A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 232

Ao Tian shook his head. "Only the silver haired people are qualified to be the clan leader. Night charm is my sister. She is the most likely woman to have silver haired offspring. They will not let her go."

What else did Gu Yun want to say? Aotian suddenly turned his back and said in a cold voice with a faint helplessness: "I have someone to guard." The hand is slowly tightened, and the fingertip is deeply stabbed into the wound in the palm. She has a pair of clear and sharp eyes. The pain can make him remember to be indifferent.

Guard? What a warm word, he is really a good brother. Gu Yun thought of the time when he was drinking with him at night. The bounty hunter, known as the first in the dome, was only trying to kill the time when he caught the murderer. At that time, he was happy about how happy the Jianghu was. At the moment, he becomes the owner of power, but there is no freedom and freedom, and the back of loneliness even shows light sorrow.

People live in this world there is always such a helpless and sad bar! Taking a deep breath, he hid the pain in his heart. Gu Yun asked in a low voice, "is your master a ghost doctor?"

Ao Tian turned back and said, "are you not feeling well?"

Shaking his head, pointing to the two scars on his cheek, Gu Yun said with a smile: "I want to ask if he can cure the scars on my face?"

Scars? Ao Tian's face turned cold and cold. Gu Yun was shocked. What was he doing?

Ao Tian asked in a cold voice, "why treat your face?"

Gu Yun suddenly realized that he might have misunderstood him. He quickly explained, "it's not that I want to cure it! It's my sister. It's not easy for her to live in the palace. I want to find a doctor to cure her face. "

What happened to everyone? Even if she wants to cure her face, doesn't she need to be so surprised? The most pitiful thing is suling. Everyone's first thought is that he dislikes her

Ao Tian stared at Gu Yun for a long time. After he was sure that she had not lied or forced her face to smile, his face calmed down and he said in a deep voice, "I will talk to Shifu."

"Just introduce me, I'll tell him myself." It's said that all the high people have quirks. It's not good to let his master think that she is insincere.

"He doesn't like meeting strangers." Aotian is obviously refusing, so Gu Yun has no choice but to reply: "well, thank you."

Suling's tall figure is coming this way. Covering the pain in his eyes, Ao Tian whispered, "have a rest earlier." After that, he did not wait for Gu Yun's reaction. He had turned around and left. His steps were a little hurried. His proud back was gradually integrated into the night, only the silver was still shining.

He - what's the matter?

Gu Yun looks at the back of Ao Tian's departure in a trance. Suddenly a warm behind her, the familiar breath surrounds her.

"What are you thinking?" Along her line of sight, suling also saw the distant figure. Aotian became the clan leader of Juling island. The endless pursuit should be over. If this man doesn't give up, he is his biggest opponent.

Gu Yun didn't answer. He asked in a low voice, "how about Su Yu?"

Only a month later, Yu was so skinny that he was only skin and bone. Su Ling sighed, "I'll send him back to the ancestral home overnight. I hope the patriarch can save him."

Back to the body, Gu Yun comforted: "don't worry, he will be OK."


Suling takes Gu Yun's hand, and they walk slowly towards the camp, away from the lonely shadow behind them.

At night, the indefatigable spray is still chasing on the beach. A clear shadow sits alone on the silver beach. The roaring sea wind makes the black cape snap. The woman caresses the little green snake between her wrists. Her eyes are cold.

There was only one woman in his eyes, but not her. Even when he picked up his brother on the boat, he never looked at her. Mocang laughs at herself, and it's true that she has become amorous.

With a smile on his lips, mocang said in a cold voice, "what are you doing with me?"

With his hands around his chest, Muyi chuckled, "it's easy to find Lingshi to avenge his father's death with only a silver or two. Your leader is really smart."

"Get out of here!" He said it! But she spent a thousand liang of silver and he bought Lingshi and killed his father's enemies. He only told her that the man who robbed Lingshi and killed his father was the killer of Juling island. The killer is just the murder weapon. What she wants is the mastermind. This damned man dares to say that he doesn't know! Pretending to be kind enough to take them to find Juling Island, they drifted on the sea for a month and didn't find their way! She just wants him to disappear from her eyes!

Mocang got up, but Moyi didn't go, instead he went around in front of her and blocked her way. He pretended to smile sadly and said, "so soon, he has crossed the river and demolished the bridge? In fact, you really want to help suling kill the pirates. After all, people are kind to you! Alas, I knew five years ago that in Youshan mountain, I should not just enjoy the beauty bath and forget to save the beauty by heroes. "

"What do you say!" Mocang's face was white, and he had never been calm and calm. He had a deep panic.

