A Magical Hogwarts

v6 Chapter 40: Shet Ma Jafak~

On the way to the office, Fudge kept saying hello to people, and even met Arthur Weasley and had a small chat with him.

It made Arthur confused and wondered what the madness of the minister who had been wary of him recently.

Fudge is really not crazy, but happy!

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his face was filled with complacency that could not be concealed.

My political talent is unparalleled, he thought.

It is indeed unparalleled. In just a few weeks, he removed Dumbledore from the position of President of the International Wizarding Federation and Chief Wizengamore.

Fudge is so proud!

He didn\'t expect it to be so easy, he thought he would face a lot of resistance.

It seems that Dumbledore is really old, and his influence is not as great as before.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Fudge\'s mouth.

Beating down dogs has always been a necessary skill for a mature politician.

In the next step, he will intervene at Hogwarts, sack Dumbledore\'s headmaster position, and let him go back to Godric\'s Hollow to grow sugar cane.

Fudge has long said:

Dumbledore would regret it, and without his support, even being the Headmaster would be impossible.

Only Fudge could tolerate Dumbledore\'s little willfulness.

But now he doesn\'t want to put up with it!

In the past few days, Dumbledore has not learned much, and like a mad dog, he has delivered several speeches, telling everyone that the mysterious man is back.

Public opinion... Fudge has warned the major newspapers in the country, including the Daily Prophet, to slander Dumbledore as much as possible.

Everything is under control!

Fudge confidently pushed open the office door and walked in slowly.

Before he could sit down, Percy, who had just been the assistant minister, knocked on the door and walked in.

He was dog-legged, holding a hot latte and a stack of newspapers.

The Daily Prophet certainly exists, and newspapers in other countries must also be read.

So concerned about international current affairs, one morning passed.

Fudge sat down in his chair, took the latte, and blew on the scum before taking a careful sip.

No sugar added, with milk raisin juice and Jinkelahuoxiangzhengqi liquid...the taste is moderate.

Percy\'s craft was getting better and better.

But Fudge still misses Umbridge\'s pour-over coffee.

That is really sweet but not greasy, and the aftertaste is endless.

"Congratulations, Mr. Minister, I read your report yesterday. It\'s really good." Percy licked skillfully.

Fudge was also a little smug, thinking of the interview with the Daily Prophet the day before yesterday—about him getting the Order of Merlin, First Class.

That\'s right, Fudge received the Merlin Medal this year for his contributions to magical society as Minister for Magic.

At the end of this July, I will go to the Merlin Medal Awarding Ceremony to receive it.

Although it sounds a bit shameless, Fudge believes that with his merits, he still deserves it.

As if he said in front of a reporter:

"When I first took over the Ministry of Magic, the finances of the Ministry were in chaos, and wizards had no food left.

Officers at the director level are less than two hundred gallons a month, and the allowance is not much.

A year later, the Ministry of Magic has everything, Nimbus 2000, refurbished offices, stipends and benefits. "

Without these, I dare to smear Dumbledore and Stark head-on?

The last sentence, of course, Fudge did not say to the reporter, but slandered in his heart.

But on second thought, William would also receive the Merlin First Class Medal and accept the award together with him, which made Fudge a little unhappy.

This is William\'s second award, and once he appears in the ceremony, he will definitely steal everyone\'s limelight.

Although Fudge didn\'t want to award it to William, there was nothing he could do.

Because there are examples to follow.

That year, the famous Ilfracombe incident: a Welsh green dragon attacked a group of Muggles in Ilfracombe, Devon, England.

The Tok family, who was traveling, prevented the casualties from happening.

Torque was also awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class.

At last summer\'s Quidditch World Cup, William stopped a series of attacks and rescued many wizards from kidnapped countries.

Even if William has already won the Merlin Medal once, this award is well deserved, without a bit of moisture.

Fudge couldn\'t stop it, otherwise there would be too much pressure from public opinion.

"What\'s in the Daily Prophet today?" Fudge took a sip of his coffee.

"Well...no big news," Percy mumbled.

"Are you all right?" Fudge glanced at the calendar.

