A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 58: Slytherin's Locket

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Blake House,

Annie sat on the sofa in the living room with her chin on her hands, her head tilted, and a golden quill tucked in her ear, wondering what she was trying to write.

Luna was lying on the side, pressing a huge portrait, her dirty blond hair spread out like a blooming sunflower.

The girl also held a golden quill in her hand, stared at her gray eyes, and kept sketching something on the portrait.

The content of that portrait is very strange:

There are two suns in the sky, and the ground is unobstructed, except for a parasol in the center.

The old lady with the black hat, hiding under the umbrella, was very sick and seemed to be about to suffer from heat stroke.

Seeing that the blond girl drew a strange monster in the corner of the frame again, she finally couldn\'t help screaming.

"You **** bastard, how dare you touch me with your dirty hands, I curse you, me..."

She spit all over, trying to swear out unbearable words to ease the anger in her heart recently.

But Annie frowned her beautiful eyebrows, took a quicker step, picked up the quill pen, and drew a Lou Weilai in the frame.

In her spare time, Anne and Hermione\'s mother have studied painting, so the three-headed dog comes alive.

The result of being alive is extremely ugly.

Lu Wei seemed to be alive, pacing slowly in the picture frame, his eyes a little dull.

But when he saw the old lady, he immediately rushed over and grinned, as if he really wanted to give her a bite.

It looks like you have rabies.

The old lady was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she was so frightened that she didn\'t dare to scold. She hid under the umbrella, shivering.

She pretended to be pitiful and pleaded:

"I know I\'m wrong, don\'t curse anymore! Hurry up and save me!"

"It\'s good to know!" Annie waved her fist and said angrily:

"Next time someone enters the living room, you have to say \'welcome\', and when you leave, say \'next time\'.

Don\'t talk dirty,

do you know? ! "

Anne has been training this portrait during this time.

Today, I thought I saw the results for the first time, so I hung it in the living room with confidence.

Unexpectedly, she hung up, and she cursed again... Annie felt embarrassed.

That\'s why Luna came along with a piece, adding some \'little things\' to punish the portrait.

Sirius\' mother felt a little aggrieved, but there was nothing she could do.

She was just a picture, a picture drawn by magic.

Others can naturally add other creatures to the frame.

Stark\'s demon brother, when he left, left behind a magic quill and special paint... You can draw without mastering drawing magic.

From then on, the nightmare begins!

As long as she scolds, the little girl will punish her in a different way.

Two or three suns is a routine operation, and at the most frightening time, ten suns at a time.

You put Hou Yi to shoot the sun?

What Thomas\' little train made a dirty noise, making her unable to sleep in the middle of the night.

Eight-eyed giant spiders, basilisks, fire dragons... Occasionally, there are also some ice and fire.

The portrait is exhausted both physically and mentally, you might as well get some poisonous tea leaves, poison me to death.

Sirius... Where have you been, you unfilial son, beast, dog son!

The old lady feels that the day will never pass!

And Kreacher, the dead house-elf, who\'s been in the kitchen every day lately, and doesn\'t know what he\'s tinkering with.

Annie didn\'t listen to the old lady\'s complaints, she turned her head to look at Luna, and said curiously:

"What are you drawing?"

"I\'m drawing Bubble Snot, a magical creature living in the M78 Nebula."

Luna was drawing a slime-like monster that looked like stinky mud.

What **** monster is this!

It seemed to like the old lady, and moved towards her, as if trying to engulf her.

The old lady screamed again.

Annie looked for a while, gave Luna some abstract advice, and got up and left.

"Hey, don\'t go, don\'t leave me here alone!" the old lady said anxiously.

She\'d rather be with Stark than the weird blond girl!

But Annie ignored him and walked along the creaking stairs towards the fourth floor.

At the end of the road, there is a dilapidated storage room filled with all kinds of sundries.

They were all thrown away by Mrs. Weasley as trash and picked up by Kreacher.

Kreacher was squatting on the ground, holding a rag, wiping a medieval cup.

This old house-elf is completely different from the previous time.

Or... fat, round, bloated.

I used to be skinny and skinny, but now I am fat and become Bobo Tea.

It\'s not that it wants to get fat, but it\'s time and fate... In other words, it\'s too bad luck!

Before Sirius left, an order was given, and Kreacher had to obey Annie\'s order.

It was this order that nearly killed Kreacher.

On the first day, the little girl let herself cook a table of meals.

Kreacher sneered and thought, "I\'m good at this, I\'m afraid I dare to do it, but you dare not eat it!"

It caught a lot of cockroaches, mice, and earthworms and made muffins.

But when the meal was ready, Annie did not dare to eat it, so she grinned and let Kreacher eat it.

