A Magical Hogwarts

v5 Chapter 55: Opportunities come like raindrops!

Minister Fudge\'s implicit solicitation for bribes, no doubt... failed.

The minister\'s meaning is very simple. Since William is willing to pay a sky-high price of 70,000 Galleons to buy this advertising space, he can bid for it with 30,000 Galleons... but secretly charges 50,000.

In this way, William\'s bid was low, and Fudge made a net profit of 20,000... The only one who was smashed was the Ministry of Magic.

It\'s not even a wool, no one has ever used it as an advertising space before, and William was the first wizard to come up with this idea.

If you don\'t sell it, you won\'t earn a single nut; if you sell it, you\'ll definitely earn extra money, but it\'s just a matter of earning more and earning less.

It\'s a three-win situation.

But William pretended to be stupid, pretending he didn\'t understand Fudge\'s hints.

To put it bluntly, the Black and Peter incident allowed William to see through the minister:

Not his own, secretly guarding Dumbledore.

But Voldemort, with the help of Peter, is not sure when he will be resurrected.

Infighting at this time, isn\'t it giving Voldemort a chance to develop secretly?

William had already asked Rita to collect Fudge\'s incriminating evidence, waiting for the critical moment to kill the minister and replace him with his own.

That being the case, William had no reason to give him a bribe and keep the handle to him.

Unlike stealing it in Buckbeak, the bribes of tens of thousands of Galleons will leave a lot of evidence... It is very likely that they will be involved in the end.

This is the same as William\'s failure to cooperate with Ludo. This person is unreliable. William also despised that point of Galleon.

Don\'t say thirty-seven, it\'s twenty-eight... so what?

As long as Willian thinks about it, he can grab a million Galleons this World Cup. The magic stone is made, how much gold is there?

What William needs is not Galleon, but influence, but indirect control of the magic world.

He wants to turn the Akali Mystery Shop into a monopoly, an international chaebol, and master the economic lifeline of wizards.

He wants a wizard from birth to death...a mysterious witch can\'t live without...Akali!

This is William\'s purpose.

So the 30-second performance commercial is very important, and he must win it.

This is the best chance to promote the Akali Mystery Shop.

William didn\'t want to save Galleon at all. Besides, the Galleon he spent now is not his, it was all earned from gambling, and he didn\'t feel bad at all.

It was Fudge... Seeing that William didn\'t seem to understand, he also sighed.

Can he still clearly say... give me 20,000 Galleons before I sell it to you?

Fudge didn\'t want to offend the teenager. And if 60,000 or 70,000 or 70,000 Galleons are entered into the account, is it not making money?

Even if he took the official account, Fudge had a way to get it into his pocket, but it was a little more troublesome and easy to be discovered.

During the whole process, the communication between the two parties was quite pleasant, so William bought a few more advertising spaces.

"Minister, I hope that house-elves are allowed to sell things in the camp," William said.

In the current camp, there are 100,000 wizards gathered. Britain plus a piece, there are not so many wizards.

This is now a huge market, and the Akali Mystery Shop has to be moved temporarily.

"It\'s not in line with the rules, but..." Fudge laughed. "Owls can send things, and house elves, like owls, can too."

The minister agreed, took William\'s hand again, and said earnestly:

"William, it\'s Norway vs. America tonight. Who are you betting on?"

"Minister, I really pressed it casually last time. You follow me. What should I do if it\'s wrong this time?"

"Wrong is wrong, who can always win."

William shrugged, that\'s what you said.

"Then please, brother!"

Fudge patted William on the shoulder, "I will crush whoever you crush."

"..." Who is your brother!

Fudge stood up, ready to go bankrupt and overwhelm William\'s favored team.

After Fudge left, Ludo did not return. William picked up a copy of the Daily Prophet on the table and read it casually.

Obvious title:


Contributor: Rita Skeeter.

Below is a photo of the Scotland captain being kissed by the old coach of the Transvania team.

In last night\'s game, the England national team undoubtedly created a respectable new history.

