A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 47: Greedy predators!

When William appeared on the beach, Gabriel was already asleep.

The girl\'s taut strings were probably loosened all of a sudden, and then she was obviously out of spirits, lying on his back in a daze, closed her eyes and fell asleep, and snored slightly.

Annie is different, full of energy, walking and jumping with wind in her steps.

It didn\'t feel like William had entered a wolf\'s den or fought a thunderbird, but more like he had discovered some great secret treasure.

Weird sister... The Stark family, William is a normal person.


Furong hurried over and took her sister from William\'s back. Gabriel\'s little hand held William\'s hair tightly, and the pain caused him to grin for a while.

William always pays attention to protecting the quality of his hair, to prevent people from going bald when they are young... Looking at the hair that was caught, he didn\'t say anything, and his heart was also distressed.

He didn\'t want his hairline to move up year by year like Professor Snape did, but there was nothing he could do.

William really wanted to write a letter to the professor, suggesting that if he doesn\'t like washing his hair, he should cut his hair short.

Isn\'t it fragrant? That\'s the ultimate romance for a man.

William took out a bottle of soothing potion and handed it to Furong, gently exhorting: "I\'ve already given Gabriel the potion, don\'t worry, I\'m just a little sleepy.

After she wakes up, continue to give her half of it. "

Furong was a little excited and said with tears in her eyes, "Thank you, William."

"What are you polite to me, go back quickly and have a good rest."

Furong nodded and walked towards the hotel with Gabriel in her arms.

Looking at Furong\'s back, William suddenly remembered the five rune horses... They seemed to be scared away when they saw a werewolf.

I don\'t know if I will go home the same way.

It seems that Biarritz is not a place to stay for a long time, otherwise Madame Maxime will call sooner or later and ask for money and horses!

If it was William, he would definitely do such a thing. Even if the horse went back, he would deny it, saying that he did not go back, and then extort a sum of money!

"What about you, aren\'t you sleepy?" William didn\'t think for too long before looking at his sister again.

Putting both hands on her small head, she said softly, "Let Hermione take you back."

Annie shook her head, but Hermione always listened to William\'s words, she had already dragged the girl towards Fleur.

Anne put her arms around Hermione and touched the muddy water on her body towards her face.

The two frolicked again.

The **** dog wagged its tail and followed. Tonight, I followed the "Thousand Miles" first, and then I had a fight with Jacob, the werewolf leader.

That\'s a close fight, gnashing to the flesh. The dog consumes a lot of energy, and urgently needs to recharge and recharge.

After William had arranged everything, Clegane came over.

William glanced at Clegane and said with a half-smile, "Mr. Director, long time no see, why are you here?"

Clegane rubbed his old face, feeling a little hot. It\'s been a long time since I saw him, but we only saw each other in the morning because of the Dementor.

This kind of yin and yang...a toothache sooner or later!

Clegane also wondered, what brought William to encounter... the Paris nuclear crisis, the Dementor incident, the werewolf kidnapping... After a trip to France, he encountered so many things?

What a scourge! If you don\'t come, we French people live and work in peace and contentment, and foreign countries are in dire straits. When you come, everything changes!

These resentments must not be expressed, Clegane smiled: "There is such a big movement here, I don\'t think it\'s hard not to notice.

I\'ve just learned something, how about the werewolf? "

"Most of them should have died, and many Apparated and escaped," William said lazily.

"If you run away, the Ministry of Magic will have a hard time chasing." Clegane shook his head and sighed.

"You know, we have a werewolf registration office, but most werewolves don\'t register."

Of course William knew that, and he didn\'t expect the Ministry of Magic\'s **** Aurors to pursue him.

As long as it is useful, the werewolf will not be allowed to work for so long, and an industrial chain has been formed, and there is still no discovery.

If this news spreads, how much impact will it have on the Ministry of Magic?

Most importantly, those children were not rescued by the Ministry of Magic, the werewolves were not killed by Aurors, they were all done by little British wizards... This is very uncomfortable!

That\'s why Clegane has such a good attitude. He also wanted to repeat the old trick and take part of William\'s credit as a "joint" action between the two sides.

The so-called joint: Naturally, one party contributes, and the other party commands remotely.

