A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 45: Thunderbird!

in the dark,


The girl and the little girl who had experienced the ups and downs of life and death all night, crouched on the ground and seriously discussed the few eggs that could electrocute people.


"This is most likely a dragon egg, Gabriel, have you ever seen a dragon egg?" the girl asked.


"No... I\'ve never eaten it. Can you eat Annie? You know a lot." said the little girl.


"Damn, I haven\'t seen it before, I just heard Hagrid mention it. Norbert, do you know?


It\'s the fire dragon that almost destroyed Paris... Have you read the newspaper? \' the girl asked.


The little girl shook her head: "I can\'t cook, my sister can... But she can only cook fried rice with eggs, and it was William who wrote the letter.


Every time I eat my hair, she insists it\'s me falling out... Annie... I\'m hungry..."


The little girl touched her belly and said pitifully.


"Oh, I\'m hungry, I still have Zizi honey candy here." The girl took out snacks from the safety table.


Gabriel took the bag of zizi honey and laughed, thinking that Annie could really understand what she was saying.


The two continued to talk to each other, one in English and the other in French, chatting across servers.


"These eggs are placed here. It seems that no one wants them. Why don\'t we take them away?" Annie said.


"These eggs look like orphans, let\'s take them home." Gabriel said seriously.


Annie and Gabriel looked at each other. Although they didn\'t know what the other was talking about, they both understood the meaning in their eyes.


They are going to pack some eggs and take them away!


Annie suddenly felt an electric current pass through, and the magic wand in her right hand shocked her.


strangeness! This is something that has never happened before.


Anne remembered Ollivander\'s words when she bought a wand last year:


"The wands of Thunderbird\'s tail feathers are difficult to master, but they are usually very powerful and suitable for transfiguration.


Since the Thunderbird is extremely sensitive to supernatural dangers, the wand made of its feathers can predict dangers and even launch spells first. "


Anne suddenly dragged Gabriel and jumped towards the sky.


Sure enough, in the next second, a bolt of lightning landed on the position where the two of them had just stood, stirring up a large area of ​​mud.


The two looked up, with a trace of panic on their faces.


A giant bird with a height of more than five meters, it was wrapped in electric light and screamed sharply.


The bird flapped its wings, and another flash of lightning fell.


It seems that the power and range of lightning are not too strong for fear of hurting the fragile eggs.


But even so, as long as you get hit, your body will be paralyzed if you don\'t die.




Thanks to the wand\'s warning, Annie and Gabriel jumped ahead of time again, and managed to avoid the arc.


The two of them had just landed when the third lightning struck again, and they danced again, like a burlesque ballet.


The fourth lightning bolt, fall!




Annie no longer jumped, but screamed, pressing down on Gabriel, avoiding the fatal blow.


The four attacks were all in vain, and the big bird was somewhat annoyed, and it stared at the two egg thieves.


The two sides began to confront each other!


Eyes meet boo!


Mid-lane sniping!


Thunderbird was afraid that the egg thief would break the egg, so he didn\'t dare to go too far; while Annie was worried that she would turn around and run away, and would be backstabbed by the opponent with magic without any scruples.


The two sides surrounded a few eggs, fighting wits and courage.


Big Bird is guessing whether the egg thief will jump up or lie down; Annie is wondering whether the other party will predict her next move.


As the saying goes: I pre-judged your prediction of mine... the old lasagna.


Anne still has confidence. She has never lost in rock-paper-scissors, even against the smart Hermione!


Except, of course, Luna, who always likes to cheat with Dementor.


In fact, it turned out that Annie was indeed a strong hitter. She guessed it right six times in a row.


The seventh time... Annie narrowed her eyes, became tense, and swallowed.


Entering a white-hot state, both sides began to get serious.




Not only the giant bird, but Annie and the others also looked up at the sky. In their field of vision, there was only a dazzling white scene.


A white light pierced the dark clouds, and the brilliance of the moon fell on it.


The giant bird was attracted, its eyes flashed with greed, and immediately dropped the eggs and flew towards the position of the beam.


When it spread its wings and flew high, the sky thundered with lightning, the wind and rain were mixed, and the dark clouds gathered.


Annie was stunned for a while... That\'s all?


Wait a minute, don\'t you want your eggs?






outside the cave,


William has changed into a variegated werewolf, and a large number of wolves are surrounding him.


The wolves did not attack William, but followed his command and attacked the wolves.


These wolves are all dead, their bodies exuding death energy, like corpses.


This trick is still William stealing from Voldemort.


When Voldemort was hiding behind Quirrell\'s head, there was a fight with centaurs in the Forbidden Forest.


William was also involved at the time.


This is how Voldemort controlled the dead centaurs. William looked up a lot of magic books in the library, and also learned something secretly.


In the distance, the black dog and the werewolf leader Jacob intertwined, bitten and moaned.


The black dog has some skills, but probably with age, his body is also weak, his endurance is not good, his physical strength is not strong, and he is gradually pressed by Jacob.


The black dog, who was at a disadvantage, resolutely changed his style of play, fully exerted his magic skills to the extreme, and only attacked the werewolf\'s **** and balls.


This kind of indiscriminate tricks can be called sinister and sinister. Apparently, the black dog has hyena blood.


William raised his head abruptly, his eyes focused, and a beam of light shot out from halfway up the mountainside of the cave, breaking through the dark clouds.


From a distance, it seems like a snow-white waterfall falling from the sky.


The light appeared for a few seconds and then disappeared. When William looked again, a huge tornado moved from the other side of the island.


William squinted his eyes, looking at the magnificent scenery of the falling clouds and the line of heaven and earth, and suddenly realized that something was flying.


The tornado slowly approached, and for a while, the thunder exploded and pierced the eardrum. Between the clouds and mist, a huge head protruded!


- Thunderbird!


William finally understood ~www.novelhall.com~ why the nearby weather was abnormal. Turns out Thunderbirds are on the island!


Thunderbird is not attracted by the battle, nor does it want to participate in the battle, it is purely attracted by the shining beam of light.


It appeared on the mountainside of the cave, and its wings fluttered in front of it, causing a swaying gale.


It was also obviously bad-tempered. After two laps, it impatiently went from bottom to top like a great sword, hitting the narrow exit above Xinghui Lake.


At first glance, it looks like an irritable brother!


He only heard a loud explosion, and it went deep into a few meters, and was abruptly knocked into a huge depression.


For a while, rocks kept rolling down the ground, hitting the werewolf who couldn\'t react in time.


Merlin, your sister\'s! This is not Thunderbird, I\'m afraid it\'s a demolition and re-employment office, right?


William\'s face was ashen, he moved the werewolf under his crotch and ran towards the hole.


When approaching, there happened to be a huge boulder that cracked from the mountain and was about to roll into the mouth of the cave. William raised his wand, slowing the boulder.


The werewolf stopped in a hurry, and his four claws grabbed several ravines on the ground. William jumped up, swept forward, and flew into the cave before the boulder blocked the road.


The werewolf smashed to death on the boulder.





