they think will win, they will come out and attack in full. " It's hard to land him, but it's much easier at sea, and they won't let it go.

The cruiser couldn't help but murmur: "who is the pirate? Who is behind them? " How else could there be so many warships?

"This Moyi should know." He claims that as long as he is willing to spend money, there is nothing he does not know. Han bundle looked left and right, but did not find the red figure. He asked, "what about Moyi?" I was there yesterday. Why didn't I have a picture in one night?

"He's dead!"

All a Leng, one after another as did not hear to lower his head, looking at the dense reef distribution map. Because of the grudge of gnashing teeth in the mute voice, I don't know how Moyi offended the iceberg beauty.

"Well, let's work out a practical plan." Looking at suling, Gu Yun asked, "what do you think?" Since he would have thought of using himself as bait, he must have worked out a plan of operations.

Su Ling pointed to the area where the pirates often haunt, and said in a deep voice: "I led six warships and ten boats into their ambush area, and the other six warships and thirteen small boats ambushed the surrounding area of the pirates in two ways. After all of them have set up their formations, they will be surrounded by encirclement

Han Shu was very happy and said with a smile, "this plan is very good. When the time comes, the pirates will be hard to fly."

Gu Yun stared at the distribution map of the reef, but his face did not look happy at all. Instead, his brow was more and more wrinkled and tight. Cruise asked: "what do the military division think?"

Gu said in a cold voice: "the plan of internal and external attack is very good, just to make the Mantis Catch the cicada yellow finch later, the Yellow finch must arrive before the cicada is eaten. In order to avoid the sight of pirates, another group of warships must hide behind the reefs ten miles away from the battle circle. " Gu Yun raised his head, looked at the cruiser and asked, "it's been blowing northwest wind recently. How long will it take to get here from a place ten miles away under the headwind?"

Calculated in the heart for a while, cruise back: "half an hour."

Gu Yun takes a look at Su Ling and sees a light helplessness and persistence in his black eyes. He also knows that it's risky, but he still puts forward that he is too confident or doesn't take his life seriously! Staring at suling, Gu said rudely, "for such a long time, the Yellow sparrow hasn't arrived, and the cicada has been eaten by the mantis."

Gu Yun's words annoyed Han Shu, who retorted loudly, "it's only half an hour. You are too contemptuous!"

Look down? Su Ling is so dangerous, Gu Yun has been very angry, now Han beam also said to look down on them, she can't help but angry: "pirates have ten big ships, thirty-six small boats, heavy artillery, familiar with the sea war, and good at siege, Su family army only sent six warships, ten small boats to lure the enemy, you have a few lives! How long will it last? "

Gu Yun is almost roaring. Not only Han Shu is shocked, but everyone is shocked by her sudden anger. Many people in the big account are so quiet that their breath sounds are very clear.

Suling sighed that her temper was getting worse and worse. He knew that she would be so angry, because she was worried about him. But pirates were not removed one day, and the East China Sea coast was restless one day. The pirates obviously came for him. He could not let the people suffer any more.

After roaring, the matter still needs to be solved. Gu Yun takes a deep breath, suppresses his worries and anxieties, and whispers, "if you must lure the enemy out, you must take eight warships into the ambush, plus six of mocang's boats should be able to withstand it."

They had to go as soon as they listened to Yange, who had been sitting impatiently far away. "Why should we go together?" they shouted at once

Gu Yun gently raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly: "didn't someone say that he wanted to help me wipe out the pirates? Now you're going back? " Gu Yun said the words "help me" very seriously. Mocang dared to talk about it with her. How could she not make the best of it!

The beautiful ice face rarely smiled, and mocang said, "OK, I'll go into the pirate's ambush with suling."

Mu Cang was so cheerful, and Gu Yun's face turned a little better. "Although you don't throw dynamite as powerful as cannon, it's very effective against small boats."

Qiao Linfeng said with a wry smile: "there are only 12 warships in the Su family army at present, and three are broken. Eight warships have been used to lure the enemy. There are only four in ambush and besiege. There are still two routes for soldiers. I'm afraid the firepower is not enough. "

Once again, the main account is quiet. Yes, there are only so many ships. It's easy to look after one thing and lose the other.

"I can help you ambush the pirates." The deep male voice is still cold, but it is very clear. People look at Ao Tian, who is sitting alone in the chair. They don't understand why he, as the master of Juling Island, wants to help the old army?! Aotian's face was almost expressionless, and even his dark eyes did not reveal any emotion.

Others don't understand, but suling knows very well. The eagle eyes slightly gathered, looked at the woman on the side of the body, Su Ling said loudly: "OK. At the end of Qing Dynasty, you and AO Tian will command the ambush of the warships. "

Gu Yun is stunned. Why not let her accompany him to seduce the enemy? Gu Yun's face is very ugly. Su Ling's heart is not hard to guess. Even if he has more ships, he still has a gap with the pirates. This battle is extremely dangerous. It will be much safer for her and Aotian to support in the periphery. Moreover Aotian won't let her go wrong.

Gu Yun snorts coldly. He is thoughtful! Coldly don't turn your head, Gu Yun doesn't look at him anymore. Although she can't fight with him, she said that she would do everything to protect him! Gu Yun's eyes narrowed slightly and said in a deep voice, "since you know where their main battle ship is, you can do other things before the battle."

What to do? Everyone looked at Gu Yun in disbelief. Gu Yun also didn't sell, replied: "the most powerful thing for pirates is cannons. As long as we can destroy their cannons, even if we only destroy a part of them, our victory will be great."

"How to destroy?" Qiao Lin said

Instead of answering his question, Gu Yun turned to Mu Cang and asked, "if it was at night, how close could your ship get to the pirate ship camp without being found?"

After a moment of silence, mocang replied, "two miles away. Pirates are very alert. Even at night, there will be patrols on every big ship and boat. Once a ship is within two miles, even the smallest ship will be found by them immediately. "

She thought that she wanted people to row a boat. Gu Yun chuckled and asked, "what if it's a person?"

"People? Do you want to swim past? " Mocang was stunned, then shook his head. "It's January now. The sea is cold and sharp. The sea is not a river. No one can swim two miles in the rough sea."

"You don't have to worry about that. I just want to know if I can avoid the eyes of pirates."

"If it's a person, yes." After staring at Gu yunduding for a long time, Mu Cang wondered, "what do you want to do?"

Not only mu Cang is curious, but everyone wants to know what medicine Gu yunhulu sells.