Digging a hole by himself, Kreacher also eats with tears in his eyes.

The next day, it made up its mind:

"On the first day of the poison test, the little girl will definitely eat it this time... This method is too tender."

Kreacher did the trick again and made some Kreacher honey burgers.

The little girl still didn\'t eat it, and gave it a "reward".

On the third day, Kreacher thought to himself, "Nothing more than three things, I\'ll definitely eat it this time."

Unexpectedly, Annie still let it eat.

On the fourth day, Kreacher tried his best to make a good meal for himself.

It waited expectantly for Annie not to eat it, but unexpectedly, the little girl ate it this time!

Kreacher almost vomited blood.

Because of the food, the two began to battle wits and courage.

Kreacher: "Are you betting on me?"

Annie: "I bet you don\'t have bullets in your dishes!"

Kreacher is the provider, Annie is the chooser... Whoever eats it will be unlucky!

Rely on it!

Kreacher thought that no matter how unlucky he was, how could he still win?

Even seeing the little girl deflate once, it feels... worth it.

But don\'t expect it to lose all!

At his peak, Kreacher even cooked seven meals a day, all of which were made of gold...

And Kreacher even ate Jinkela seven times, and his legs were weak.

That\'s why Kreacher is so fat now.

Eat every day, don\'t exercise, can you not gain weight?

Annie is very proud... Hehe, fight my wits with me?

When I was on Werewolf Island back then, my mother met Thunderbird, and it was several times to predict the direction of the other party\'s lightning, and finally escaped easily.

Annie stepped on the box and climbed to the window. She didn\'t dislike the dust, so she simply sat on the edge of the window with her feet hanging outside.

She looked out, Grimmauld Place was silent.

Annie didn\'t know where it came from, she took out a packet of zizi honey candy, ate a piece herself, and handed it to Kreacher.

The other party didn\'t move at all, shrank aside, and ignored her.

Annie smiled and said: "No poison... eat it, you lost again, and I ate dinner.

Just as compensation. "

Kreacher remained silent, but his stomach suddenly growled unsatisfactorily.

No way, since it got fat, it\'s easy to be hungry... If it doesn\'t eat a meal, its eyes panic.

But Kreacher still didn\'t eat it, it didn\'t scold the other Mudblood like he started, it\'s already kind!

But I don\'t want to be close to this girl, and I don\'t want to eat each other\'s things!

If it wasn\'t for the order of the prodigal master, it wouldn\'t even look at the little girl.

It hates the most... Mudbloods!

But that honey...it smells good.

Kreacher felt like he had eaten where.

It suddenly remembered:

That summer, there was also a teenager who secretly gave it half of the snacks that Hogsmeade bought.

At this moment, Annie spoke, and she said:

"You don\'t want to know, why can I guess every time, have you been poisoned?"

Kreacher twitched his long, fat ears, really curious.

It\'s so curious!

"You eat it, and I\'ll tell you why."

After a long silence, Kreacher finally spoke, his voice hoarse like a bullfrog cry:

"Is this an order?"

If it\'s an order...it\'s a little hard...maybe...you can taste it.

"It\'s not an order, it\'s just friends, sharing gifts."

Annie grinned, quietly, but the look in her eyes ~www.novelhall.com~ was like a mountain spring.

Kreacher was stunned, as if it had never felt this kind of care since Master Regulus died.

Not at all!

Even if the Sirius master came back, he would just curse it and ignore it.

Only don\'t care!

And it has been in the Black family, working for a hundred years, and even death will be dedicated to this family.

I don\'t know why, but Kreacher, who clearly disliked Annie\'s, trembled involuntarily and stretched out his hand.

It carefully took the zizi honey candy, picked up a piece, and put it in its mouth.

It still tastes like that...sweet and sour.

Annie shifted her buttocks and left some space for Kreacher on the windowsill.

Kreacher bit his lip and widened his eyes, but he still didn\'t pass.

She just sat down not far away.

Annie turned her back to it and smiled:

"Do you have any secrets? We both share one?"

I have a lot of secrets, Kreacher thought. But won\'t tell you one!

Annie tilted her head and thought for a moment.

"As fairness, let me say it first.

Hmm... Hermione was not at home, Pineapple Head went to play in her room and bit a book she liked as a teething stick.

Hahaha, I bought her a new one, she won\'t find out. "

What a secret!

Kreacher pouted.

The girl turned her head and asked softly, "It\'s your turn!"

Kreacher stared at it, and it suddenly ran towards its own nest.

In the messy nest, it fumbled left and right, and took out a locket.

It said in a hoarse voice: "Can you help me destroy it?"

Annie was stunned, and took out a locket from her pocket.



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