A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 38: I'm not human anymore! Merlin!

Ten minutes later, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic had managed to drive away more than a hundred Dementors.

Of course, the other way around is also true: Dementors who attacked Muggles and escaped the crime scene unscathed.

The Dementor was willing to leave, not because the Auror was so powerful, but because William put away his memory.

Without something to attract them, they couldn\'t beat them, so they could only run away and go to the UK to rescue soldiers.

hateful! He even dared to stop Azkaban from law enforcement (eat), and when he found the British Auror, within three days, he sharked you!

However, when they get together again, they will probably find that they have lost a brother (sister) at some point.

William wondered if Dementors could count. Since he could find out that Black escaped from prison, he should also find out that he lost a brother, right?

Anyway, in William\'s eyes, dementors all look the same... He is blind, and he really can tell which dementors are beautiful and which are not.

In short, this has nothing to do with William, the French Ministry of Magic will take the blame for him.

Wait...that\'s not insurance.

William decides to hint that Rita, after breaking the news that Blake has escaped from prison, also broke the news of the disappearance of the Dementor.

Better put the blame on Black, say he found a way to kill the Dementors.

That\'s right, he is the culprit, the root of all evil!

Or, that Dementor was Black\'s mole.

The Dementor helped Blake escape, and the two were embarrassed, fled France, and went to Spain.

William finds out that he is really a clever little ghost, and Rita has also become his shameless "Queen\'s literati", the two are in the same stream... worthy of being a dignified Ravenclaw Eagle!

The Dementors were driven away, and the Aurors began erasing Muggles.

Clegane came, and his first sentence made William very tired, so the guilt of letting the other party take the blame was instantly gone.

"Why the two of you again?!"

Clegane glanced at William and Hermione.

William said speechlessly: "What does it have to do with us, we are just visiting France... You can\'t protect foreign tourists, is there any reason?"

"Aren\'t the dementors still your British?" Clegane snorted and asked, "Why are they coming to you?"

Clegane started talking again.

William was going to let France take the blame, and Clegane was always thinking of cheating him.

Believe it or not, William explained that Sirius escaped from prison. Tomorrow, the major French newspapers will report one by one, mocking the British Ministry of Magic:

"Shocked! The youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal has a shocking British scandal."

It\'s full of tricks.

So William didn\'t talk to Clegane at all.

But he also had some guesses as to why the Dementors suddenly attacked Muggles.

Probably because of the hibiscus.

That\'s right, it\'s Hibiscus!

After Hibiscus appeared, it attracted the attention of all Muggles. She was as eye-catching as a firefly in the night sky.

Originally, it was very happy to play on the beach, and when a beautiful girl like Furong appeared, the moment of happiness X2 became even more doubled.

This outburst of emotion probably attracted the Dementors who were hunting Black nearby, causing them to rush over desperately.

Merlin\'s! What people attract are the villains who send them to slap the face, but when they came to Furong, they attracted dementors?

This French rose... poisonous.

How experienced Clegane is, seeing William\'s eyes on Fleur, he immediately guessed the truth.

So, he couldn\'t help shaking his head and said, "A mixed-race Veela... your friend?"

William nodded.

Clegane glanced at Hermione, who was chatting with Fleur, and joked: "William, since you are so dangerous, I\'m going to send some Aurors to protect your family, how about that?"

"What do you mean?" William felt that Clegane was not at ease.

"It\'s not interesting, I\'m going to send Sophie Costa to protect you."


"She\'s not an Auror, is she?!"

"It will be soon, and I can make her transfer to a trainee Auror with my order." Clegane chuckled.

"I remember when she first came to the Ministry of Magic, she applied for the Auror position."

Clegane looked like he didn\'t take it too seriously, he said, "That\'s it, I\'ll let her protect you."

William smiled and said: "Please! You! Get out! Stay away!"

Auror Odom, who was on the side, was heartbroken. It was the first time he had seen someone so presumptuous in front of the director.

A wizard who can go to this position does not know how many dark wizards he has killed himself.

Clegane laughed it off, not angry. He really admired William and Hermione.

This young couple played around with him in Paris and finally saved Paris.

very nice!

He was extremely regretful, and wished he was French.

Of course, recruiting a French son-in-law is also good!

Clegane, on the principle that couples in the world will eventually become mortal enemies, and that they can break up a pair is a pair, so when he goes back, he will transfer Costa!

He still didn\'t believe it. A beautiful French mixed-race Veela, a Costa who was nominally played with emotions, couldn\'t compare to a Hermione Granger?

It\'s a pity... his daughter is too young, otherwise it would be quite suitable.

Clegane invited William and Hermione to his house before leaving France, and left with the Aurors.

William and the others were not in the mood to swim either, so they packed up and prepared to eat seafood.

When we came, there were seven people in a group, and when we went back, it became nine.

Fleur and Gabriel also stayed temporarily, well...as French tour guides.

It is very close to Beauxbatons. Furong has been here many times, and she is very familiar with the food here.

Everyone looked at Fleur with curious eyes, especially Lyanna.

Roy cleared the siege for William: "Who doesn\'t have a few beautiful female classmates?"

Roy died every day, and it was sooner or later that Lyanna took care of him, but he was in France recently to give him some face.

But Lyanna was really surprised, it was the first time she had seen such a beautiful girl.

So beautiful!

Led by Fleur, the group walked past the statue of the Virgin and entered the Basque village along the road.

There is a wizard\'s restaurant in the corner of the village. The restaurant is hidden deep, people come and go, many wizards.

Nine people entered the restaurant and sat down at a generous table in the corner.

Sister Annie quickly pulled William and wanted to whisper to him.

William thought it was something important, but he lowered his head and saw Annie attached to his ear, judoing: "Brother~Brother, you are finished!"

William was at a loss, Annie had trotted all the way, and hurriedly sat down beside Hermione.

William walked over inexplicably, but his expression suddenly froze.

A generous table with only eight chairs. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Roy and Lyanna occupy one side, Aerys and Emily occupy one side, Hermione and Annie occupy one side, and Fleur and Gabriel occupy one side.

Where is his position?

It\'s not the point, just add a chair.

But... Hermione and Fleur moved their positions at the same time, leaving a space beside them, indicating that he could add a chair next to them.

"..." I\'m not a human being! Merlin!

At this moment, William actually wanted to turn around and leave to accompany the lonely **** dog at the door.

A brick is thrown down, and it is more comfortable to eat dog meat in the summer.

Annie lowered her head, seemingly quiet, well-behaved and sensible, but in fact her face bloomed with a smile, covering her stomach with one hand, her stomach hurt from a heartless laugh.