If I could tell me a word from twenty-four hours ago, it would have been bankrupt...Team Transvania

That\'s ten times more generous than a bet on the Lake Selma monster and a World Cup attack; Minister Fudge is ousted next year, and the black market bet is just 7 to 1.

England made the impossible out of the impossible. This is no less than the sudden resurrection of the mysterious man standing in front of us.

But is this just an accident?

Of course not.

A member of the England national team said: "The night before yesterday, our whole team went to the club to get drunk, and the next day, our legs were weak."

... My legs are weak, how can I beat others?

A Gringotts leprechaun revealed that the England national team is playing money and pressing itself to win.

It turns out that they are not playing fake games, but real dishes...

Rita is worthy of being a fast shooter. Although she went to Venice, she still produced a brilliant report overnight.

She also modified a lot of content, but after reading it, it made people even more angry.

As expected of Rita.

The entire Daily Prophet is reporting on the upset in England, without mentioning the death of an American wizard.

It seems that Fudge was pressed down and used the England national team to attract attention.

Fudge is really good at making money and suppressing scandals.

Soon, Hermione returned.

She raised the key and said happily, "I got it, 220,000 Galleons."

William stopped the quill in his hand, raised his head, and said with a smile, "However, I will lose 40,000 Galleons tonight."

William can\'t win all the time or everyone will bet on him. The result is that the goblin doesn\'t sit in the village, let alone play with him.

So, tonight William is ready to lose.

"You beat Norway, everyone beat it, and the goblins will definitely change the odds quickly."

Hermione sat down next to William, rolled her smart eyes, and said softly, "I\'ll secretly use the rest of Galleon to press Team USA?"

"That\'s right." William said with a grin, "But it\'s too attractive to use a lot of identities to press 160,000 Galleons all at once."

"I know." Hermione blinked. "I\'m going with Annie, Luna and Ginny!"

William lowered his head again and continued to write the letter.

Hermione leaned over and asked, "Who are you writing to?"

"Cedric, Qiu, Twins and Professor Lupin, let them come to the World Cup camp... Minister Fudge promised to sell things here."

William said softly, "The World Cup branch of Akali Mystery Shop... is open!"



With the fiasco of the England national team, a piece of news quickly made headlines in major newspapers:

Under the leadership of the famous Stark, the three giants of Hogwarts made a big gamble overnight and swept more than 400,000 Galleons!

All the fans are crazy, this kind of drama of getting rich overnight can most affect people\'s hearts.

Many wizards followed Stark, betting on the under-appreciated Norway team in an attempt to replicate the legend again.

But unfortunately, the legend did not continue...

The Norwegian team was defeated by the US team, and Stark\'s 40,000 Galleons... lost everything!

Along with the blood loss, there are also Minister Fudge, Director Ludo Bagman... and a series of wizards who follow suit.

In the third game, everyone began to wait and see. Stark continued to gamble 60,000 Galleons, betting on the last champion Canada.

As a result, the Canadian team suffered a fiasco, and 60,000 Galleons were hit with a water scoop.

No one dared to follow Stark anymore, but rumors spread... The first time he won 200,000 was all because of the prophecy of Professor Trelawney, a professor of divination.

And in the next two games... she was all right! !

For a time, the title of the strongest prophet in history was detained on Professor Trelawney\'s head.

Everyone was ready to follow Trelawney.

The fourth game...Professor Trelawney bet on the England national team~www.novelhall.com~ As a result, Scotland was beaten by Luxembourg.

And Stark bet 80,000 Galleons, and on the Luxembourg team, he made 500,000 overnight...

In the fifth game, Stark lost 100,000 straight. And Mag netted 300,000.

All wizards want to vomit blood... co-authored with the three of you, master and apprentice, or alternately?

The one who wanted to vomit blood the most was Malfoy... Five times in a row, he followed suit wrong.

Opportunities hit him like raindrops, all of which he cleverly avoided.



(Ask for recommendation votes, everyone.

Thanks to the book friend "20200814164226957" for the reward. )