A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 39: I'm so hungry (I wish you all five hundred and twenty happy)



Sofitel Bieriz Miramar Talas.


A crunch.


The door was opened a crack.


A sneaky figure, through the crack of the door, carefully observed it for a while, noticed that there was no one around, immediately opened the door, and walked lightly through the corridor.


Carrying a small blue lunch box, Hermione knocked on the door of the next room.


But no one opened the door.


She glanced vigilantly at her parents\' room at the far end of the corner, and rang the doorbell again.


Still no one opened the door.


Hermione rolled her eyes, and hurriedly took out her little cutie from her pocket—Hushu Luoguo Wali.


Wall-E was sleeping. After being woken up, he sat on the girl\'s palm, rubbed his eyes, and yawned.


"Come on, Wall-E, open the door for me." Hermione urged in a low voice. "I\'ll give you an extra meal tomorrow, fresh turtle worms, to fill you up!"


Hearing that the turtle was full, Hushu Luoguo shook his head hard to wake himself up.


It stood danglingly on the doorknob, its slender arms inserted into the door lock.


Hermione waited five seconds...the door hadn\'t opened yet.


What\'s the situation... Hermione frowned slightly.


Did he force the door too many times, and William put a protective magic on the door lock?


"No no! It\'s definitely not to guard against me, by the way, to guard against Aurors!


Clegane didn\'t look like a good person, and said that Costa would be transferred. \' Hermione muttered to herself.


"Then why didn\'t William tell me? Why don\'t you tell me this kind of thing?


Ever since Furong came, he has been eccentric..."


In just ten seconds, Hermione had already brainstormed, and made up a 120-episode afternoon TV series with the main theme of large-scale palace fighting, junior high, betrayal and revenge.


At the end of the story, Hermione is thinking about how to get revenge on William and Fleur.


She may need to learn the most terrible curse for this, although it is black magic, but the Hogwarts library must have it!


At the most important moment for the two of them, she will suddenly appear, and then disappear forever, becoming the witch in his life that he will never touch!


She also wants to...




The tree-protecting pot fell from the door handle and fell to the ground. It lay upright on the carpet, snoring softly.




Hermione picked up the cauldron and shook it angrily. Wall-E didn\'t mean to wake up at all, and even licked his lips, as if he had dreamed of enough fresh turtle bugs.


"The fresh turtle worm is gone, replaced by the dried turtle worm of 1982." Hermione hummed.


She drew out her wand and aimed it at the door lock.


With a click, the door was opened.


"William," Hermione said softly, pushing the door open, sticking her head out, "I\'m in!"


She went in carefully, and quickly locked the door.


The lights were on in the room, but William was not in the room.


Hermione wandered around several times, and even checked the bathroom, but found no sign of the boy.


Hermione knew William\'s habit very well. He usually wouldn\'t leave the room with the lights on.


Unless he was out with someone else and forgot to turn off the lights.


As Hermione, who is extremely capable of detection, she reached out and touched the bed again... There was no temperature at all.


Obviously, William has been out of the house for a long time!


It\'s nine o\'clock at night,


But not in the room!


Hermione put the lunch box heavily on the table, snorted and said angrily, "You\'re not going home at night, are you?!"


This was the first time that Hermione had been here so many times.


She started to make up small movies again. At the end of this story, she not only learned the curse, but also the unforgivable curse.


She defeated Furong, won magic, but lost life.


Do you want to knock on Furong\'s door?


Hermione hesitated for two seconds before shaking her head. It would be too embarrassing to find William inside, there is no room for him to explain.


She decided to wait here first!


Hermione sat down beside the bed and picked up a book on the bedside table.


Nico\'s notes were all written in French.


Hermione looked at it in a daze, so she had to change to an ancient rune.


After opening the book, a series of words were projected in the room.


Hermione looked at it for a while, the words seemed to be full of magic, she became more and more sleepy, and soon lowered her head and fell asleep on William\'s bed.


After an unknown amount of time, Hermione felt a thumping sound coming from her ear.


The loud knocking sound woke her up from her sleep.


"William, are you back?"


Hermione rubbed her eyes dazedly, but found that the boy didn\'t come back, the voice came from under the pillow instead.


Hermione hurriedly lifted the pillow, and a golden safety watch was placed underneath.




William has always carried it with him. If he takes it off, it means... he is on the watch.


Oops, she actually forgot about this!


Hermione put the safety watch on the table and walked down the stairs into this wonderful space.


Sure enough, at a glance, William was standing in the hall, waving his wand constantly.


When William heard footsteps, he turned his head and found that it was Hermione.