She was so frightened that she pleased him. Muyi continued to tease him happily: "if I had left you a cloak earlier than suling, it would have been me that you would never forget now." When he and Ling agreed to go to Youshan for a drink, he arrived half a day early and accidentally saw a woman dare to soak in a hot spring naked alone. Naturally, he was happy to enjoy it. Later, a few young people came to see a good play. Who knew that Lin, who had just arrived, was so pitiful that he left her a cloak and ruined his good play.

He He was there! Mocang's limbs were cold, blood rushed to his face, and his hand holding the whip was shaking. His eyes were full of murderous ideas. He cried out, "you are looking for death!"

The whip mercilessly pulled to Moyi's neck. Moyi knew that she would start. She immediately raised her breath and jumped to avoid the threatening whip. "My leader, if your temper is as good as your body, I will be more fascinated by you!" Leaving a wild laugh, Moyi quickly ran towards the direction of Maocheng.

"Moyi!" Mocang chased out ten miles, but he finally let him run away. She covered her chest and walked back step by step. Humiliation and anger overwhelmed her, and memories surged into her heart like a tide.

Moyi thinks that her first meeting with suling was in Youshan hot spring five years ago. Actually, she did not. Her first meeting with him was in Peicheng ten years ago. At that time, she was less than ten years old, and she was thin and short. When the Lingshi in the family was stolen, her father was furious and thought that it was the work of the people from the dome mountain, so she fought with the general of the dome mountain. Since then, all the people wearing the clothes of the Yong Mu nationality will be arrested when they enter Peicheng. She was too young to understand anything. She sneaked out of the rainforest to play in Peicheng. Unexpectedly, just after entering the city, she was found by the soldiers guarding the city, and chased her everywhere. When she escaped to the corner of a lane, she felt light and fell into a solid embrace. She had not figured out what was going on. She was sitting on the horse's back and covered up and down with a cape.

She was saved by suling. At that time, he was a young general. He was clear and uninhibited. He didn't like to talk with him now. He sent her to the rainforest without saying a word and rode away, leaving her with an unforgettable figure. If it wasn't for that time's help, when she met you mountain again, she wouldn't panic at the sight of him. She was so looking forward to seeing him again, but he didn't recognize her at all, just left her a cloak. At that time, her mind was occupied by the surprise of seeing him again and the loss he ignored, so she didn't realize that Moyi, the damned man, was also nearby. She hated her teeth when she thought about it!

Moyi! You'd better not appear in front of me, or you'll be broken to pieces!

The next day, in the main account.

Suling sits on the main seat, Gu Yun stands in front of the big desk and looks at the pirate formation chart drawn yesterday. In fact, their formation changes are not many, mainly because of their tacit cooperation and strong ability to control the ship. A group of big men are waiting. Han Shu and Qiao Linfeng are obviously impatient.

Gu Yun looked up and saw that the position near the door left Aotian in black. The reason why he was here was because Qiao Linfeng thought that only he could control mocang, so he invited him to come here. Gu Yun thinks it's unnecessary. Although she doesn't have many fights with mucang, she believes that mucang is not a traitor.

Just after noon, there was a report outside the main tent, "general, the leader of yongmu clan mocang has arrived."

"Please come in," said suling

The curtain moved slightly, and mocang appeared in the curtain as scheduled. Behind her, only Yan Ge followed. Seeing Ao Tian by the door, Yan Ge's young face immediately surged with anger, for fear that they would fight again. "Now you can say where the pirate's nest is," said Jolin Feng

Mocang goes to the desk and takes a look at Gu Yun on the opposite side, with complicated emotions in his eyes. Before Gu Yun could see clearly, she had already covered her eyes, opened a piece of cowhide file in her hand, pointed to one of them, and said in a low voice, "here it is."

Gu Yun looked at it carefully. It was a well drawn map of the distribution of reefs, which indicated the location of the reefs of different sizes. Gu Yun is surprised. She has drawn the distribution map of the reef. How long has she been in the East China Sea?

All of them were attracted to the table by the reef map of mucang, and they were all surprised after seeing it. "You - how did you do it?" Qiao asked in surprise

Mocang's face was still on, and his hoarse voice said coldly, "everything has spirit, so does the sea."

Spirituality? When they were still wondering, a little green snake slipped out of her sleeve, spit out the message lazily, and slowly wound around mocang's wrist. Mocang stroked his head, and the little green snake stood still. Qiao Linfeng swallowed a mouthful of saliva secretly. He didn't know the spirit. The woman was all evil.