A Magical Hogwarts

v5 Chapter 54: middlemen earn the difference

The Quidditch field was noisy until the middle of the night, and it gradually quieted down.

It\'s not that everyone is tired, but the players of the England national team who were taken to Azkaban by the Ministry of Magic.

Fudge said to catch the troublemaker, but it was impossible to catch it.

There are 100,000 wizards at the scene, and there are only so many Aurors in the UK... Who are you going to arrest? Azkaban can give you a blast!

In the end, in desperation, the Aurors had no choice but to arrest the players of the England national team... It was said to be arresting, but in fact it was temporarily protected to prevent the fans from taking further drastic actions.

It’s okay to blow out and let out your anger, but you can’t really kill yourself.

However, it is not safe in the Auror. There are several people who want to kill this group of trash.

After all, 10:390... I can do it too!

England fans were also under siege. They were very aggrieved, and they agreed to stop the internal fight and agree to the outside world.

Saying that during the World Cup, all blacks will be exempted?

we agreed…

Say your sister!

The dishes don\'t let people spray, do they rely on love to influence?

The Scottish fans, in particular, were the most hilarious. Who let people the last World Cup, won the runner-up.

At that time, I was sprayed with various kinds of \'falling brooms\' and \'swimming back\'... But I am afraid of comparison in everything.

Compared with a spicy chicken team like England, Scotland is simply a glory for the country.

Sure enough, England will also be happy, and we have to see Scotland to win the championship.

The funniest thing is the wizard from Argentina, when people burn photos, they burn with them.

However, they did not distinguish between England and Ireland. They took out the photo of Irish national team Seeker Aidan Lynch and burned it.

It\'s not surprising that Argentines have not always distinguished other countries.

Last time, the Argentine Magic Council, insinuated that the South Korean national Quidditch team was eliminated, and the official newspaper put a picture of North Korea\'s Muggle government, the eternal chairman of the committee, Jong Il.

Then, the Argentine Quidditch team was blackfooted in a friendly match.

After this wave of action in Argentina, the originally tense relationship between the fans was on the verge of breaking out.

Not only are Scottish fans clamoring for a referendum on independence, Irish wizards are also clamoring to form their own second Ministry of Magic to compete with the British Ministry of Magic!

An opening match, the Quidditch World Cup camp was a mess.

England\'s national team is really a villain, and they don\'t get allocated to Azkaban to cut sugar cane... It\'s not enough for civilians.

The next morning, William and Hermione walked out of the tent.

The whole camp was a mess, as if it was a thief. There were wizards lying all over the ground, with empty wine bottles in their hands.

Many tents around were splashed with paint, with slogans written on them:

"You guys are a disgrace to the team\'s 520-year history!"

"Shameless people, get out of here!"

"You are no longer welcome in this land!"

Obviously, the England national team broke the hearts of many fans and was unilaterally expelled from their nationality.

Especially those fans who thought they could win the game, they pressed a lot of money.

Queue at the Quidditch pitch in the morning, waiting to jump off the sports arena.

William and Hermione didn\'t care, they squeezed under a small umbrella, avoiding the sight of the surrounding wizards, and walked towards the goblin\'s tent.

The creditor... to collect the bill!

220,000 Galleons!

"So, Professor Babbling is in contact with that person." Hermione whispered.

"It doesn\'t matter, the professor didn\'t agree immediately, and is still hanging Tom on purpose."

Staring at the foggy sky from a distance, the green girl smiled knowingly, narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "

I understand... Hard-to-Eat... You are a veteran in this field, with rich theoretical knowledge and invincible combat experience. "

William looked confused, and there was a little innocence in his eyes, as if he couldn\'t understand what the girl was saying.

Hermione\'s mouth twitched, and she reached out to take William\'s arm.

All in all, Professor Babbling is really good.

She stared at William\'s face early in the morning.

Yeah, what face could capture Tom\'s attention more than William\'s?

It was a face he couldn\'t refuse.

Professor Babbling gave full play to her role as a professor of ancient Rune, and brought up some ancient power in the classroom.

It would seem abrupt to mention this kind of thing in a different profession, and the identity of the ancient Rune professor... just right.

Sure enough, Tom\'s attention was immediately drawn away, and he also took the initiative to approach Babling last night.

William suddenly remembered what Professor Babling said: "Someone has worked with Death."

This sentence really made him care.

Both William and Nicole had dreams of death and received his guidance.

There is some kind of wonderful connection between the two parties, but it is not a partnership. In this magical world, is there anyone who has ever cooperated with the **** of death?

Passing by Malfoy\'s tent, William came across an advertisement for an out-of-favorite offer.

But Malfoy will definitely not be able to find it. Those fat peacocks have long been in the stomach.

At the location where the water was drawn, William also saw that the well was turning yellow. Apparently, a group of wizards last night used this place as a toilet.

