A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 42: The ultimate meaning of women's self-defense fighting

The torches were lit, and the shadows in the cave were reflected.


The man in the black animal robe, covered in mud, opened the iron cage and roughly threw the two girls inside.


Click! The door is locked.


In this cave, there are more than 20 similar iron cages sparsely placed, most of which hold the children who have just been caught.


A terrifying harsh voice said: "Fragrant little girl... What a delicious meal... I like thin skin and tender meat the most... Boss, let me take a bite first."


"Bite your banana!" Jacob, the leader of the werewolf, said gruffly.


"Mousse, this is going to be sold to customers. If a girl with such a thin skin and tender meat can sell it at a good price, they will like it, and you must protect it well!"


"However, in the end, you have to bite them and turn them into werewolves." Mu Si muttered.


"That\'s when the moonlight is the most abundant, and it will be performed in Xinghuitan!" Jacob squeezed Mousse\'s neck and said harshly: "Dare to move, I will bite off your three legs first, and take it for a drink!"


"I know... I won\'t, boss." Mu Si said in a panic.


"It\'s good to know, I\'m already looking for a new buyer." Jacob said unhappily: "That guy Skander, I don\'t know where he went! The latest goods are starting to be stranded."


"The owner of the mysterious circus, wasn\'t he bitten by that woman from Mormont?"


"Yes." Jacob spit and sneered, "This is the first time I have met a customer who was bitten by the goods.


I didn\'t expect that after Mormont was sold by us, he would come back one day. "


"When I just returned to the island, I didn\'t seem to see the Mormont woman."


"Probably ran away... I know, she always wanted to kill me. After all, I bit her and turned her into a werewolf."


"Okay, let\'s go and have something to eat." Jacob said to a werewolf who had been silent next to him: "Rickon, you are here watching... this group of goods, no one is allowed to approach.


I know you are the most honest. "


Rickon has a simple and honest smile on his face, which is honest and reliable at first glance.


He lowered his head and said, "Of course, boss, leave this kind of thing to me."


Jacob reluctantly moussed and walked outside.


The sound of footsteps gradually faded away, and Rickon, who was named an "honest man" by the boss, squatted on the ground and snuck out a gold watch from his pocket.


He stared fascinatedly at the gold watch.


There was an intoxicating light in his eyes.


All the property of the prey must be turned in, but Rickon, who captured Annie and Gabriel, did not turn it in this time.


He had never seen such a beautiful watch! Decided to stay and put it in Gringotts in the future!


A man can\'t live without a vault, let alone everything in the vault.


Jacob did not suspect that Rickon was stealing the food. Who made him a recognized honest person?


Gabriel was lying in the cage, shivering, choked up slightly, and her eyes were red from crying. She felt a pain in her chest, an uncontrollable force that seemed to pour out.


Annie noticed Gabriel\'s abnormality, grabbed the little girl\'s hand, and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks.


On the way, the rain poured down, and Annie\'s little face was flushed red from the cold. She was very funny and cute, but she still followed the way her brother treated Hermione, and said softly:


"Don\'t be afraid, my brother will come to save us. Don\'t cry. Hermione will laugh at you when she sees her crying. She is the worst!"


Annie kissed Gabriel on the forehead, then hugged her gently.


Although Gabriel didn\'t understand English, she was lying in Annie\'s arms, looking up at those dark green eyes that were exactly the same as William\'s, and slowly calmed down.


The magical riot in her body was slowly calmed down.


Annie rolled her eyes and suddenly remembered something. She put her arms around Gabrielle, groping quietly around her neck with one hand, and took out a small silver pendant.


William makes storage items for the Unmarked Stretch Charm, and generally tends to use rings.


Annie didn\'t like rings, so she asked her brother to change them into pendants.


Even with a better safety watch, she didn\'t throw away the pendant.


There were a lot of interesting gadgets in it, because she was too lazy to move them out, so she kept leaving them there.


