A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 51: Gringotts "raw ore treasure" plan to cut leeks

Anne was a repeat offender with a previous record, at least Hermione thought so.

For example, last night, when she took a shower and pushed the door in, she happened to see Annie lying on the bed, throwing a mint candy up high, wanting to enter in a dashing manner.

Annie\'s performance should have failed. The mint didn\'t fall into her mouth, hit her face directly, and rolled onto the bed.

Although I only saw it once, Hermione has reason to believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Annie might have eaten ham, buttered bread, or even, as William said, a luxurious miniature version of Yang Sheng fried in her bed!

"I did not eat……"

Annie only had time to say this half a sentence, and Hermione threw herself on it.

The two scuffled, scratching each other\'s armpits and pulling clothes. After Hermione took a shower, she was wearing a floral suspender dress and almost disappeared.

Tsk tsk... The girls fight is so pleasing to the eye.

"Ah." Hermione cried out suddenly, the book in Annie\'s hand almost bit her hand.

The book jumped up and bit into Hermione\'s hair.

William, who was cheering for the two, waved his wand gently, and the book hit the wall.

It was a beautiful book with a green cover and the title of the book in gold: The Monster Book of Monsters.

After the monster book hit the wall, it seemed a little stunned. After a while, it stood up again and ran hurriedly along the floor, like some kind of strange crab.

It headed straight for Hermione\'s treasured bookshelf, as if trying to fill it up.

Hermione didn\'t care about her disheveled clothes, jumped off the bed angrily, stepped on the monster book, and kicked it twice.

The book shuddered angrily, but it couldn\'t hold Hermione away, so it screamed.

Anne hurriedly came over and said, "Just use your fingers to stroke down the spine of the book, and the book will be quiet."

She demonstrated it, and the Monster Book was really quiet. Annie has a "I\'m smart", come and praise my smug look.

William and Hermione looked at each other. William asked, "Where did the book come from?"

"Hagrid just sent it. You two are not here, so I took it and looked at it." Annie said with a smile.

She squatted down again, pouted her butt, and pulled out a copy from the trash can. The book was gobbling down maltose, sticking all over its mouth.

"Look, I didn\'t eat in bed, it all ate!" Anne glanced sideways at Hermione.

Hermione blushed slightly, she was about to snort arrogantly, but Annie had already taken the lead, imitating her movements, raised her chin, and snorted softly.

They all learned to answer! William laughed.

"..." Hermione\'s cheeks flushed red and hot, and she turned her head and glared at William.

"Looks like Hagrid has changed our textbooks." William said with a smile.

Professor Keitelborn has retired. As the new professor, Hagrid must have sent textbooks!

"Why would Hagrid buy this kind of book?" Hermione complained.

"It\'s probably fun." William walked towards Hermione, the girl raised her legs slightly, he quickly bent over and picked up the book under her feet.

Hermione held her forehead and said speechlessly: "It\'s really what he can say!"

The book in William\'s hand became noisy again, and he seemed to want to eat maltose too.

"You can\'t keep scratching the spine of the book, you see it\'s not obedient again." Hermione said worriedly. , but they are all treasures, and they can\'t stand the tearing of the monster book.

"It\'s easy to handle, it\'s up to me."

William waved his wand, and the table floated slowly. He put two books on the ground to cushion the legs of the table.

The two books were suddenly pressed down on the heavy table.

William raised his wand again, and two small orange flames lit up. He covered it with a hood and placed it on top of the book.

"Okay, gravity and heat will wake them up a bit, and in a few hours, these two books will probably be honest." William blinked.

If it still doesn\'t work, he just takes the fire and roasts it.

Simple, rude and effective!



In the evening, after eating, the three of William went to Diagon Alley.

There was no knight bus and no fireplace at Hermione\'s house, so William and the two girls apparated directly.

They went to Gringotts first.

After entering Gringotts, the two goblins bowed to them and led them into the tall marble hall.

The old goblin, Bogrod, saw William, his eyes lit up, and he immediately dropped the gold coins and walked towards him.

"Mr. Stark, Miss Stark, Miss Granger, good evening!" Bogrod whispered sharply.

William and Hermione\'s popularity today is basically a household name in the British wizarding world.

During this time, Rita broke the news about Blake\'s escape from prison, and spent a lot of space describing the news of the disappearance of Dementors in France.

The Ministry of Magic had no choice but to change the subject frantically, directing the "Talk", reporting events in France, and taking advantage of the popularity of William and Hermione to grab the headlines!

It is not uncommon for them to appear in the newspaper. If they do not appear one day, it will be a miracle!

Everyone is interested in Stark and Granger, the story of saving Paris.

That is to say, the two have been on vacation in France, separated by an English Channel, so they did not receive so many letters from fans.

William\'s reputation was already great, and now it was even better; and Hermione entered the public eye for the first time as the youngest recipient of the Medal of Valor.

The Ministry of Magic even added fuel to the flames by deliberately forming an official CP... Without asking the parties\' opinions, it gave people the illusion of being appointed.

"I need to take a thousand Galleons, and by the way, transfer all the money in the card to my treasury."

William took out a black card bearing the logo of the French Ministry of Magic.

Here is ten thousand Galleons from the Ministry of Magic to compensate William and Hermione. Clegane also wanted to pay in instalments over a ten-year period.

Ten thousand Galleons are still divided into ten years, why don\'t you die!

William did not refuse, that would be a shame. He only paid seven cents, or 7% per month.

Clegane was furious and said he had a black heart.

William was also speechless.

Really incompetent!

"This is a card from Gringotts in France, of course I can turn it over for you, but..." Bogrod became more and more enthusiastic.

"What\'s wrong?"

"This is a cross-border transfer, and the handling fee is a little higher... Of course, for you, it must be nothing."

"How many?"


"..." He will deduct seven hundred for ten thousand Galleons. Isn\'t this a clear robbery?

William couldn\'t help but want to scold Gringotts for his black heart.

so dark!

You know, Mr. Weasley\'s monthly salary is less than 100 Galleons, and their family\'s jackpot is only 700 Galleons.

A Nimbus 2000 doesn\'t have seven hundred Galleons, and when he transfers the account, a top sports car is gone.

William and Hermione bowed their heads and quickly summed up, and suddenly felt that it was not worth it. Can\'t send Galleons to Gringotts.

"Forget it, we\'re not going, we bought a house in France, and we may live there for a long time in the future," said Hermione.

Bogrod was dumbfounded... not so!

Shouldn\'t the normal process be to cut the price in half first?

Then, in the process of wrangling, Bogrod asked the other party to add some money, change to a large vault, and reduce the handling fee a little; and then buy some Gringotts bonds and various wealth management products, and continue to reduce the handling fee...

You guys just don\'t turn around, don\'t play cards according to the routine!

Bogrod explained quickly, but William and Hermione really decided not to transfer the money and just put it in France.

It\'s useless for the time being anyway!

For safety reasons~www.novelhall.com~ Neither Hermione nor Anne went to the vault. They really have a shadow in their hearts.

William had to follow the old goblin Bogrod to the vault alone.

On the way, Bogrod also tried to Amway a futures called "Original Mine Treasure", telling him that he would only make money and not lose money.

William squinted at the old goblin. At first glance, the other party wanted to cut leeks.

He bought it today, and at this time next year, he may have lost all his principal, and he would have to post it at Gringotts Galleon.

Tsk tsk, I really treat him like a big leek.

William, who held the Silmarillion, suddenly felt at ease.