"According to the time, Vienna should have held the International Congress of Wizards.

With Stark and Granger there, nothing happened? "

Fudge said and laughed, amused by his own humor.

Percy laughed awkwardly, and reluctantly took out the newspaper.

Fudge leaned back comfortably in his chair, folded his hands on his lap, closed his eyes and said, "Read!"

Hope to hear good news, but he sent Umbridge to make a mess.

Percy struggled to read about the Vienna attack.

Fudge didn\'t finish his coffee and spit it out.

Percy continued to read, and Fudge\'s face became more and more ugly.

"Stark claims that the events in Vienna were orchestrated by You-Know-Who," Percy read.

"He also showed a lot of evidence to reporters, including a Death Eater.

This Death Eater, a wizard of the Rozier family, calls himself the service of the Mysterious Man.

According to Rozier, the mysterious man ordered him to release the Kraken to attack the Wizarding Convention. "

Fudge grabbed the newspaper and looked at the picture of the Kraken, completely stunned.

Not to mention, looking at the photos, even he believed it!

Minister Fudge continued to read, frowning and reading:

"Stark will receive the Austrian Double Eagle, First Class, and the Merlin First Class, his second Merlin.

Asked by reporters about his feelings, Stark claimed that he would refuse to accept the award with Minister Fudge.

Because that was a shame for him.

Stark will become the first wizard in the history of British magic to refuse the Order of Merlin.

Coincidentally, he was also the youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal and the first man to win it twice. "

Fudge was shaking with anger and flushed. He didn\'t dislike it yet, but the other party actually disliked him!

He looked up quickly again.

"Stark said the British Ministry of Magic should set up a \'Merlin Peace Prize\' for Minister Fudge to satisfy his vanity.

The best thing is to set up Minister Mountain and carve his head on it..."

Fudge angrily threw the newspaper on the ground and stomped hard. After a few seconds, after breathing down, he picked it up.

"Stark also made a proposal for this attack.

He believes that the current situation is difficult, and there must be a president of the federation to actively deal with this matter.

However, the federation was unable to elect a new president in a short period of time.

Stark proposed that Dumbledore remain the interim president until the matter was over. "

"According to reliable sources, the U.S. representative, Ms. Piquelli, has contacted more than two dozen representatives to appeal this matter..."

Fudge stood up, looking a little terrified.

"What is Umbridge doing in Vienna?!"

Fudge, pacing in front of the fireplace, grabbed a handful of shiny powder from a jar on the mantelpiece and sprinkled it on the flames.

"Martin!" Fudge yelled at the flames. "Where are you!"

After five or six minutes, a large figure appeared in the fire, spinning rapidly.

"Are you calling me, Mr. Minister?" Martin asked breathlessly.

"Of course I\'m looking for you, why did you just go!" Fudge said angrily.

"I… my stomach hurts," Martin said.

Fudge didn\'t pursue Martin too much, paid to go to the toilet, and fish at work.

He asked loudly, "What\'s going on with Dumbledore?!"

Martin is the director of the International Magical Executive Office, which is part of the International Magical Cooperation Division.

In theory, the International Confederation of Wizards, governs each country.

But preventing excessive interference in internal affairs cannot be directly managed.

They usually give orders, which are overseen by the Office of Magical Enforcement.

Martin is the official used to contact the federation, equivalent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with supervision.

"What happened to Dumbledore?" Martin asked in confusion.

"The International Federation of Wizards, want him to go back to be the president!" Fudge roared.

"How did you know that?" said Martin, surprised. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"It\'s all in the newspaper! Didn\'t you see it? You didn\'t know? You\'re the director of the International Magic Executive Office!"

"My paper hasn\'t arrived yet."

"Your newspaper? Don\'t you have the federation\'s official document?" Fudge was taken aback.

"No. Official documents are always late. I always read international news in the newspaper." Martin shrugged.

"For example, you dismissed President Dumbledore, I only found out two days ago."

Fudge was speechless, panting for a long time before scolding:

"You\'re so bad... Shet\'s mother jeers Fake~"

(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone.)