Establishing an image of a micro-manipulation master, not to mention extra points, at least it can save some face for the French Ministry of Magic.

William gave Cedric\'s classic silly badger smile again.

Straightforward and honest smile!

The eight-lobed teeth were shining with glaze under the night sky, looking extraordinarily white.

Anyone who knows William knows that as soon as this smile comes out, it is either dead or pitted!

"I know what Mr. Director means, it\'s not that we can\'t cooperate, but..." William changed the topic and said with a smile:

"Before we cooperate, let\'s think about how to \'jointly\' deal with the Thunderbird."

William took the gem, and with the character of Thunderbird, he will definitely fly to attack.

Not wanting to fight the Thunderbirds alone, William decided to pull the Ministry of Magic into the water and leave the drudgery to the Aurors.

He took the gem and let the Aurors charge ahead to drive away the Thunderbirds for him...it\'s exciting just thinking about it!

"Thunderbird?" Clegane was stunned. "Is that the thunderbird from the nearby coast?"

"It\'s it. During the process of saving people, we probably accidentally quarreled with it." William said, "It is likely to rush over and attack me."

"You really just quarreled with her?" Clegane looked incredulous.

"She is about to lay eggs recently, and the abnormal weather around here is all related to her." Clegane suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked, "Are you guys stealing thunderbird eggs?!"

"How is that possible." William cursed: "I swear on Tom\'s life, I... including Hermione, my sister and the others, if anyone steals the Thunderbird Egg, Tom will die!"

"Who is Tom?" Clegane asked curiously.

"Oh, Tom is my best friend. In the summer vacation, I transferred to the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States." William opened his mouth and came.

Clegane looked at William suspiciously, seeing that he didn\'t look fake, and believed it.

"It\'s odd that the ptarmigan rarely attacks humans."

"Maybe it\'s motherhood. I\'ve heard of a condition called postpartum depression, and Ptarmigan probably has it too."


Clegane didn\'t think about it anymore and smiled: "Okay, so this time it\'s a joint operation between you and our Ministry of Magic?"

"Mr. Director, this is not a joint operation." William said flickeringly, "The Thunderbirds didn\'t attack because of me.

We fought the werewolf, disturbed her, and saved your French children. It is the responsibility and obligation of the Ministry of Magic that you resist the Thunderbirds.

If you want to use the name of \'joint action\', you have to give me other compensation. "

William was eating what was in the bowl, looking at what was in the pot, thinking about what was in the ground, and now he was staring at what was in other people\'s homes!

True to the Ravenclaw Eagle... the greedy predator!

"No more valor medals!" Clegane hurriedly said, "You and Hermione have been awarded first class medals.

If you don\'t have that, you\'ve saved so many children, it\'s definitely worth a second class medal.

But I can ask the Spanish Ministry of Magic to give you the Medal of Honor, and some of those kids are Spanish. "

William was speechless. He was not the Soviet gravedigger Brezhnev. He liked to give himself medals, and even hung a medal of ten pounds on his chest.

A few pieces of that stuff are enough, any more would be the icing on the cake, and it wouldn\'t affect William\'s sagacity.

Besides, Spain\'s medal... Who cares about it, it\'s not a good thing, how many grades are it inferior to France!

Don\'t look at everyone\'s daily milk method, it is also because France has the capital to be insulted by you.

Why is no one insulting the Gambia, this is known as the United Nations General Assembly:

Occupy the entire territory of the Soviet Union in three days, and set up an expeditionary force to sweep the European continent~www.novelhall.com~ to occupy the world\'s "superpower" in the Americas.

So insults also have to pay attention to the Basic Law, and William can\'t despise Spain\'s emblem.

"I don\'t want a medal!"

"Then what do you want?" Clegane was stunned: "Golden Galleons? After sending you ten thousand Galleons, the Ministry of Magic doesn\'t have much budget."


The French Ministry of Magic is a bunch of rubbish. Look at the United Kingdom, Malfoy just announced not long ago that he would support the transportation construction of the Ministry of Magic.

Minister Fudge doesn\'t care about his ability to govern, but he can get money every three or five times, and even raise the old horse\'s family as a big golden pig, cutting waves after waves of fat leeks.

What is a money-making expert, and what is a real, unparalleled lawn mower? (tactical lean back)



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