A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 41: Merlin couldn't keep him either, I said!

In the dense forest, a bunch of colorful flames lit up.


At the top of the flame, there is a **** pot. The seawater was burning in the pot, and it began to bubble and boil in just ten seconds, and the thick steam continued to volatilize.


"What kind of fire is this?" The female werewolf couldn\'t help asking like a curious baby. "so smart!"


"Gublai Immortal Fire, also known as Eternal Fire, is an enchanted flame that can burn forever." William glanced at her and explained.


This thing was "taken" from the secret room by him.


Such a precious magical flame has been placed on the wall of the sanctuary of the secret room, burning silently for thousands of years.


If you don\'t see it, forget it. If you see it, if you don\'t take it away, you are committing a crime, and you will be struck by lightning!


William suddenly remembered that he still had four huge emeralds set in the snake\'s eyes on the door of the secret room, waiting for him to fetch them.


William doesn\'t dare to be interested in gemstones... But, Tom has caused him both psychological and physical harm, how can he be compensated?


Now that Tom has run away, he is the heir of Slytherin and the owner of the Chamber of Secrets. Reasonable, everything in the secret room should be compensated for William.


This is completely reasonable, even if the lawsuit is brought before Slytherin and Ravenclaw himself, William is righteous!


Why are you talking so hard?


Because our hearts are open!


William really wasn\'t coveting that little gem, let alone thinking about himself.


He wants to be fair!


If you beat someone, you will have to pay compensation, there\'s nothing wrong with that. As for the value of the gemstone, it doesn\'t matter at all. He doesn\'t care about this.


William added a lot of water to the cauldron again, then took out a cup of rich dragon blood and dropped a drop into it.


Just a simple drop, the pot of sea water immediately turned blood red. He quickly added water to dilute it.


"Don\'t forget the single malt whisky." Furong reminded carefully, "The rune horse raised by Madame Maxime, only drink that."


William was speechless, he was really picky.


This is the same as those who don\'t drink cold water, only drink happy water; usually don\'t eat, only eat instant noodles and add eggs... luxury!


Burning with the power of eternal fire: The mixed liquid in the pot is constantly volatilizing and quickly spreading towards the mountains.


That\'s right, they are using this hard-core method to fish out the rune horse. Rune horses have a keen sense of smell and can smell dragon blood in the air from far away.


Dragon\'s blood has a fatal allure to Thestrals, as well as to the rune horse.


Coupled with the aroma of malt, it can definitely attract the magic horse. There is no need for William and the others to waste time and go to Beauxbatons to steal horses.


Beauxbatons Castle,


It is a beautiful French palace in the mountains.


On one side of the palace, there is a beautiful lake - Emerald Lake.


There is an island in the center of the lake.


There are pavilions on the island!


The night was sultry, and in the pavilion sat a beautiful woman holding a cat and a raccoon.


The woman had an olive-colored face, big black, watery eyes, and her hair was combed back.


She was wrapped in a gorgeous black satin dress from head to toe, and a slightly bloated cat raccoon nestled lazily on her chest, yawning, endearingly.


Maxim threw off his high heels, wearing only purple stockings. Holding a glass of Romanée-Conti in his hand, he shook it and looked into the distance fascinated.


A fountain built with magic spews out colorful lake water like a rainbow.


This fountain has stood for more than 700 years.


Madame Maxime\'s eyes blurred and she smiled softly, "It\'s really lonely."


"Mrs. is lonely too?"


Maxim took a sip of red wine, rubbed the cat\'s head again, and frowned.


When she turned her head, she had already stopped her smile, and saw a greasy middle-aged man who was no stranger to her—Louis XVI!


Louis XVI is a king who is famous in the history of France and even the world.


After all, there were only three kings who were executed in European history, and Louis XVI was one of them... or was executed by his own improved guillotine!


At this time, Louis XVI was wearing the gorgeous French court clothes, holding his head like a helmet.


It looked very scary.


