A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 59: you help me wash

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It was a rare trip to Switzerland, and William and Hermione did not leave immediately, preparing to spend a cool summer here.

At the foot of the Alps, the temperature is not more than ten degrees, which is too suitable for old age, suitable for the kind of \'retirement\' life without shame and impatience.

Seeing that the two are not leaving... Minister Lancel has an opinion, but in the end, after holding it for a long time, when it comes to his mouth, it becomes:

Eat well, drink well, play well!

Tell me if you\'re missing anything,

You\'re welcome!

Seeing that Minister Lancel is so sincere... If William is being polite, he will not show respect to others, and will put his **** on others\' faces!

William is notoriously familiar!

So, the house... why do you have to come first?

Can\'t let us continue to live in the magic ship, or the giant cave?

Minister Lanser immediately arranged the best estates, the ones with their own ski slopes and small hot springs.

He looked forward to it, made the two waiters comfortable, and left happily.

But what he didn\'t know was that he was so good... so that William didn\'t want to leave.

If nothing else, the private ski resort...is completely different from the coquettish **** in China.

If there are no dense tourists, they will not be slaughtered.

There will be no tour guide to tell you: he has a bad temper, and he will make you look good without buying souvenirs.

Since there is a private ski resort, William will definitely want to play.

When the time loops, he specializes in skiing and is a professional!

As a rule of thumb, newbies who have never experienced skiing must know the equipment they need:

Tibial and fibular plates (made in Germany) 1000-3000 pieces

Locking steel plate (British production) 2000-4000 yuan

Artificial knee joint (Nissan) 10000-60000 yuan

Surgery costs 10,000-100,000 yuan...

What, seriously? That may also require a one-stop service for Shiba Li.

Yes, skiing is a dangerous sport.

If you are not careful, you will send yourself from the snow field, to the hospital, or even to the crematorium.

With mental preparation, the first thing to learn is to brake.

This kind of brake does not refer to face brakes, chest brakes, hip brakes, and foot brakes.

If this happens, the equipment just mentioned will come in handy.

William once cycled in time, and at the cost of the friction of the front line to create a fire, the speed was stopped abruptly.

Hermione and Missandei had never skied, and William was naturally a ski instructor, guiding them hand in hand.

He is always professional when it comes to coaching skills!

Ygritte\'s skiing is so good that it doesn\'t need to be taught.

She has lived in the Alps since she was a child, cutting down two pieces of wood directly, and she can use it as a sled, sliding all the way from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

However, her way of playing is so wild that even William can\'t stand it, so he can\'t stand it.

And the same hybrid giants, Hagrid and Maxim are not very good.

Hagrid could still rely on the front line to force the brakes; Maximov only slid 200 meters, and he came on the chest brake three or four times.

So she only played it once and never played again.

Therefore, this also reminds the girl with silicone that this braking method is too expensive...don\'t try it!

In addition to skiing, William also let the giant pull the sled, which is also very exciting, like a roller coaster.

It\'s a pity that Bobo Tea, Bobo Sha, and Pineapple are not here, otherwise these three cats can be trained as sled cats.

They can also lose weight.

In addition to entertainment, William has to deal with the giants.

After the clan of Gao Gao Ma was destroyed, things were much easier... The giants in the Alps all knew that powerful wizards had come.

And William directly issued the guidelines:

Build a united front against the ambush and unite the majority of the giants.

This process of \'solidarity\' is done by Friedvara.

For the small group of giants who have ulterior motives and try to support the Dark Lord, they are typical evil forces, and they must be resolutely attacked and eliminated.

Can the tribe of Fridvarfa complete this mission?

Of course it can!

The tribe of Gao Gao Ma was not completely destroyed, and some of the giants who escaped were incorporated by her.

She has already become the tribe with the largest number of giants, and it is easy to fight against those small tribes.

As for the process will be too bloody?

Giants are a race that fears power but not virtue, and only this way of thunder can do it.

Isn\'t that what the Friedvara method is like?

The night before, I was still asking why I wanted to help them instead of Voldemort... The next day I turned to William to talk about cooperation.

The stance became extremely fast.

Besides, better than returning the giant to Voldemort.

After dealing with the giant for a few days, William no longer followed up, but left everything to Hagrid and Madame Maxime.

As for him... He fell in love with the hot spring, an activity suitable for all ages.

In this manor, there is a large hot spring.

But it is not naturally formed, but a magical hot spring that is formed by the groundwater passing through the magical water eye.

In terms of effects, there is almost no difference from natural hot springs.