He was stunned for a while, then said in surprise, "Hermione, how did you get in? I just tried a lot, but I couldn\'t open the door.


I thought there was something wrong with the Traceless Stretching Charm..."


"I don\'t know either, well..." Hermione smiled and admitted honestly, "I just fell asleep in your bed, maybe I hit the safety watch."


"Sister, my sister! I shouted for half an hour! My voice is hoarse!" William said speechlessly. "Can\'t you hear?"


"Who told you to hide the safety watch under your pillow." Hermione whispered. "I thought you..."


"You think... I\'m not going home at night?" William gave Hermione a sideways glance. "Or went to Furong\'s room?"


Hermione, who was pierced by a bite, said cheekily, "That! You said that, but I didn\'t."


William shook his head, helplessly looking at this increasingly bold and aggressive girl with a smile.


He suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched her delicate nose, and said, "Don\'t think about it in the future. If I go out, I will definitely tell you that I won\'t be home at night."


Hermione snorted twice, her eyes filled with undisguised joy, and a pair of pear eddies appeared on her face.


"What are you doing here?" she asked.


"Make that dementor a home." William let go of Hermione\'s nose, took her hand, and walked downstairs.


William opened up a new room in this space again to house his magical animals.


Hermione entered the room and saw a huge cat climbing frame in the corner at a glance, with the basilisk wrapped around it, spitting its core, staring at the two of them.


However, its eyes are covered with magic masks, and there is no major harm.


On the other side, there is a lush devil\'s net, and a **** robe hangs on the devil\'s net.


When the Dementor saw someone coming in, it kept roaring, and the black robe kept spinning, constantly hitting the tempered glass surrounding it.


"Can I practice the Patronus Charm with it?" Hermione asked.


"Of course you can, otherwise why would I catch it? It\'s just for you to practice your hand." William laughed.


"So you\'ve been busy this summer. The Illusory Body Charm and the Patronus Charm, you must learn at least one of them."


William originally wanted to find a Boggart for Hermione to practice, but that thing was not easy to find.


And the power of a dementor comes from human emotions. If you don\'t eat these for a long time, it will not starve to death, but it will lose its strength.


In that situation, the danger will be greatly reduced, which is very suitable for Hermione to practice. By directly using the Dementor as a tool man, William can provide this extravagant "tool man".


"I don\'t know what my Patronus will be?" Hermione said, holding her chin.


"There are many forms of guardian gods, they can be ordinary animals or magical creatures, and the form generally reflects the personality of the wizard."


William waved his wand, and a small sea eagle landed on Hermione\'s shoulder.


"Of course, the caster has experienced a certain degree of mental shock or emotional upheaval. For example, after falling in love, the form of the patron saint may change."


Hermione nodded thoughtfully.


"By the way, Hermione, why are you looking for me now?" William asked suspiciously. "Wouldn\'t it be just to check the room to see if I was there?"


"Of course not. I saw that you didn\'t eat well at noon and at night, so I brought you some food." Hermione raised the corner of her mouth and raised the lunch box in her hand.


More than that, William didn\'t eat well. After being tricked by Annie, he was so frightened.


William must have sat beside Hermione honestly in the end, otherwise he wouldn\'t be able to enjoy the high-level treatment of delivering supper now.


William took the lunch box, opened it, and raised his eyebrows. He picked up a thick and hard "murder weapon"!


Isn\'t it the murder weapon?


The baguette that Hermione brought was so hard that it could be used to play Bludgers!


French baguette, also known as baguette... From the name alone, it can be seen that this kind of bread is dangerous!


"Ah, I don\'t know, Annie told me this was delicious and crispy." Hermione took the bread in William\'s hand. "I tried it too, and it was really delicious."


"It\'s really crispy just out of the oven," William said. "It will harden after a long time, especially in places with high humidity."


"Forget it," Hermione said hastily. "I\'m going to buy it for you now! It shouldn\'t be closed yet..."


"It\'s too much trouble." William touched Hermione\'s head, took the blunt baguette in her hand, cut it into thin slices with a knife, and ate.


"Then I\'ll try it too." Hermione picked up the crumb bread and put it in her mouth, chewed it~www.novelhall.com~ smiled brightly, "Fortunately, it\'s not that bad."


William held Hermione\'s hand, looked at the Dementor, and said vaguely, "Little bunting... hurry up, why are you slow!"


Hearing William\'s words, the dementor in the **** robe stopped turning, and it stopped, lying on the glass, staring at William and Hermione alone.


There is a strong sweet smell in the air.


It touched the stomach.


so hungry...






(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone.


520 Happy!


Thanks for the reward from the big guy "Daxing is Lonely". )

