A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 17

Lou Xiyan, the one she was eager to get rid of, was just looking at him leisurely and leisurely in her spare time. Looking back at her, she ran in a big circle and made herself in a mess. Now, she has come to catch herself.

"So coincidentally, I see you again." The shallow male voice sounded with a smile that was hard to suppress.


Zhuo Qing wants to cry without tears. He doesn't play like this!

Frozen at the door of the car, Zhuo Qing is in a dilemma. She looks down in frustration and sees the light green skirt tied to her waist. Zhuo Qing suddenly tells herself to be calm and calm. He doesn't know her!

Looking up to the light eyes of the sunset upstairs, Zhuo Qing wails. He can't recognize the ghost! Knowing that she was deceiving herself, Zhuo Qing coughed softly, pulled down her skirt, backed away, and said in the softest voice she thought, "I'm sorry, I've taken the wrong carriage."

Lou Xiyan gently raised her eyebrows, and the clear voice with a smile sounded low: "I thought you would say that you were passing by -"

Zhuo Qing's body stiffened and gave Lou Xiyan a hard look.

As soon as she looked up, there was no doubt that the red bloodstain in her throat was exposed. Her eyes narrowed and her face changed slightly. She asked, "are you hurt?"

He stroked the throat, which was not so painful, and the blood was almost coagulated. Zhuoqing said, "it's OK. Scratch the skin." She is more painful now is her waist! As expected, women are not suitable to be aggressive, except for Gu Yun's gene mutation!

Zhuoqing's heart was full of hatred, and her wrist was suddenly grasped by others. She had been pulled to the soft couch of the carriage by Lou Xiyan. She noticed that Zhuoqing had a large bloodstain on her back neck, and Lou Xiyan was worried.

The wrist is slightly painful. Zhuo Qing looks at Lou Xiyan and sees his eyes staring at the back of her neck. He remembers that the beard man just sprayed her with blood. Zhuo Qing quickly says, "these are not my blood!"

Lou Xiyan gently lifted up a little collar. She did not see the wound but the bloodstain. This woman is not easy. She could provoke a "murder" after running out for an hour.

The neck is a little itchy. Zhuoqing is not used to it. She struggles to stand up.

"Don't move." As soon as her shoulders sank, Zhuoqing was pressed by Lou Xiyan to sit on a soft couch. Her voice was different from that of the past. It sounded a little low. Zhuoqing looked up. Lou Xiyan found a plain white veil from the carriage. He held her chin in one hand and wrapped it around her neck. His hand was cool. Too close to him, there was a faint smell of sandalwood on his body. It was not offensive. It was much more pleasant than the usual men's perfume. The almost perfect face of Lou Xi Yan was dangling in front of her eyes. Zhuo Ching felt some breathing difficulties, but she would not admit that she was confused by beauty, and decided to tie it too tightly in silk.

Feel Zhuo Qing's body more and more rigid, the floor sunset corner of the mouth really if there is no gently raised, when necessary, the beautiful man plan is also feasible. Lou Xiyan's hands move more gently, and tie a knot for a long time.

Zhuo Qing scolds secretly, he must be intentional! Is it necessary to tie a wound so close?! Finally, Zhuo Qing got back awkwardly and said, "thank you, I'll go first." Even if he knew she was a grey boy, there was no reason to stop her from leaving.

Unless --

"Qingfeng, if you leave like this, if the emperor knows that your sister will be affected by it, even the bright moon kingdom will be doomed." It's that light, light, indifferent chuckle that almost drives Zhuoqing crazy.

Indignation! She knew that the villagers were not trustworthy at all! To betray her! Thanks to her helping them so much.

Looking back, Zhuo Qing said coldly, "you threaten me?" She's not Qingfeng. He'd better not threaten her! Impossible.

Back against the carriage, cross legged and sit, Lou Xiyan smiled back: "Miss Qing wronged me, threatening this kind of things without practical effect I never do." Such a casual sitting posture, not only does not make the building's sunset look vulgar, but it is free and easy in elegance.

It's a pity that Zhuo Qing doesn't appreciate it at all. This man is too vengeful! I actually threw all her words back to her.

Calm down, calm down! Self cultivation! Zhuo Qing took a deep breath for several times, then she was able to stabilize the mood that was about to break out. She just sat down beside the building's sunset. Zhuo Qing challenged: "what do you want to do with the building's appearance?"

Looking at the way she tried to suppress her temper, Lou Xiyan said in a soft voice: "in fact, Miss Qing doesn't have to worry about it. Please go to the Xiangfu to live here, not to embarrass Miss Qing. It's just that Huang en is so mighty that Lou Mou has to take over. Miss Qing is injured. Go to Xiangfu and take good care of her. Lou Mou can try his best to arrange for you to meet your sisters. Is that good? "

Sister? She fainted with Gu Yun. Is it possible that one of the sisters of the Qing family is Gu Yun?! Although the possibility is not great, Zhuo Qing still wants to see them. She doesn't miss any chance! Looking directly at the sunset of the building, Zhuo Qing asked in a deep voice, "can you let me see them?"

Fish are biting!

Gentle eyebrows, extremely serious tone of voice, floor sunset Longsheng back: "floor must do its best."

Zhuo Qing turned a white eye, so perfunctory answer, she will believe that there is a ghost. "I want to know if I can or not."

There is a flash of interest in her eyes. This girl is not stupid.

Nodding slowly, Lou Xiyan replied firmly, "yes." It's just a matter of time.

Thinking for a while, Zhuo Qing asked again, "I'm going to Xiangfu, and I'm your concubine?"

Lou Xi, with a sincere face, replied with a smile, "of course, it's a distinguished guest." The emperor has awarded her to him, and her identity has been determined for a long time, that is, concubine - he has no way.

"I'm free to go in and out of Xiangfu?"

Needless to say, nodding his head, Lou Xiyan generously replied, "yes." It's just freedom under his supervision.

Zhuo Qing replied, "deal!"

She didn't have a choice at all. She was penniless and full of injuries. It's impossible to let Lou Xiyan go even if she came to block her in a big circle. It's just that she did. Where can she change for a while! Those who know the current affairs are Junjie. She'd better give in for the time being.

I don't know if Zhuo Qing can be so cheerful after hearing the supplementary explanation of Lou Xiyan for the answer, but at this moment, she still doesn't know.

"Go home." The light voice shows the host's good mood.


Hearing the voice from outside, Zhuo Qing was stiff again. He gently lifted the curtain. Outside the carriage, Mo Bai stood proudly by the side of the car. Seeing Zhuo Qing, he was still cold, with a smart laugh in his eyes.

Is not today's everything in the control of the building sunset, by his hand planning?

Back hair cool, Zhuoqing feel cheated!

She didn't just come out of the tiger's mouth, she went into the wolf's nest again

In the carriage, Lou Xiyan and Zhuo Qing are each on their own. Anyway, it's a foregone conclusion to go to Xiangfu. Zhuo Qing doesn't worry about herself anymore. She's always happy when she's in trouble. She's homeless everywhere. After some tossing, Zhuo Qing felt a little dizzy. Fortunately, the carriage ran smoothly. Holding her head, Zhuo Qing glanced sideways at the building sunset. He slightly lowered his head and was reading a book. I don't know if it was his habitual expression. His lips always seemed to be flying lightly. To be honest, he was very good-looking. Unfortunately, Zhuo Qing didn't feel the pleasure of smile, just like a professional smile , polite and alienated.