Luckily there is water in the tent, they don\'t use it from here. Don\'t know who\'s going to be the unlucky one with water.

When he was about to reach the fairy tent, William unexpectedly saw two familiar figures at the door.

— Ludo and Fudge!

In the middle of the night last night, Ludo tried to find William.

But he knew that the camp would be restless, and a lot of magic was cast outside the tent, so he couldn\'t get in at all.

After thinking about it, Ludo had to come to the gambling place early in the morning to block people.

The purpose is naturally to bet with him, and by the way, talk about the three-seven... ah no, the two-eighth.

Unexpectedly, Minister Fudge also thought so, and came to the fairy tent early in the morning.

"William, I have something important to discuss with you about advertising." Fudge lowered his voice.

"Let\'s talk inside then." William nodded.

The four walked towards the goblin tent, and Minister Fudge asked for a quiet room.

Hermione didn\'t follow a piece, she took the key to the vault and went to the goblins to get the 220,000 Galleons.

Sitting down on the chair, William wondered:

"Isn\'t the advertising fee already negotiated?"

Like many Muggle games, the Quidditch World Cup is sponsored by advertising.

After all, this is a feast of competition against wizards from all over the world.

However, there is certainly no Muggle Super Bowl, where advertising is so expensive.

In William\'s previous life, the average cost of placing a 30-second ad on a Super Bowl game had reached a horrific $5.6 million, an average of $186,667 per second.

At this point in 1994, a thirty-second commercial had already exceeded one million dollars.

But what is the ratings of others, and what kind of stinky fish and rotten shrimp are you in the Quidditch World Cup?

There is no live TV, only the radio. The size of the wizards in the world is so large, and the advertising price is naturally much cheaper.

But no matter how low it is, a game can range from hundreds to thousands of Galleons. For example, the 58 advertising spaces in the World Cup finals reached nearly Wanjialong.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the Golden Cave.

"William, you\'ve already bought three spots for the finals, don\'t you want to buy some more?" Fudge suggested.

William earned 200,000 Galleons in one night, so he could spend more.

And there are dozens of games in the Quidditch World Cup. If it\'s not the favorite team, there won\'t be many spectators, and the tickets will not be sold.

There are not many advertising positions, and Fudge is also in a hurry.

This is all golden Kanon!

"Of course I can buy more, it\'s not a problem to have seven or eight more, and I can even book a room. But..."

William thought for a moment, then smiled: "I don\'t buy advertising space, I buy other things."

"What did you buy?" Fudge asked suspiciously.

"The final has a mascot performance, and after the end, I hope there will be 30 seconds of performance time."

"What?!" Fudge was stunned, and blurted out: "No."

The Quidditch World Cup has never been played like this before.

"I made a high bid." William laughed.

"How much?" Fudge asked immediately.

William picked up a cup of coffee and took a sip.

"Ludo, you go help me check the odds tonight." Fudge said knowingly.


"Go quickly."

Ludo stood up reluctantly. It\'s normal for people not to let him listen to this kind of business secret.

After Ludo left, William said softly, "I will pay fifty thousand Galleons."

"Fifty thousand Galleons..." Fudge\'s little heart paused for a second.

Really local tyrant, so much as soon as he opens his mouth!

However, they only earned 200,000 Galleons last night, what is 50,000!

Fudge\'s eyes when looking at William were also instantly hot.

"William, we have a good relationship...but this position is very important, there has never been a precedent...I will be under a lot of pressure..."

"Sixty-five thousand, no more," William said.

Thirty-second commercial for the 1994 Super Bowl, but a million dollars. According to the exchange rate of Galleons and US dollars, 100,000 Galleons are 730,000 US dollars.

But the Super Bowl is televised live, but Quidditch is not. And there are far fewer wizards than Muggles.

So the median price of 60,000 to 70,000 Galleons is very reasonable.

Fudge thought for a long time, and suddenly said:

"William, we have a good relationship, this is also a form of advertising that has never been seen before, and it is not easy to estimate.

But for the first test of water, I can only charge 30,000 Galleons. "

William was stunned for a while. He originally thought that Fudge would speak loudly, but he did not expect to take the initiative to lower the price.

William just thought about it for two seconds, and then he instantly understood.

How much advertising fees are charged now, it is all from the Ministry of Magic, what does it have to do with his Minister of Magic...!

Anyway, this is a new form of advertising, and Fudge even deliberately lowered the price, only charging 10,000 Galleons... But the middleman, he has to make a little bit of the difference.

In Fudge\'s opinion, what do those officials at the Ministry of Magic know, Galleon...it should be kept by the right people!

(Ask for recommendation votes, everyone.

Thanks to the three big bosses "Niya Haiyudaga", "Hello.a Goodbye", and "Tributaries merge into the mainstream". )