A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 44: Fairy treasure

Seeing that the young wizard started to kill, with an unstoppable and wanton attitude, Jacob left some werewolves and ran towards the depths of the cave with more subordinates.


What makes a werewolf really powerful is not the wizard state, but the wolf form.


After they become wolves, they are much larger than ordinary wolves, they fight bravely, they are extremely fast, and even their magic resistance is greatly improved.


Few adult wizards are willing to face a werewolf in wolf form alone! Not to mention killing them!


But a werewolf only turns into a wolf when the full moon rises.


There have been many speculations about this by magical zoologists, and it is generally believed that the moonlight contains a special magical substance, and when the moon is full, the concentration of that substance is the highest.


Tonight is not a full moon, let alone no moon, the sky is covered by thick clouds.


But Jacob was able to forcibly create an artificial full moon and turn everyone into a wolf!


Because he has that lost Silmarillion!


The Silmarillion is a gem created by fairies and is said to be the largest gem in the world.


But the Silmarillion was lost in the midst of war when the goblins revolted... For hundreds of years, the goblins have tried to bring back the Silmarillion, but they have always found nothing.


Jacob accidentally found the diamond in the mud at the bottom of Xinghui Lake, and then hid it.


The most famous place of this Silmarillion is not only its size and beauty, but also its ability to absorb and emit starlight.


Therefore, it is also referred to as the "lost star".


After Jacob returned to the room alone, he took out the Silmaril from a box protected by layers of magic.


After he left the room, he went to Xinghui Lake by himself and put the Silmarillion under the water.


Jacob used the moonlight absorbed by the Silmarillion to turn the werewolf into a wolf form many times when the moon was not full, and then attacked the wizard.


Everyone has never discovered the Silmarillion, they just think Jacob\'s special magic.


After arranging everything, Jacob called all the werewolves into Xinghuitan.


He raised his wand and pointed it at the lake surface. After pretending to chant a long spell, he entered the magic power into the Silmarillion.


After a while, with the water surface as the center, it suddenly burst into dazzling light, like a full moon falling into the world!


After a terrifying roar, the werewolves elongated their heads and lengthened their bodies. Their shoulders were arched, hair grew on their faces and hands, and their fingers curved into claws.


Jacob turned into a gray wolf, he raised his head suddenly, roared in a deep voice, a trace of madness flashed in his eyes, and ran straight towards the outside of the cave.


All werewolves...followed by!


As the magic power dissipated, the Silmarillion dimmed again, and the cave fell into darkness.


After the wolves left, five or six minutes later, a sneaky figure appeared.




The werewolves were all fighting. He sneaked back alone, and after listening for a while, he cautiously ran towards Xinghuitan.




Outside the cave, there were not many werewolves left.


William was not able to kill too many werewolves. More enemies, seeing that the leader Jacob was not there, and the opponents were too strong, they Apparated and fled away.


But soon a wolf roar exploded, and hundreds of wolves rushed out of the cave.


William wiped the rain on his face and wondered in his heart: "Isn\'t the full moon able to transform? Or is it that the werewolves in France are different from those in the United Kingdom, and have their genes mutated?"


William suddenly became excited and wanted to catch a French wolf or two and go back and study it. He likes mutated magical animals the most!


The **** dog was also inexplicably excited and shook its tail.


Finally, there is a werewolf in wolf form!


In this world, no one knows how to deal with werewolves better than him!


The werewolves appeared outside the cave, smelling the blood in the sky, and became more and more violent.


The two variegated wolves rushed towards their fallen companions excitedly.


Before the werewolf could say anything, he was knocked down by a sturdy and nimble fellow, biting off his neck, gently rubbing his five claws, and cut his intestines and hung his belly.


Several wolves bowed their heads and bit, their blood was blurred.


Jacob howled and directed the wolves to kill.


A greasy gray wolf couldn\'t hold back its agitation and rushed forward in a straight line, folded at a distance of ten meters, jumped three meters to one side, and then swooped towards William\'s right hand.


