A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 45: Does not contain any organic nutrients, can not grow vegetables

Tired of Vienna, William and Hermione began to travel to other cities in Austria.

Professor McGonagall is a person who likes to travel around the world, and there is one item on her wish list:

Before retiring, he traveled all over the world at public expense.

William and Hermione\'s wish was simpler, to go to a country every vacation before graduation.

This plan should not be disclosed to others, especially the countries and cities on the two lists.

In those national Ministry of Magic understandings:

This is the most terrifying travel guide, comparable to a buyer\'s show of wearing the largest clothes into tights.

Sellers can\'t wait to triple the price, please delete the buyer\'s show.

Those traveling cities are also trembling, afraid that the two of them will accidentally destroy the city and kill people.

However, the reason why a plan is called a plan is that there will always be various situations that hinder its smooth realization.

William thought that he could spend the summer in Austria safely, until one day, he received Missandei\'s Golden Flying Man again.

Jin Feixia brings the latest news: There is something important that requires the two of them to go back.

William and Hermione had to end their short trip and return to Vienna again.

Well, it turned out to be another meeting.

William felt nauseous when he heard the word "meeting" now, but there was no way... This was President Dumbledore\'s request.

I thought it was Fudge who came up with something else, and he needed to be severely criticized at the meeting.

Unexpectedly, after a bland and somewhat lengthy speech, the Swiss representative, Heinrich Eberstadt, stood up.

"We hope that the International Federation of Wizards can properly deal with the giants who are hiding."

"What happened to them?"

"Did the giant attack the wizard?"

"I just said that this ethnic group is not a good thing!"

Good guy, before hearing anything, many wizards can\'t wait to fire map cannons.

However, the giant disappeared for too long, and when they heard the news of this group again, many wizards showed interest.

The wrinkles on Heinrich\'s face piled up like old yellowed pages.

"There have been countless avalanches there since a new group of giants moved to the Alps more than a decade ago."

"There are as many as thirty-five large-scale avalanches detected this year, more than the ten years before their arrival!"

Heinrich waved his fist angrily and said:

"Not only did this attract the attention of Muggles, it even seriously threatened the lives of nearby residents.

Every time an avalanche occurs, it takes a lot of manpower and material resources to rescue! "

The Alps are a holy land for adventure, and many travelers enter the mountains every year.

If it was an avalanche caused by nature, it would be fine, but the disaster caused by the giant, the Swiss Ministry of Magic had to go to the rescue.

It\'s happened so many times that the Ministry of Magic is almost stationed there.

There is also a reason why Heinrich blamed the incident on the International Federation of Wizards.

Giants were first distributed all over the world, although there are also in the Alps, but there are not many.

The most famous gathering place for giants is the famous Easter Island.

Easter Island, located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, is approximately a triangle in shape and consists of three volcanoes.

The island is famous for hundreds of giant stone statues.

Those stone statues are the ancient remains of the giants who lived there.

But giants have low intelligence and like to kill each other.

And because of the eruption of the volcano, the giants on Easter Island gradually perished, leaving only those statues.

Giants around the world are also slowly decreasing in number for various reasons.

By the 1970s, only a few thousand remained.

However, the fighting power of giants is too strong, and there is a saying in the magic world:

The giant is dissatisfied with the ten thousand, and the ten thousand are invincible!

Since such a fierce war machine, the giants naturally participated in the wizarding war that happened in England more than ten years ago.

Since giants like to fight infighting, they split into three camps:

Part of helping wizards; part of helping Voldemort; part of helping each other and attacking everywhere.

After the Wizarding War, an International Congress of Wizards was convened, which concluded:

Giants are dangerous creatures and should be cast out.

After thinking about it, I decided to drive the last giants to the Alps and let them fend for themselves.

After all, the mountains are covered with thick snow... It does not contain any organic nutrients, so you can\'t grow vegetables!

If there is no way to grow vegetables, there is not much trace of human activities, which can starve these giants to death.

But more than ten years later, the giant did not starve to death, but the avalanche problem has become a chronic problem in Switzerland.

William and Hermione looked at each other, and they felt bad.

The two didn\'t care whether the snow mountain collapsed or not, but Durmstrang\'s ship, carrying Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim, went to find the giant tribe.

At the speed of Durmstrang\'s ships, they should have reached the Alps long ago, so there will be no problems, right?

Otherwise, why did Dumbledore call the two back?

"But no wizard can be drawn now," Picquiri said.

This is really not Piquelli\'s shirk. The International Federation of Wizards really can\'t draw many people.

Like the Muggle United Nations, the Wizarding Federation has a group of wizards who resemble peacekeepers.

But two Grindelwalds, should we solve it? Should Voldemort investigate? Does the United States want to manage it? Should the snowman management area be established?

A lot of things... Compared with these, the giants caused the avalanche, which is really not a big deal, just a disease of mange.

Another hardship to Muggles and wizards in Switzerland.

But Dumbledore knew that this matter could not be delayed.

Voldemort will definitely recruit giants next, and there is still a boat of wizards in the Alps.

Who knows if this avalanche has affected these people?

Dumbledore thought for a while and said, "It\'s true that there aren\'t enough people right now, but I can ask others to help.

Mr. Stark and Miss Granger, should you have time? "

Too much time, they are traveling around Austria.

The representative of Austria thought to himself.

"Yes, the two of you can go and help with the investigation." He immediately agreed.

Many wizards also followed suit.

No one regards the two as little wizards anymore, they are both treated as wizards of equal status.

Besides, everyone can\'t wait for the two ancestors to leave quickly.

This wizarding conference will be held in Vienna for a long time. The two have been staying here. What if there is a second attack?

Heinrich, the representative of Switzerland, raised his hand tremblingly, and said with a sad face: "Can you change to another wizard?"

It is impossible to change people.

All delegates voted unanimously, except for Switzerland, who voted unanimously, including Umbridge.

She doesn\'t want to see the two of them now.

This revenge will be avenged sooner or later, but she will talk about it when she returns to the UK and finds the thickest and most rigid backer.

As for whether there will be an accident in Switzerland... Everyone only cares about the rise of great powers, not the dignity of small people.

Since everyone agreed to ~www.novelhall.com~, we will set off for Switzerland immediately, after all, time waits for no one.

It was said that there were not many wizards dispatched, and Dumbledore also dispatched some people to William.

Missandei also volunteered to join the team.

She had never left Vienna and was eager to see it.

Minister Soros supports a magic ship for the group to travel to Switzerland.

Austria also has the Alps, and the giants are located in the northern foothills, which are very far away.

William touched the magic ship and thought:

Another free yacht.

This trip to Vienna is really worth it!



(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone.)