A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 46: Ghost Ship Crew Missing Incident!

Switzerland, known as the Roof of Europe, is a small country, but it has a lot of world-renowned things.

Like the most famous watch, the Swiss Army Knife, the bank, and… the name of a permanent neutral country.

As a tiny place sandwiched between great powers, Switzerland was not neutral from the start.

Speaking of which, the emergence of this country is inseparable from Missandei\'s Habsburg family.

After the prosperity of the Habsburg dynasty, the autonomous status of several cities such as Uri, Schwyz and Niederwalden was abolished.

Dissatisfied, the three cities united against the Habsburg dynasty, thus forming the core of the old Swiss Confederation.

For hundreds of years after that, Switzerland also had a dream of a great power.

They fought against the Habsburgs, served as mercenaries, served as the Papal Guard, traded arms, fought guerrillas in the Alps, resisted Napoleon...

In the years before neutrality, Switzerland was wild.

Unfortunately, with the passage of time, Switzerland has gradually recognized the facts:

It is impossible to stand up to the European powers on your own.

So in 1813, after Napoleon abdicated, at the Congress of Vienna, Switzerland, as a victorious country, reaffirmed its neutrality.

European countries also agreed to recognize its permanent neutrality.

The reason is very simple, Switzerland lacks resources!

As long as I live as a waste, no one can use me.

It has almost no resources, and most of the country is a mountain range. Once you get in, you can fight guerrillas.

It\'s a bit like an imperial cemetery - Afghanistan.

Switzerland is like a nail stuck between Germany, France, Italy and Austria.

And because of the transportation hub, no one wants other countries to get it, and it has gradually become a default buffer for big countries.

Of course, there are limits to this independence.

The head of state wanted to capture Switzerland at that time, but the two sides made a deal, and finally gave up and continued to remain "neutral".

During World War II, there was a sarcastic saying:

Switzerland is working for Germany six days a week and praying for Allied victory on Sunday.

But in general, this mountainous environment has indeed won a lot of things for survival and development.

But it brought trouble to William and his party.

All the way along the Danube, through the canal to the Rhine, and then upstream, when he arrived in Switzerland, looking at the continuous mountains on both sides, William was also speechless.

Where to find someone here!

Although Dumbledore gave a possible area for the ship to moor when it came, but there are countless tributaries here, which are densely intertwined, and you will get lost if you are not careful.

The most outrageous thing is that many rivers are frozen over halfway upstream, making it impossible for boats to pass.

"It can only be here." William frowned as he looked at the snow and thick ice on both sides of the strait.

"Durmstrong\'s ship, presumably trapped in the ice."

In cold places, it is easy for ships to encounter this situation, and at such times, icebreaker pilotage is necessary.

Sirius definitely couldn\'t find the icebreaker, and he didn\'t know where he took the group of students.

Since it is impossible to pass, a positioning system must be used.

Missandei shook her robe, and dozens of Golden Flying Man came out.

Feeling the chill in the air, they probed their small paws, and another honeycomb drilled back into Missandei\'s warm sleeves.

William looked at the Golden Flying Heroes and felt the same way.

It was like a winter morning, when he got up and went to the toilet, he hurriedly got back to the bed before he had time to shake.

No way, William had no choice but to use ancient Rune on every Golden Flying Man, and endow him with a heat spell.

Kind of like the one-off of the warm-up badge.

This group of sick Golden Flying Man finally began to take off, like small unmanned detection aircraft, shuttled through the snow-capped mountains.

Jin Feixia is Jin Feixia, worthy of being the first speed in the magic world,

They searched for less than half a day and successfully found Durmstrang\'s ship.

"You stay and watch the ship." William said to the wizard sent by Dumbledore.

If the magic ship can\'t pass, someone must stay behind.

William brought Hermione, and Missandei, a scout female soldier... that was enough.

Missandei was a little eager to try, and her calm and unwavering face was also excited.

After that day, she kind of fell in love with the feeling of riding a motorcycle.

But she couldn\'t do it, William took out a silver broom.

The noise of motorcycles is too loud. In such a quiet snow-capped mountain, anything can be disturbed, and it may even cause an avalanche.

A broomstick can avoid this.

And the broom in William\'s hand is not the Firebolt, but the Star Whisker No. 1 that was just released in July.

This is also an international professional broom made in Germany, specially developed to fight the Firebolt.

William has Firebolts and doesn\'t need a new broom. He bought it for Qiu.

In the fourth-year Quidditch final, Cho broke Harry\'s broom in order to delay Harry.

The fifth grade had the Goblet of Fire, the Quidditch match was canceled, and Qiu didn\'t buy a broom, waiting for the release of Star Whiskers.

The new Star Whiskers are starting in Germany again. William and Hermione came to Austria, just to help with purchasing.

Well, William can now help Qiu try the performance to prevent major security risks.

He sat at the front, Hermione sat in the middle and put her arms around his waist, and Missandei was at the back, keeping Hermione.

William tapped lightly with his toes, and the star whisk rushed towards the sky.

Getting used to riding the Firebolt, he found that the start speed of the Star Whiskers was actually faster.

William suddenly felt that the Quidditch Club would definitely buy it, but the Broomstick Company could also buy one.

Anyway, it is a high-quality asset, the kind that can make a steady profit without losing money.

To make the Akali store bigger and stronger, it has to be involved in every aspect.

This is not a monopoly, but an investment!

Besides, the sales concept of broomsticks in the magic world today is too backward.

How can you sell it like that, you have to ask Quidditch stars to endorse and sell the star\'s exclusive broom.

It\'s like shoes, you have to fry it up, and someone always takes it.

Under the leadership of Golden Flying Man, William flew along the mountain in a certain direction.

"Look, there!"

Holding the telescope, Hermione had already spotted the black ship that was stranded in the ice and completely frozen.

William fell in the first class. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This Durmstrang magic ship has been covered with snow, and the whole ship is empty.

Not to mention Sirius, even the students disappeared together.

William bent down and looked down at the large footprints in the snow.

The footprints were the size of a sled. The last time William saw feet that big was Madame Maxime.

Oops, I\'m afraid I\'ve been hit by a giant!

Just as William was about to cast the Tracking Charm to track the whereabouts of these footprints, a terrifying roar suddenly came from a snowy mountain on the shore.

(Ask for recommendation votes, everyone.

Thanks for the reward from the big guy "A River of Spring Water in Your Arms". )