A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 48: I can't take it anymore, come and bite me!

Don\'t look at Clegane\'s various crying and poverty, and his mouth is shouting that the stability maintenance fund of the Auror\'s office has been overdrawn... But things like Galleons are always crowded.

The problem is, William doesn\'t look down on that little money, he deserves something better!

"Mr. Clegane." William said with a big smile: "My friend and I opened a mysterious shop in Akali, which specializes in selling some humble prank products and worthless alchemy items.

Now I want to expand my business to France. "

That\'s right, William wants to do international trade!

The United Kingdom only has a few basic skills, so there are so many wizards, including Dumbledore, a master who can invent himself, and Snape, an old vampire bat who just wants to prostitute for nothing.

There are not many wizards in seven and eight, and they are customers of William\'s store. The market potential is almost the same, and there is not much development.

If Akali Mystery Shop wants to develop and grow, it must improve its business and expand its trade with other countries.

Compared with the British Isles, continental Europe has a vast market.

This is still a virgin land, and it is urgent for William to come, develop, tune, and then take it as his own and incorporate it into the harem.

France, which is a strip of water with the United Kingdom, is a good springboard.

Clegane is a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Magic, and there is a minister above him. With his help, when selling things, at least he will not be stuck by the French Ministry of Magic.

Like misusing Muggle stuff... such a lousy but useful excuse.

Now the magic world is peaceful on the surface, but there are undercurrents in the interior, and war will break out sooner or later.

At that time, it was also possible to sell the anti-curse hat, an alchemical product of the defense against the dark arts, to the French Ministry of Magic in wholesale.

This is a big business with a long stream of water, and like white satin, it has an endless audience!

Likewise, William is preparing to sell the merchandise to Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Unlike Hogwarts, this school is open to France, Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Beauxbatons is equivalent to a hodgepodge. As long as he has a reputation, it is logical to enter other countries in the future.

As for whether it will sell well... William is very confident about this.

William gave Fleur many alchemical items, some of which she sold.

Those male students went crazy, and some little wizards were even richer than Draco.

A product that costs only 30 Galleons is abruptly smashed to a high price of 300, which is still in short supply.

An arrogant appearance of being stupid, having a lot of money, and coming quickly.

For this kind of wizard, William couldn\'t hate it no matter what.

He must let the other party feel the beatings from society...cough, caress!

Of course, to be able to sell at such a high price, it must be a good product of William.

Or could it be because Hibiscus is beautiful?

unable! William absolutely does not admit the reason.

However, this did not affect William\'s appointment of Fleur as the general agent in France.

Furong is about to graduate, and she hasn\'t figured out what to do in the future. In this case, it can be included in William\'s European foreign trade system, and it is not good to be a general agent to make money.

A good-looking salesman can definitely add a lot of points.

This is the same as looking for Qiu to buy products, all are boys; looking for Cedric, most of them are tank-level rich women and gays.

Like twins, they can only be a hard-working technical researcher in the back.

If your looks don\'t meet the standards of handsome men and beautiful women, if you go into sales, you may not be able to attract customers, but you can only attract... perverts.

Therefore, William has already set his eyes on Gabrielle. After Fleur graduates, she can fill the void of her sister.

Completely seamless!

William and Clegane chatted and laughed for a while, and under the awe-inspiring eyes of the Aurors, they finalized the way of cooperation.

William really hopes that Clegane will become the French Minister of Magic...what a wonderful wizard!

During the conversation between the two, the Aurors completed their defense, and set up a lot of protective magic around the coastline.

I don\'t know how long it took, the sky started to rain lightly, and the rain gradually became heavier.

William raised his head and looked into the distance. The sea suddenly rippled, and the waves were several meters high, almost level with the surrounding houses.

However, not a single drop of the waves poured into the beach, and they were all blocked by the barrier summoned by "All Protection".

Blessing of All is a variant of the Iron Armor, which summons a barrier to protect a specific area or building, blocking or repelling most spells.

The thunderbird hissed, and the chirping sound spread all over the coast. It emerged from the dark clouds, and its eyes were fixed on William on the shore.

William looked defiantly at the Thunderbird. He sighed, and finally did not have to go to the front line to fight.

This kind of thing should be left to professionals. He is an ordinary little wizard, just making fun of it, hiding in the back, and being a melon eater.

So, William raised a **** at Thunderbird, pouted, and loudly provocatively said, "Come here!"

Clegane had a headache, and found that William had inadvertently pulled a wave of hatred.

Let the bird go... wait, it\'s not safe for it to stay in France all the time.

Why don\'t Scamander make another trip to France and take the bird to America? Doesn\'t he like to do this kind of thing the most!

"You resist first, I have something to do, take a step first." William suddenly glanced somewhere.

"Why are you going?" Clegane asked. "Stay here to help, you can\'t..."

William has Apparated and left.

Clegane sighed, he always felt that he had been tricked in the deal with William.

What makes Clegane annoyed is not being scammed, but that he has no idea where he is being scammed!

He rushed towards Thunderbird with his wand, preparing to vent the inexplicable evil fire on the other party.



in the lonely woods,

Mormont is trying to suppress the werewolf instinct that drives her wolf form to attack humans.

But she didn\'t want to, she could only bite herself.

The teeth were closing, and Mormont was suffering from the pain, and he was not even satisfied. His claws were pulling on the soft abdomen, and blood was dripping all of a sudden.

Mormont suddenly straightened his neck, turned his head subconsciously, and in a trance, saw the face that he had only seen a few times but could never forget.

The abdominal wound was ripped under the claws, and the pain became more and more, but Mormont suddenly felt a great pleasure ~www.novelhall.com~ had never felt before.

Just like being locked in a cage for the first time and being beaten with a whip all night, it was an unforgettable pain, and now it is a strange but equally profound pleasure.

At this moment, Mormont didn\'t think about whether she wanted to die or to live, she just thought about this figure, able to stare at her own gesture of biting herself.

If he took the initiative to beat himself with the whip, he would probably be more comfortable.

Mormont trembled violently, and his vision became more and more blurred. She closed her eyes, panting, but did not open them.

She felt that as soon as she opened her eyes, the hallucination should disappear.

But a voice sounded softly in her ear, "Does it hurt to bite myself like this? I can\'t stand it. If you want to bite something in your mouth, you can come and bite me."



(Thanks to the "Ultimate Knight" boss for the reward.)