A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 89: Capture 1 female centaur

After being drunk, Hagrid\'s mouth is as broken as Professor Flitwick.

He started talking about it when he was a child, and has been talking about Hogwarts now.

Finally, keeping up with current events, he talked about Sirius Black, who escaped Azkaban during the summer vacation, and berated him...

It wasn\'t for nothing, William finally figured out why Mag was so excited every time Gryffindor and Slytherin played.

She even wanted to play in person, like tearing up the devils and tearing up the little snakes.

It turns out that in the last Quidditch match of his student days, Professor McGonagall was fouled by a Slytherin student.

She fell straight off the broom, suffered a severe concussion, broke several ribs and nearly died on the field.

William thought inexplicably of Professor Trelawney.

When Trelawney entered school as a child, she predicted that McGonagall would blacken and die in seventh grade.

Her mouth is really not covered, as if it has been opened, she is worthy of being a divination professor.

Hagrid began to take stock of the small animals he had raised in those years.

The three-headed dog Lu Wei, is not the cutest (ferocious) one.

While Hagrid was drinking, William quickly forcibly controlled the topic.

"Hagrid, I know a witch. She\'s a little taller than you. I think you might like to know her."

"Really... taller than me?" Hagrid muttered, "Then she must be a half-blood giant..."

"Madame Maxime is also very beautiful, prettier than most witches," said William.

"If you want, I can write to Furong and ask her to introduce her to you... Let\'s go there first."

"No... William, my father was abandoned by my mother, and she may have had another child with other giants.

I\'m heartbroken about this.

I will never like any woman in my life, no matter how beautiful she is..." Hagrid said firmly.

"Believe it or not, even that...Maxim..." Hagrid drank too much and his tongue began to knot.

"Even if she stood in front of me, I wouldn\'t have the slightest bit of temptation."

Well, William believed it, I didn\'t expect Hagrid to be unmarried!

Hagrid snored and fell asleep on the table.

William took a breath, and it was finally over. With a wave of his wand, Hagrid was transferred to the bed.

Taking advantage of her brother\'s back, Annie wanted to sneak a sip of Hermione\'s mojito and taste it, but was patted on the back of her hand.

She hummed after shrinking her hands: "Stingy!"

Hermione picked up the cup, drank it all at once, and said with a smile: "What kind of wine is a child\'s family, just drink your caramel macchiato!"

"Aren\'t you a child too?"

Hermione smiled sweetly and said, "Ask William and let him tell you, who is the child of the two of us?"

Annie rubbed Fang Fang\'s dog\'s head and said angrily, "Eccentric!"

After William concealed Hagrid\'s cabin, the three did not return to the castle, but prepared to visit Da Hei and Lu Wei.

"How do we get there?" Annie was eager to try.

This was her first time going to the Forbidden Forest, and she was inexplicably a little excited.

"Of course I went by car, can I still walk?"

William pulled out a carriage made of large pumpkins from the pumpkin patch.

After the secret room incident last semester, William made this vehicle to facilitate access to the Forbidden Forest in the future.

The style of the car is designed by him and modified by magic.

Well... just replace the abandoned Hogwarts wagon with a pumpkin roof, and apply some shock-absorbing charm to drive on rough roads.

Looking at the pumpkins all over the floor, William decided to find a time to let Hagrid plant some watermelons instead.

A watermelon the size of a car, tsk tsk... William could stay in it for a summer.

In his opinion, watermelon is the most delicious fruit, and he does not accept refutation!

The pumpkin carriage was pulled into the open space, and its power was not the Thestral, but the six eight-eyed giant spiders.

Just after lifting the coffin, he started to pull the carriage again. It felt really weird, as if he was pulling a hearse instead of a carriage.

But this did not prevent William from squeezing coolies.

After he tied the eight-eyed giant spider with a rope, he immediately waved the reins, and the carriage ran wildly on the forbidden forest path.

The eight-eyed giant spider at the head weighed at least four hundred kilograms, but it didn\'t give the slightest sense of burden. It was strong and had black skin. When running, it galloped at an amazing speed.

Eight-eyed giant spiders are very obedient, because the basilisks are their natural enemies, and they are even afraid to say their names.

William, who has mastered a basilisk, is the king of the eight-eyed spider. This is also the wealth code of the Forbidden Forest.

But what he didn\'t know was that the old spider Aragog was already thinking about moving.

They\'re preparing to migrate as a group, to places where William can\'t find them, to stay away from his cruel Dark Lord!

Halfway through, William raised his head slightly and couldn\'t help but look for the thunderbird figure among the clouds.

If it dared to appear, William was ready to lead it to Hu Meizi\'s territory.

In a valley of flowers in the northwest of the Forbidden Forest, there are all foxes.

They are covered in thick black fur, have beetle-like wings, and have razor-sharp fangs.

They are not very powerful individually, but they are numerous, usually in groups, like marching ants, densely packed.

It\'s just that William didn\'t wait for the Thunderbird, but instead the sound of breaking the air.

A sharp and sharp arrow came through the air, and the arrow pierced the shell wind chime that Annie was hanging on the eaves of the car.

William didn\'t move, and the feather arrow hovered quietly half a meter away, maintaining a slanting stab.

William waved his wand, and the arrow feathers shot back at a faster speed.


The attacker hiding in the woods swung the dagger around his waist with his left palm and swiped forward, creating a circular arc that could be slashed on the arrow feathers.

Hermione and Annie both stared at the uninvited guest more than ten meters away.

It was a maroon-colored young horseman...or a female horseman.

She has a beautiful face, red pupils, a maroon ponytail, and long fiery red hair, which are divided into two strands and hang down in front of her.

Centaurs never wore clothes, and the huge twin peaks on her upper body were like a searchlight, looming under her long red hair.

Shaking William\'s eyes hurt for a while, and he didn\'t know that he thought he was about to wake up.

The female horseman put down the dagger, and took out the arrow again, ready to draw the silver bow.

William has been dealing with horse people all the year round, and has several friends, but he has never seen this horse person before.

Therefore, it does not prevent him from shooting directly.

William waved his wand.

Within a distance of more than ten meters between the two, a layer of still water curtain instantly froze, visible to the naked eye, like a gate falling from the sky.

William waved his wand gently, and thousands of water droplets shot towards the female horse.

William jumped out of the car and walked quickly towards the centaurs.

As a fan of magical biology, William has many questions in his mind.

For example: how do snake demons shed their skin; merman breathe with lungs or gills~www.novelhall.com~ Then when it comes to centaurs, how exactly do they breastfeed?

It is the mare\'s milk from the lower body,


William captures a horsewoman trying to attack him, and he thinks he\'ll have an answer soon.



(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone. As for the exam, the update is late.

Thank you "Happy and Invincible Hanhan" and "End Knight" for their rewards. )

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