A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 50: Stark's Suspended Cloak

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in an empty room,

Hermione was wearing a blue leotard, with her wand in her hand, pointed seriously in front of her.

The Dementor swam out of the glass room, roaring at Hermione.

A normal dementor is about three meters tall, but this one has shrunk to the height of an ordinary adult.

It is not stunted growth, but the rapid collapse of the body caused by not eating for a long time. This is a special manifestation of the dementor\'s weakness.

The Dementor glided forward slowly, breathing heavily, and a rancid hand grabbed Hermione.

In the eyes of the Dementors, Hermione was a delicious food, and like a traveler who was about to die of thirst, she found a spring in the middle of the desert.

Since it was illegally imprisoned, it has lived a miserable life every day.

He was researched and studied by that boy every day, and he used all kinds of magic to destroy it every three or five times. Occasionally, I don\'t need magic, but I replace it with high-voltage electric shock, high-speed water cutting, and simmering with gasoline!

The cruelty makes the Dementors outrageous!

If you don\'t do research, you can\'t rest, you will be caught out and become a sandbag for girls to practice the Patronus Charm!

Oh Merlin, when will these dark days come to an end?

At the beginning, the dementors would curse and cry out for help in their own language... After a long time, the hungry ones almost lost the strength to speak.

It doesn\'t want to run away now, and doesn\'t expect its companions to save itself... As a poor Dementor, it\'s better to be pragmatic, it just wants a good meal!

Is this wrong!

So the Dementors rushed towards Hermione frantically.

"God Guard!" Hermione yelled.

The white mist spurted out, slightly blocking the speed of the **** robe.

Hermione tried to recall those happy times with William, she pressed her fingers, tapped her wand, and the white mist thickened, and finally formed a bird.

The bird lingered happily in front of Hermione, and after a few turns, shot directly at the Dementor\'s head in an instant.

The speed of the bird was so fast that it was inevitable, and the sliding Dementor was knocked to the ground on the spot... The speed was fast, like an old man who touched porcelain.

William sat in the distance, closed the book in his hand, and couldn\'t help saying:

"It\'s almost there, Hermione, you\'ve learned the Patronus Charm, don\'t torture it, let the child lose weight."

"It\'s still a long way off. This dementor is already weak and has little effect on me."

Hermione, panting, skillfully took out the magic potion from the table and drank it.

She took a few breaths, looked at William with hot eyes, and said, "Come on, let\'s fight."

"Won\'t you rest for a while?" William frowned slightly, Hermione had been a little strange since saying goodbye to Fleur.

Seeing William\'s expression, Hermione knew what he was thinking, and explained:

"I just found that I have a lot of deficiencies, and I will continue to improve myself before school starts."

"There is no need to put too much pressure on yourself, among peers, you are already very good."

"But it\'s far worse than Fleur... I can\'t beat her at least." Hermione muttered in dissatisfaction.

"She\'s two years older." William picked up the thermos cup beside him.

"So I have to redouble my efforts to shorten the gap between these two years, and I can\'t be compared by her." Hermione was extremely serious.

"I must be able to beat her, preferably beat her again, so if I dare... hum, I will curse!"

William took a sip of water and said angrily, "Is it okay to have a little conscience?"

Hermione smiled intoxicated, came over, took William\'s cup, and drank all his water, not a drop left.

William stood up and took out his wand.

He decided to let Hermione, who has become more and more bold and aggressive recently, see what it means to "a little cold light comes first, and then sticks out like a dragon".

Ten minutes later, Hermione was exhausted and too tired to stand up. And William was like nothing.

The two took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and lay dead on the sofa in the living room.

"What are you going to do with that Dementor?" Hermione asked, leaning on William\'s shoulder.

"We\'re back in the UK, just put it in the safety list, will the dementors come to the door?"

That\'s right, there\'s only one week left before school starts.

They had returned to London from a trip to France a week ago.

In order to continue training for Hermione, William took Anne to Hermione\'s house for a few days, euphemistically called "tutorial".

No one cares about them anyway. Lyanna went out for a while, and the laboratory was handed over to the hard-working graduate students.

Now you need to manage and show your presence.

Roy and Elise have accumulated a lot of appointments and have been very busy lately.

"It shouldn\'t be discovered." William said uncertainly.

His current research on Dementors has only just entered the door.

Dementors can talk and even briefly communicate with wizards.

I just don\'t know how they communicate with each other. It won\'t be airborne sound transmission, or electromagnetic wave induction.

But even if the electromagnetic wave is induced, the Dementor cannot be handed over.

William\'s research found that the Dementor\'s ability to fly is not due to its ability to fly, but to rely on that layer of black cloak.

A cape is an innate item like the fur of a magical beast.

So Dementors are, in a way, similar to Invisible Beasts.

Invisible beasts can be invisible because of that layer of fur. Thanks to the special strength of that layer of fur, it can be used to weave an invisibility cloak.

All William is thinking about now is to peel off the Dementor\'s cloak and make it into a flying cloak!

This is the proper suspension cloak of Doctor Strange... No, it should be called Stark\'s suspension cloak!

If it could be done, the dementors would probably go from being guards to being the subject of wanton capture.

After all, if there is no buying and selling, there is no killing.

Well, Dementors can never be completely wiped out, it\'s a renewable resource!

Just as William was thinking, Hermione suddenly got up, put on the boy\'s slippers, and ran towards her room.

After a while, the girl ran back with a box in her hand.

She sat crossed on the sofa and opened the box to reveal seven sparkling gems.

"When we go to Diagon Alley in a while, do you want to store it all in the vault." Hermione\'s eyes flashed.

"I still don\'t want it, I went back and checked, and consulted Nico and Dumbledore again.

This gem resembles the lost Silmarillion, and if there is a vault, the goblins will surely find it. \' William said helplessly.

Hermione thought about it for a moment, and then the chick pecking rice nodded vigorously!

"Yes, the goblins are greedy, and the vault is not safe. Remember the summer vacation last year, when we encountered a mysterious man attacking the vault."

Hermione said gloomily again, "Where should I hide it?"

"Where did you hide it?" William asked knowingly.

"Hiding under my bed!"

"You can still hide there now." William laughed. "Under your bed is the safest place in the world."

Hermione nodded immediately and grinned, she thought so too.

The girl rolled her eyes and asked tentatively, "Is such a precious thing really entrusted to me?"

"Of course." William held back his smile, "Keep it safe, don\'t lose it, I will give it to a girl in the future."

On Hermione\'s face, shock, grievance, and sadness appeared one by one. In the end, she was about to cry.

She pushed the box and the rogue said, "...Forget it, keep it for yourself!"

William took the box and said regretfully: "Since someone doesn\'t want to ask for it, then forget it. Give it to Furong... She should like it."

Hermione snatched the box again, hiding behind her like a treasure.

William stared at Hermione\'s profile, looking at the dimple, dazed.



After staying for more than an hour, the two left the safety table and appeared in Hermione\'s room.

Hermione was taken aback because she had locked the door to the room when she entered the security watch.

Unexpectedly, there are people in the room now!

Then ~www.novelhall.com~ they saw Anne lying on Hermione\'s bed at a glance!

Annie was lying on the bed, her head off the bed, hanging upside down.

She was holding a strange thick book in her hand and was looking at it seriously, humming a song, and her two thin white legs were kicking back and forth happily.

Hermione sniffed...the room smelled of malt.

"Ahhh!" she screamed.

"Annie, lying on my bed again to eat?!"

Hermione jumped up.



(Ask for recommendation votes, everyone.

Thanks for the reward from the "unstable portal" boss)