There was an elegant smile like an aristocrat on his face, but his eyes couldn\'t help but glance at Maxim\'s long legs.


At first glance, it looks like an old-fashioned embryo!


Maxime glanced at each other in disgust, she had long wanted this ghost to drive away Beauxbatons.


It\'s a pity she couldn\'t drive away.


Because Louis XVI donated a lot of money to Beauxbatons back then, and his wife was a woman with no money to spend, which eventually led to an empty treasury.


Later, they convened a "three-level council" to try to get everyone to approve the king\'s new tax, which eventually led to the French Revolution.


The death of Louis XVI was partly related to Beauxbatons, and after he became a ghost, the headmaster at the time promised to let him stay in Beauxbatons forever.


"Where did the child of Fleur go?" Louis XVI asked after walking around. "Isn\'t she going to study at school during the summer vacation?"


Unlike other schools, Beauxbatons took O.W.L. levels in sixth grade, not fifth. Furong is at school this summer.


"She\'s gone to Biarritz."


"Why are you going there? What is there to do in Biarritz? I haven\'t seen her there for a few years at school."


"That\'s because." Maxim had a smile on his lips. "That kid Stark has come to France, he must have gone to see him."


"Stark? Who is it!"


"Well... an ordinary little English wizard, but he seems to have destroyed Notre Dame a few days ago."




"No one cares?! Where\'s the French puppet government? What about the thugs?" Louis XVI said angrily, "That\'s where I was crowned..."


Louis XVI cursed Mitterrand, calling him the thug\'s lackey. After a while, he recovered from his slump and said with a smile, "Madam, I just lost my mind, and I slept for a long night, why not..."


At this moment, a man hurriedly ran from a distance. "Ma\'am, it\'s not good."


The woman was extremely tall, nearly 1.9 meters tall. Her face was round and rough, with a row of teeth that were protruding and uneven, her mouth was terribly wide, her lips were as fat as a caterpillar, and her hair was yellow, like dirty straw, fragile and dry.


"What\'s the matter, Brienne, would you like a glass of red wine?" Maxim smiled gently.


"No, I never drink." Brienne ignored Louis XVI and said loudly, "Your rune horse..."


"What happened to them? I know the weather has been unusual recently. That beast is nearby and is about to give birth... Just add more tranquilizers to the malt whisky."


"But the rune horses suddenly became restless, as if something was attracting them," Brienne said.


Maxim raised his head suddenly.


Brienne didn\'t need to say, she saw it too. Hundreds of rune horses flew into the air and were particularly conspicuous under the moonlight.


The rune horse roared and flew towards the Pyrenees.


"Ah!" Maxim screamed, the crystal cup fell to the ground, and Romanee-Conti scattered all over the floor.


"Let the professors and ghosts who are still in school look for them... Don\'t let me find out who did it, I will definitely not let him go!


Merlin couldn\'t keep him either, I said! "






Seeing the more than 100 rune horses, Hermione felt a little flustered~www.novelhall.com~ They just wanted to catch a few, why did they all come?


I heard that the rune horses are very expensive. If a few of them die accidentally, wouldn’t that mean the family will go bankrupt?


William patted Hermione\'s hand and comforted: "It\'s alright, even Notre Dame Cathedral has been destroyed, do you still care about some horses?"


Hermione thought about it for a while and found that it made sense!


As long as they are not discovered by Maxim, it is impossible for the female werewolf to inform, and Furong is her own...probably.


"Everyone rides one," William said. "The rest are left here."


The **** dog straightened up impatiently, with its two huge front paws, tugging at the **** of the rune horse, as if it wanted to climb up.


quick! Big black dog, please stop your teddy behavior now!


William glanced at the dog, he must have cut it when he went back! Even the rune horse is not spared.




In the end, three people, a werewolf and a black dog, rode five rune horses, flew into the sky, crossed the sea, and flew towards a small island.


The **** dog stood alone on the back of a horse. He couldn\'t help raising his head, facing the moon and groaning.


If there is a sound system at this time, probably only Weifengtang can match it!






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