At this time, William sneaked into the bottom of the pool, was stealing the teacher, and studied the magic water eye.

After researching it clearly, he will be able to take a look at the hot spring in his own yard.

When you have nothing to do, you can take Hermione to take a dip.

Like the hot springs here, it\'s not very good. It\'s not a mixed bath for men and women... The facilities are backward!

Why mix baths?

Of course there is a reason.

In the process of soaking in the hot spring, the two wash the marrow and cut the bones with each other to remove toxins from the body, which is good for the body.

What, are you single?

The hot springs that soak in the fart can be washed in the bathhouse, and the old man can help you rub your back.

William studied for a while, got out of the water, his body was exposed to the air, he waved his wand, and a quill sketched on the parchment.

At this time, footsteps suddenly came from the door, someone pushed the door in, and quickly locked it again, with skilled movements.

William didn\'t turn his head. In this manor, besides the house elves, there were only him, Hermione and Missandei.

Oh, and Ygritte, who always comes to play.

Maxim and Hagrid have been absent recently, one to negotiate with other giant tribes, the other to visit his brother.

Even when Hagrid was there, William wouldn\'t go to the hot springs with him.

After soaking once before...that scene, it\'s hard to describe.

William is like Thor, seeing the Hulk taking a bath and walking out of the hot spring pool naked... Ah, the picture can be engraved into DNA!

At the time, William had only one idea:


my eyes!

Going blind!

Fortunately, William knew Occlumency, otherwise it would be a lifetime of shadows.

He wanted to wait now, who would read his memory with Legilimency.

William threw this picture out.

The wizards who have seen it will probably remember this lesson for the rest of their lives, and will no longer dare to take Legilimency casually.

Come on, hurt each other!

Hey, Professor Snape or Voldemort... well, they both like Legilimency.

William thought so, the owner of the footsteps had already sat down on the podium next to the hot spring.

The one who could come to him when he was soaking in the hot spring... could only be Hermione.

Hermione, of course, was wrapped in a bathrobe, with a shower cap on her head, her temples and hair sticking wet to her crimson cheeks, and she had obviously just come out of the women\'s spa.

Hermione sat on the rock platform, and in order to prevent it from disappearing, her calves, which were as clean as white lotus roots, were brought together and placed in the water.

William turned his head and smiled: "Come down, the water is not hot!"

Hermione blushed, snorted, and said softly, "Annie just contacted me."

William was stunned and said, "What happened?"

"She said... found the locket, let\'s go back." Hermione laughed.

William also smiled.

Great, finally found it!

This means that another Horcrux has been caught!

Hermione raised her calf slightly and flirted with the splash: "Do we need to go back immediately?"

William thought for a while and said, "No hurry, the situation here has stabilized, and you can go back~www.novelhall.com~ It\'s the closest."

"Is that so?" Hermione nodded and said, "Then I will go back to the next door and continue to soak in the hot springs. Missandei and Ygritte are still waiting for me."

Hermione gave a smirk, but she didn\'t have any intention of staying. She stretched and got ready to get up.

But all came, how could William let her go?

He raised his right hand, and the water sprinkled on the rock on the shore.

Hermione was already barefoot, but under William\'s intention, her feet slipped and she fell into the water.

She didn\'t take off her bathrobe, half squatted in the spacious hot spring pool, her clothes were soaking wet, wearing or not wearing it was almost the same, even the kind that was vague, but more charming.

Hermione suddenly pulled out a dagger out of nowhere.

William was startled and looked carefully, isn\'t this Missandei\'s dagger?

That night, he and Hermione infiltrated back to the Austrian Ministry of Magic.

In the room, Missandei took out this dagger decorated with the Habsburg double-headed eagle from under the pillow.

Playing with a dagger in her hand, Hermione said with a smile, "This is what Missandei gave me, saying that I should be on guard against someone... shhhhhhh!"

She said, and made two fierce gestures.

William\'s crotch froze, his head was as big as a fight, and he murmured in his heart, "That dead girl Missandei... you are doing something wrong!"

Hermione suddenly handed the dagger forward, and William was startled. He thought she was going to kill her husband righteously. Unexpectedly, the girl was slightly annoyed and said:

"My bathrobe is too tight!"

William was stunned for a while. After taking the dagger, he just picked it up lightly, and the tie on the bathrobe broke into two pieces.

The robes were spread out, and the clothes were faded. Hermione walked slowly like this, her face flushed like a pink peach, her eyes were blurred, and she said in a trembling voice:

"You help me wash it."



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