A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 41: Descendants of Slytherin

No matter how Fudge jumped up and down, how he jumped against his feet, he had to admit one thing:

He\'s just a British Minister for Magic.

Shouting Potian, that is, a character who is in the land and in the nest, how can he control the International Federation of Wizards.

So, at the suggestion of Stark, the fighting hero who just saved Vienna:

Piquelli and other representatives of many countries agreed with Dumbledore to take office and serve as the interim president again.

Dumbledore was the first president to be disqualified by the Minister of Magic of his country, thus losing his status as president;

It is also the first wizard who is not a representative but serves as the president of the guild...although it is only temporary.

All I can say is: things are unpredictable, don\'t bully the sunset.

William played a crucial role in Dumbledore\'s reinstatement.

Whatever he says now, the federation believes.

The reason is also very simple:

At the time of the White Dragon Incident, there was still a period of time before the joint conference began, and most of the delegates had not arrived in Venice.

The Kraken invasion was different. William fought against the North Kraken in full view of the public... turning the tide.

Prestige almost reached an unprecedented peak.

The suggestions he put forward will naturally be repeatedly and carefully considered.

It\'s like when Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald, let alone the representative of Britain, he was not even Wizengamore, just an ordinary professor.

But he said: Keep Grindelwald in Nurmengard.

No one dared to object.

He said: Do not guard.

No one will object.

This is prestige.

There\'s another reason for Dumbledore\'s return: Grindelwald has escaped.

Although the public does not know about this, the International Federation of Wizards knows it.

At that time, someone suggested to invite Dumbledore to come back.

Whether it\'s in charge of the overall situation, or withstanding the pressure... When the sky falls, there will always be tall people;

Dumbledore was also very confused. He wanted to take advantage of the loss of the chairmanship, so as to unload the heavy burden, go to various places to give speeches, and tell the world that Voldemort is back.

But not long after that, the International Federation of Wizards found him again and said:

The organization has decided, and you are the president!

No one else can!

Dumbledore immediately had to read two lines of poetry.

It\'s just a poem written by myself. After all, when I was young, it was also a dirty poem, and I was best at sonnet love poems.

That night, Dumbledore arrived in Vienna and saw the destruction.

Dumbledore is just extraordinary.

As long as it is not an irreversible building damaged by black magic, he directly uses \'restore as before\' to restore it.

This is definitely something ordinary wizards can\'t do... the stalwart power of the Elder Wand!

Standing on the banks of the Danube, William carefully took Dumbledore\'s wand and examined it carefully.

Tsk tsk, worthy of the Elder Wand, one of the nine Deathly Hallows:

The rod is a nine-turn elderberry, which was forged in the furnace by the **** of death. The boss asked for the title of Shenzhen, and the four rivers and seas are the test...Ahem, it\'s a play, it\'s the golden hoop of the sixth teacher.

The Elder Wand certainly wasn\'t that mysterious, but William could see it at a glance.

The end of that quaint elderberry is in the shape of a man.

Master Lu, a famous wand maker in the Far East, once mentioned in the article "From Herb Garden to Wand Shop":

Polygonum multiflorum has a human-like shape, and if you eat it, you can become an immortal.

Come to think of it, elderberry is probably the same.

Well, don\'t pretend, William\'s showdown.

He looked left and right, this Elder Wand wand, indeed, looked unremarkable.

There is no wand in William\'s hands, it is said to be the last wand made by Ollivander\'s grandfather, and it looks beautiful.

William even felt that the wand could be broken with a single push.

Don\'t dare to break it, otherwise the **** of death will not kill him.

With the Elder Wand in his hand, William used a thunderbolt spell, and the rocks on the shore were instantly blown apart.

No wonder it was the Elder Wand. William felt the touch and found some clues.

If you use someone else\'s wand, you will feel a sense of discomfort and rejection.

The magic spell used will also be much weaker.

But this wand is different, there is no sense of stagnation, and the power is almost the same as his own wand.

But you are not its owner!

In other words, this is a wand without \'rejection\'.

Anyone can take it and use it, but its power... it\'s just like a normal wand, no difference.

For the Elder Wand to display its unrivaled power, it must be its true owner.

You have to conquer it first, otherwise even if you take its body, you won\'t get its heart.

"The Elder Wand is the least emotional, the most calm and cruel wand, it only considers ability."

Dumbledore sighed softly.

Although the principal does not know how to make wands, he also has in-depth research on wandology.

"Other wands will have a certain loyalty to a person.

Even if you are being \'weaponed out of you\', but continue to hold that wand, even if you lose the war and still hold that wand, that wand will serve you.

They don\'t give up the owner of the wand so easily.

However, the Elder Wand has allegiance only to abilities, so it is completely emotionless.

It goes with power.

If you win the Elder Wand Master, then you earn the Elder Wand\'s loyalty. "

Dumbledore shook his head and said: "I don\'t like this wand, but its infinite magic and powerful power can really help me fight Voldemort."

William nodded slightly, and returned the Elder Wand to Dumbledore.

He quickly told the whole thing to Dumbledore, and then asked:

"Grindelwald went to the north of the North Sea. Did you mean the North Pole?"

Dumbledore seemed to remember something and smiled:

"He lied to you, it\'s not that far, the most is the coast of the North Sea."

This bad old man really abducted him. William continued:

"Then why is the North Sea Giant Monster called the North Sea Giant Monster?"

Grindelwald refused to answer the question, and William had to ask Dumbledore.

"The North Kraken attacked the owner of the Deathly Hallows long ago.

Then, one day, someone put a chain on it and got trapped under that sea area. "

Chains... This is using the sea monster as a dog.

William was slightly stunned, again a Merlin-like figure.

"Who is that person, won\'t it be the Big Four?"

"I don\'t know, but we guess." Dumbledore said with deep eyes:

"Among the many ghosts at Hogwarts, there are ghosts from the era of the Big Four.

The **** Barrow once said that there was a huge octopus that attacked Hogwarts and was repelled by Slytherin. "

Dumbledore said in a low voice:

"Three of the Big Four ended up leaving Hogwarts and no one knew where they went.

But Hufflepuff stayed, and she left a few words.

She said Slytherin went north of the North Sea.

Then, many years later, the Kraken was discovered in the North Sea.

We can guess that Slytherin was there ~www.novelhall.com~ trapping the octopus. "

"Since he was trapped, how did he escape?" William frowned.

This time Dumbledore didn\'t guess, but said it clearly:

"A wizard went to the North Sea and released it."

"Who?" William asked curiously.

"Descendants of Slytherin."

William was stunned for a moment, then blurted out: "Corvinus Gaunt?"

Dumbledore looked at William in surprise and nodded slowly: "That\'s right."



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