A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 88: Bring me 1 cup of Mojito

Hagrid\'s fields are full of pumpkins, each the size of a cart.

William, Hermione and Annie squatted on the biggest pumpkin, bored, looking down at the three snails as they moved.

Soon, the family of three had a new name:

Hermione Stark, William Granger and Anne Granger.

After the three chose Zhong Yi\'s snail, they began to bet, whoever arrived at the destination last would be the super big winner.

The reward is a bucket of Zizz Honey Candy.

When Hermione\'s \'William Granger\' finally arrived at the end of the pumpkin slowly, sending off her relatives... ah, the anti-coffin team finally came.

Six sneaky eight-eyed giant spiders emerged from the edge of the forbidden forest.

They carried coffins made of ebony wood and staggered up, as if they were dancing a cheerful dance.

The abnormal standard of action, at first glance, is that the professional team has been trained.

The style of the coffin is also very chic, and it is designed in a clamshell style.

William had originally wanted to make it a slider because it would be cooler, but Hagrid insisted that Norbert preferred a flip.

This is a matter of personal aesthetics. If it wasn\'t for the technology, William would have wanted to add a piece of glass to the coffin to make it a full screen.

Don\'t dare to say anything else, at least this style can be guaranteed, and it will not be out of date for 30 years!

"Is it buried here, Hagrid, in your pumpkin patch?"

Hermione stood up, squatting for too long, her legs were numb, she was shaking, and she almost fell off the pumpkin.

William stretched out his arm, grabbed the girl\'s hand, pulled it back gently, and put it in his arms.

Hermione glanced at Annie and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she hadn\'t noticed.

Annie was still squatting on the pumpkin, pouted, staring at the eight-eyed giant spiders.

What kind of Merlin\'s strange line is this!

So cool!

Annie\'s eyes went straight, it was the first time she had seen this kind of magical creature.

"I think it\'s better to be buried in the Forbidden Forest."

She turned her head and couldn\'t help but suggest. "We can go to the Forbidden Forest... um, what are you two doing?"

"Nothing?" Hermione immediately released William\'s hand and adjusted her bangs a little.

Annie squinted and looked at the two with a scrutiny look.

William changed the subject and asked. "Annie, do you want to go to the Forbidden Forest?"

Annie shook her head quickly and explained: "I mean, don\'t go too deep... You must have never been to the Forbidden Forest... I haven\'t either, aren\'t you curious?"

William and Hermione both shook their heads and said in unison, "Not curious."

What\'s so strange about the Forbidden Forest? Who would be curious about the place I\'ve been to countless times.

"...I haven\'t even been to the Forbidden Forest, it\'s really boring."

Annie grumbled twice. "Haven\'t you heard of it? A Hogwarts career without going to the Forbidden Forest is incomplete."

William rolled his eyes.

This sentence was spread by him to the navy!

There is another sentence at the back: "Akali Mystery Store allows you to feel the tension and excitement of the Forbidden Forest without leaving home."

The purpose is not to deceive... ahem, to stimulate everyone to buy more prank products from the Akali Mystery Store.

Like... the upcoming Spider Trap Egg.

"No." Hagrid finally finished digging the pit, and he choked, "You guys can\'t help but go to the Forbidden Forest, it\'s pretty good here, I think Norbert will like it here."

Hagrid put the dragon\'s horn in Norbert\'s "flip phone" and put some fat chicken dolls for him to keep him company on the road to Huangquan.

Hagrid also told Norbert that if he was hungry, he would eat it directly.

William waved his wand, and the coffin slowly fell into the grave.

This tomb is also exquisite enough, with scarce sunshine mansions, double-weird large living room structure, and re-examination design!

The six eight-eyed giant spiders immediately stepped forward like doglegs and pulled the soil, burying the pit.

Annie was amazed.

I don\'t know who taught them, these spiders are so obedient.

Hagrid\'s tears rustled down the corners of his wrinkled eyes again.

Eight-eyed giant spiders can\'t shed tears, so they try to spray venom instead of tears to temporarily help the field.

This is the legendary crying grave!

Just two words,


Seeing this scene, William not only was not sad, but wanted to laugh.

No way, no one who has fought a fire dragon like Norbert could be saddened by its death.

But William did like Norbert, of course...he was referring to purely physical liking.

After mourning for Norbert, the group returned to Hagrid\'s hut.

Hagrid sat slumped on a large chair and wiped his tears with a handkerchief.

Fang Ya, who had been hiding in the house during the funeral, ran over immediately.

As usual, he put the dog\'s head on William\'s lap and wagged his tail desperately, begging him for treats.

After eating William\'s stubble, he would beg for jerky from Hermione and Annie one by one.

Hagrid picked up the half-drinked whiskey from the table and poured it heavily, looking overly sad.

"You can\'t drink, why don\'t you have pine needle tea?" asked Hagrid.

"I brought a caramel macchiato." Annie took out a large glass and said, "Brother, Hermione, do you want to drink?"

"No, I brought a bottle of mojito."

William took out a bottle of low-strength cocktail from the safety table.

"William, give me a drink too." Hermione said with a wink.


Annie watched the two clink glasses gently, and suddenly felt that the macchiato in her hand...it was not sweet.

"Hagrid, what\'s the matter with you?" William asked after taking a sip.

"Dumbledore has written to me that Malfoy has found the Dangerous Animals Commission," said Hagrid. "They will certainly kill Buckbeak..."

Buckbeak was the hippogriff that gave Malfoy a bite in the first Fantastic Beasts class.

William and Hermione looked at each other, and Hermione couldn\'t help comforting: "Hagrid, there may be a turning point. Dumbledore will also help."

"Maybe...but I\'m not too optimistic." Hagrid said sadly: "Norbo has been sent away, and I don\'t want to send Buckbeak away again."

"It\'s a bad feeling, it almost reminds me of when my dad died."

"I haven\'t shown you a picture of my dad, have I? Here..."

Hagrid staggered to his feet, walked over to the closet, opened a drawer, and took out a photo.

There was a short wizard, with the same jet-black eyes as Hagrid\'s, narrowed into a slit, and he sat on Hagrid\'s shoulders and smiled happily.

Judging from an apple tree next to him, Hagrid was more than two meters tall, but his face was young, plump, smooth, and without a beard—it looked eleven years old at most.

Hiss, he was over two meters tall at the age of eleven... with this physique... going to play basketball, what\'s the matter with Jordan.

"This was taken shortly after I entered Hogwarts," said Hagrid hoarsely. "Dad was so happy...he thought I couldn\'t be a wizard.

As you may not know, my mom is... actually a... giant. "

Hagrid was drunk and kept talking about his parents.

"Hagrid, you\'re drunk, don\'t tell others about this kind of thing." William said seriously.

Discrimination in the magic world is more severe than expected.

Many pure-blood wizards discriminate against Muggle-born wizards, let alone half-blood giants like Hagrid.

It\'s really not easy for Hagrid\'s broken mouth to keep this secret for so many years. Dumbledore must have been behind him, wiping his ass.

"I know...but you three little guys~www.novelhall.com~ are all right..." Hagrid opened another bottle of whisky.

After all, Hagrid\'s father was also a magical wizard.

With a height of only 1.6 meters, how did he have a relationship with the giant and give birth to a child?

While the giant is asleep?

This one might be bigger.

Because for the female giant, maybe it was like being bitten by a mosquito, she didn\'t even feel...



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