William waved his wand, a black light flashed past, and the gray wolf\'s body was smashed back five or six meters.


There was a big hole in the abdomen of the gray wolf. He just licked it, a trace of bloodlust flashed in his eyes, stood up again, and charged forward again.


Without one hit kill, William frowned, he still underestimated the magic resistance of these wolves.


At this moment, the black dog sprang out from behind William, jumped up, staggered, and turned back sinisterly, twisting its claws at the grey wolf\'s wound.


The gray wolf screamed, and the black dog refused to let go. It opened its mouth wide, bit the werewolf\'s thigh, and dragged it abruptly for four or five meters, leaving a trail of blood.


The black dog shook his head disdainfully, spat out, and rushed towards Jacob, the werewolf leader.


William raised his eyebrows. It seemed that he underestimated not only the werewolf, but also the blackness of his sister Annie.


Annie has been supporting Da Hei as a husky, but she didn\'t expect that they were actually Tibetan Mastiff-level players.


It\'s not good for a large dog to be too ferocious. After cutting the eggs, it will be much docile, but it has to be wrapped around the neck with a large iron chain, and then locked in the cage.


Don\'t take it to Hogwarts, it\'s perfect to stay home!


It really doesn\'t work, leave it to Lou Wei to teach him for a few days, and let Da Hei know what "tenderness" is.


William didn\'t have time to think about it, as more than a dozen werewolves rushed forward. Instead of resisting, he apparated onto the black wolf in the middle.


The black wolf shook his body, trying to throw William out.


"Out of the body!" William used the Imperius Curse at the black wolf\'s head with his wand.


The black wolf was docile in an instant, and William pulled his ear and rammed towards his companion under control.


Unprepared, the white wolf on the right was knocked out, fell to the ground, and screamed in pain.


William rode on the black wolf, and when he passed the white wolf who was struggling in pain, he pointed out a sword with his left hand, pierced his head, and was nailed to the ground.


William laughed wantonly, moved the black wolf\'s body, and continued to charge towards the wolves.




"Come on, come down, Gabriel!"


In a dense forest, Annie looked up and said with her hands on her hips.


Gabriel stood on the tree branch, hesitating, looking at the height of seven or eight meters, she was a little afraid of heights, she really didn\'t dare to jump like this.


But Annie would certainly not put her in danger.


Gabriel was cruel, gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and jumped straight down.


"Ah ah ah!"


Annie raised her wand and shouted, "Wingardim Leviosa!"


Gabriel\'s speed slowed down, and like a feather, it fell from the air lightly.


After the girl landed, she opened her eyes and found that she was not dead. She hugged Annie happily and jumped up and down to celebrate.


"Shh, there are bad guys chasing us." Annie quickly covered Gabriel\'s mouth.


"Let\'s go, I heard my brother\'s voice coming from this side." Annie took Gabriel\'s hand and walked in a certain direction. UU reading www.uukanshu.com


It was dark in the forest and it was raining again. Annie took out two pink raincoats from the safety watch, one for her and one for herself.


After walking for about four or five minutes, Gabriel, who was looking left and right, suddenly grabbed Annie\'s hand, pointed to an open space and said, "Look, Annie, our broom!"


Annie raised her wand, and the white light from the tip of the wand immediately illuminated a place.


The two ran in a hurry and found the broken Nimbus 2001 on a flat bottom cushioned with a haystack.


At that time, it was blown away by the strong wind, Annie and Gabriel fell on the big tree, but the broom flew away.


I didn\'t expect it to be broken.


"Ah...my broom." Annie touched the wood and said regretfully, "This was given to me by my brother, bought with Hermione..."


"What is that?" Gabriel pointed to the haystack. On the ground, there was something silver, twinkling in the darkness.


Annie took Gabriel and walked over. She touched the egg and felt an electric shock in her hand.


The two little girls pouted their butts, squatted on the ground, held wooden sticks, and poked around curiously, studying what kind of egg this was.


In the darkness, a behemoth slowly lowered its head and stared at the two little guys who were going to steal its eggs.




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