The safety watch was too conspicuous and was snatched away, but the pendant was still around his neck.


This **** procrastination!


Annie loves this little bug.


After a while, Rickon stood up and said sternly, "Hey, you two are murmuring? Don\'t talk!"


Annie looked frightened and hurriedly hid something behind her.


"What!" Rickon hid the safety watch in his pocket with his backhand, walked to the cage, and knocked.


Annie seemed terrified, raised her hand tremblingly, and a silver pendant appeared in her palm.


"Hurry up and give it to me!" Rickon\'s eyes flashed with greed.


Anne hugged Gabrielle and stepped back in fear.


Rickon pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the front room for a while, then took out his wand and pointed it at the chain.


The cage door was opened, and Rickon rushed in.


Annie flicked her hand and threw the pendant on the cage.


Rickon didn\'t think deeply and bent over to pick it up.


"It\'s now!" Annie threw out a jumping egg and smashed it on Rickon\'s head.


The white smoke sprayed out, fascinated Rickon\'s eyes, and he couldn\'t see anything for a while.


"Sharpshooter" Gabrielle held a colorful bubble gun and shot a bubble. The bubble touched Rickon, and he instantly lifted his feet off the ground and floated.


Annie punctured the bubble, and Rickon fell, with a sprained ankle and almost fell to the ground.


Annie took out her bat, like a Bludger, and swung it hard, and Rickon fell to the ground.


Annie pulled Gabriel forward, and the two of them kicked seven or eight times with one kick and one leg, and they all kicked in Rickon\'s crotch.


This is the female self-defense fighting technique that Lyanna taught Annie - the ultimate mystery!


The opponent screamed a few times and completely lost his combat effectiveness.


Annie groped around Rickon, found the safety watch, took out the wand from inside, grabbed Gabrielle and ran outside.


The children in the other cages became noisy and shouted for help.


There was a loud noise from the front hall, and the group of werewolves also heard the call from the depths of the cave and rushed over.


"We will come back to save you, otherwise no one can escape." Annie said loudly.


She ignored those children and hurriedly took out a dozen prank products, all of which were thrown to Gabrielle, and took out the Nimbus 2001 from the safety watch.


"Let\'s go!" Anne put her arms around Gabriel and rode on the broom, and flew out quickly.


The air rushes violently, and the torches on the wall falter.


Lights off.


Leaving only a fainted werewolf and a group of panicked children.


Within twenty seconds of flying, Annie looked at the group of wizards who were blocking her way.


Gabrielle threw big dung eggs and various smoke bombs from a distance in an attempt to disperse the group of people.


Several rays of light came together, and Annie, who was caught in the middle, was in danger, her body turned like a top, and her broom drew an arc, evading the curse dangerously and dangerously~www.novelhall.com~Gabrielle sprayed bubbles The gun, a few werewolves floated up, Annie sprinted forward, and then made a loud bang, the broom directly knocked the person out of the way, and fell heavily from seven or eight meters away, fainting on the spot.


With a spontaneous rebound, Anibo turned the broom, made a half circle in the air, stabilized the broom, and flew towards the other side.


"No, they went to Xinghui Lake." Jacob said grimly.


The so-called Xinghui Lake is a deep pool formed by the groundwater in the cave. There are narrow openings in the water, and the stars will fall on the water at night.


It is the place where the werewolf held the transformation ceremony.


It is also the only exit other than the entrance of the cave.


The werewolf Jacob rushed out of the cave with a group of werewolves, and saw Annie and Gabriel emerge from the hole and fly towards the sky.


For a time, the sky thundered with lightning, and the sky was covered with thick clouds.


"Great, escape!" The two girls cheered.


But the broom only flew one or two hundred meters before it was hit by the strong wind and fell uncontrollably toward the other end of the island.


"Stop chasing!" Jacob\'s face was gloomy. "That beast\'s place, she\'s about to give birth recently... Those two girls are dead!"






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