A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 18

A slight yawn, Zhuoqing knock on the eyelids, she is really too sleepy.

Zhuo Qing's breath gradually became even. Lou Xiyan closed the book gently. His eyes wandered on the strange woman. He didn't read a word just now. Under her eyes, he would be absent-minded. What's more strange is that he stared at her like this until the carriage stopped, the sound of ink white sounded outside the carriage, and the sunset of the building came back to her.

"Master, here we are."

The low call of ink white also wakes Zhuo Qing, who is closed to the eyes and keeps his mind. When the curtain is lifted, Zhuo Qing takes the lead in jumping off the carriage and completely forgets the owner of the building sunset.

Zhuo Qing was immediately shocked by the bronze gate, which was five or six meters high and seven or eight meters wide. On the broad and simple lintel, Zhuo Hong's Xiangfu characters were inlaid on the gold plaque and hung in the center. There is no stone lion in Zhuo Qing's imagination on both sides of the gate, and there is no powerful, strong and powerful house guard. Entering the eye is a garden built of mountains and stones, which not only obstructs the sight, but also shows the master's atmosphere. The gate is open like this, but the hidden majesty and everyone's wind will make people inexplicably awed and dare not make a mistake.

Zhuo Qing steps into the door, a dark jingsa comes up and looks at Zhuo Qing. There is a flash of surprise in his eyes, but it disappears quickly. He bows to the building sunset behind Zhuo Qing and says, "master."

Zhuo Qing thought of Lou Xiyan at this time. It seems that she should wait for the host to bring her in instead of breaking in by herself. She backed up a little bit. Zhuo Qing thought it was polite to wait for Lou Xiyan to come in.

"Master son" Jing SA wants to say something more. A beautiful female voice rings from afar: "brother!" After the rocks, the pink figure ran straight towards the gate. The beautiful skirt was like a butterfly. Zhuoqing was worried that she would step on her skirt and fall to the ground. But she was worried too much. The woman rushed to the front of the building safely.

Looking at the woman tenderly, Lou Xiyan almost smiled with doting: "what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Wait for you." The woman looks up, a ruddy linglip pouts slightly, bright eyes are shining, full of grievances and stubbornness, mixed with sour and angry voice and scolds: "people have been waiting for you for a long time, Princess Zhaoyun Fengjia, and the second mother urges me to catch you at the door, and as soon as I come back, I will go to the flower hall to wait for you - hum, boneless things!"

What's so great about the princess?! A pair of pug look, when does their house need such a humble service who?! make a fool of oneself!

Looking at the appearance of Xiwu, Lou Xiyan probably knew what happened. She patted her shoulder lightly and Lou Xiyan said with a smile: "you mouth! Well, I see. You go to have a rest. "

Lou Xiwu is unwilling to turn around and leave. Lou Xiyan says to Jing SA, "Jing SA, clean up the star picking Pavilion, find some smart girls to serve Miss Qing, and ask the doctor to treat her later."

"Yes." Jing Sa's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and his face was already dark.

Lou Xi dance has gone back to the steps of a meal, pick star pavilion? It's a mansion next to brother's moon building. It's beautiful to see stars there. So it's called the star picking Pavilion. But because my brother likes quiet, the house is always empty. Who has such a big face to live in the star picking pavilion.

Lou Xiwu looks back curiously, only to see a thin woman standing aside idly. Lou Xiwu asks, "brother, who is she?"

"Building sunset calm smile way:" bright moon country's young lady

"Qingfeng?! She?! Lou Xi dances and screams. This woman is so likely to be Qingfeng?! I don't know what to tie the scattered hair casually, and the green clothes that her servant girls can't wear, let alone the two ferocious scars on her right cheek. This woman will be green maple! Are you kidding?! While looking at Zhuo Qing, Lou Xiwu sniffs and yells, "what do you mean by Haoyue country? Send such a ugly monster here. It's true that it's impossible to believe it. It's also said that the three sisters of the Qing family are all beautiful and beautiful. What's the matter?"

Ugly?! Zhuo Qing stroked her face, which was not too painful. To be honest, she had not had a chance to have a good look at the face, but if the little girl thought it could stimulate her, it would be naive.

"Xi dance, who taught you such a lack of accomplishment!"

As soon as Lou Xiyan's voice was lowered, Xiwu was still a little scared, but when she thought of how ugly this woman was, she was still her brother's woman, she was annoyed: "I'm talking about the truth, she was..."

"Excuse me." There was a cold voice, Zhuo Qing's hands were around her chest, and she smiled impatiently: "I don't mind your brother and sister's reminiscing about the past, but can you take me to the guest room first? I'm sleepy. As for my appearance, you can discuss it slowly. "

After a Zheng, Lou Xiyan chuckles. All the women are proud of their faces. How nice she is! Originally heard Princess Chaoyun to come some depressed mood at this time seems to be better. "Jingsa, send Miss Qing to have a rest."

"Miss Qing, this way, please."

Smiling at them, Zhuoqing said indifferently, "you go on."

"You!" She just doesn't take her seriously! Lou Xi is so angry that her eyes almost pop out.

Zhuo Qing ignores her at all. She goes to the inner courtyard by herself. With a smile, Lou Xiyan goes to the flower hall in another direction.

"Hello -" Lou Xiwu looks at the left side and the right side. He is so annoyed that he jumps straight. He obviously favors that ugly girl! She won't give up like this! Hum!

In the evening, at the most beautiful time of the day, the fine golden light pierced the clouds, dyed the blue sky red, and was also caressed by the rays of the sun. Besides the fragrance of the garden and the craggy rocks, there were also the smiling and happy sunset in the corner of the mouth. Walking to the gate outside the flower hall, Lou Xiyan stopped and whispered, "ink white, look at her." With her character, she will not stay in Xiangfu. There are so many mysteries in her that he will never let her out of his control until they are clear.

"Yes." As soon as the sound of ink and white words fell, the figure disappeared in the mountains and rocks, and a large living person disappeared in front of him in a moment. Anyone who saw it would feel terrible. The building sunset was used to it. He gently adjusted his clothes, and the corners of his mouth were still light, but there was no smile in his eyes. He stepped into the side yard where the flower hall was located.

Lou Xiyan stepped into the courtyard and Yan ruxuan, who was sitting on the throne, saw him at a glance. The setting sun shone from behind him. He seemed to come in the golden light. The purple, gold, white, jade and the dark red flowing gold robe set off the more majestic and beautiful he was. Especially the smile on the corner of his mouth, as light and warm as feathers, shallow and light, makes her heart jump wildly every time she sees it.

Lou Xiyan hasn't entered the room yet, Yan ruxuan has slowly got up and waited for him to come in. The light golden long skirt is gently swinging with her movements, and the hair of Fushun is slightly raised. Standing there quietly, the quiet and dignified temperament is enough to intoxicate anyone, let alone the beautiful face of the bright moon.

Yan ruxuan suddenly got up, Xue Xianxin also quickly stood up, looked down her line of sight, and saw Lou Xiyan coming slowly, with a clear smile, waiting for Lou Xiyan to enter the flower hall, she immediately couldn't wait, pretending to complain: "the sunset is back, Princess Chaoyun has been waiting for you for a long time."