A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 33: Demon 2 Blossoms

After leaving the beach, the three held umbrellas and strolled in the rain. They crossed the wide road and came to a crossroads.

There are weeds all around, obscuring the road signs.

William used the dog as an assistant, letting it explore the grass against his face and help find road signs.

The black dog was much more honest this time, and began to run about in the weeds. William soon found a worn out seagull sign in the overwhelmed haystack.

They barely discerned the road signs, turned left and right, and walked for more than ten minutes before they came to a house.

There is also a sign above the house - Three Seagulls Post Office.

True to its name, this is a Wizard Seagull post office in Biarritz.

There are hundreds of seagulls of different species, from black-headed gulls to red-billed gulls, all crouched by a huge pool, staring at the fish underwater.

The fish were all shivering under the water, and the hundreds of seagulls were too scary.

It is normal for Biarritz to have a wizard\'s post office, as it is close to the Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Beauxbatons is located in the Pyrenees, and next to Biarritz is this rolling mountain range.

William took out a large pile of letters from the security watch and prepared to send them out.

The magic world is not good at this point. The logistics is too slow. These seagulls do not know that they have to fly to the Year of the Monkey and the Horse to be delivered.

For example, Qiu in Australia... Maybe when she starts school, the letter may not arrive yet. After all, crossing the Atlantic Ocean is still too reluctant for a seagull.

The speed of logistics has seriously affected everyone\'s money, and Akali Mystery Store is one of the victims.

William is going to build a new logistics system so that the goods can reach customers in the fastest time.

William paid, and Hermione took the letter and started mailing it out by address.

"We actually wrote a letter, when did you write it?" Annie looked surprised. "Why didn\'t anyone tell me!"

After Roy left last night, William and Hermione wrote a letter together, how can I tell Annie about such a thing.

"I want to write too!" Annie exclaimed excitedly. She\'d always wanted to write, but couldn\'t find a post office in the French magic world.

Annie took out her quill and lay down on the table, writing letters to her best friends.

She divided all the shells she picked up in the morning according to the number of letters and put them in various bags as gifts.

Among them, Luna and Ginny have two bags with the most shells.

Annie thought about it, and wrote another letter to Hagrid, asking him to help take care of Pineapple Head and not be bullied by Hermione\'s Poposa.

She just thinks too much... It\'s good that the pineapple head doesn\'t bully Bobosha.

Their family came to France for a vacation, and they didn\'t bring their three cats... Bobo Tea, Pineapple Head, and Bobo Sha were all left with Hagrid and let him take care of them for a summer vacation.

Who goes on vacation with a cat owner? Isn\'t it uncomfortable to find it?

Of course, they don\'t need Hagrid\'s care and can live on their own at Hogwarts Castle. Every day the house-elves prepare food regularly.

Bobo Tea was accompanied by Mrs. Norris, trying to get pregnant with the eighth child as soon as possible, and the life was not knowing how moisturizing it was.

What a cat born winner!

After writing the letter, Anne opened the letter that William had sent to Hagrid, and prepared two to put together.

After she opened it, a strange item fell from the envelope. Annie picked it up and wondered, "What is this?"

"This is Norbert\'s horn," William explained. "A relic sent to Hagrid."

Anne opened William\'s letter to Hagrid and read it curiously.

"Dear Hagrid, it is with sadness and pain that Hermione and I write this letter, be strong... Norbert has passed away!

The reason must also be known from the newspaper, it fought to the last moment, very heroic, and died very tragically.

The two of us wanted to bring his body to burial, but it was too big to be cremated on the spot, and the ashes were buried in front of a loquat tree on the banks of the Seine.

It\'s a beautiful place, and if you have the chance to come to France, you can go and see it.


don\'t forget,

William and Hermione. "

"Norbo\'s body was cremated?" Annie was shocked. She rolled her eyes and questioned:

"No, the two of you were still talking in the morning that with the nerve of the fire dragon, Cedric can continue to make wands."

"It wasn\'t Norbert\'s nerve, it was given by Newt." William said. "After school starts, don\'t talk nonsense in front of Hagrid, it\'s disrespectful to Norbert."

Annie looked seriously suspicious.

Of course, fire dragons are not cremated. Such a precious magic material, even dragon blood has dozens of uses, not to mention other organs.

So William and Hermione researched and decided to arrange the use of a dragon for Norbert, so that even if he died, he could still shine for the cause of magic.

This is how to walk peacefully and die great!

Well, certainly not to Hagrid. After all, Norbert was Hagrid\'s unrelated biological son.

The fewer people know about this, the better. If the news leaks out, the vampire professors at Hogwarts will flock to ask for materials.

For example, Professor Snape... He used to use all kinds of tricks to make unfair deals with William.

Old vampire bat!

William felt that he had been taking care of Snape for the past few years. For example, the previous fire dragon, basilisk, and the eight-eyed giant spider that will cooperate in the future.

After the letter was sent, the sky was just as Annie had said, it began to clear up and the dark clouds dissipated.

The three returned to the hotel. After breakfast, they packed up and went for a swim at the beach.

William is particularly good at swimming, after all, when the time loops, he surfs in the Black Lake for several years.

The title of the little white dragon in the waves of Hogwarts is not a false name!

William couldn\'t even remember the number of times he died feeding the fish in Black Lake.

Under this kind of infinite death, William can dive for dozens of meters without equipment, which can no longer be called interest, but a professional.

In addition to snorkeling, other swimming skills William are also full.

So when he got into the water, William instantly became the most beautiful cub in the bathing place. He had all kinds of swimming patterns, without any heavy ones, like a male mermaid.

William attracted a lot of hot eyes, and after a while, several young ladies came to invite him to be a private swimming teacher...hand in hand, the kind that covers the night.

Under Lyanna\'s eyes, William politely refused.

After playing for half an hour, a professional approached him and tried to train him to participate in the French National Junior Swimming Competition.

The other party also vowed that William has great potential and will definitely win the Olympic gold medal in the future.

This need not be said by him, William is also sure. This era is the era when all kinds of stimulants are rampant in sports.

William didn\'t use stimulants, he took some phlegm, and Muggles couldn\'t detect it.

So he\'s not really interested.

Roy and Lyanna were almost numb to their son\'s excellence... while Aerys and Emily were taken aback.

William is really a monster with two blossoms!


As a personal swimming teacher, William carefully corrected Hermione\'s swimming posture, and took her and Annie to play water volleyball for a while before returning to the shore.

William lay down on the chaise longue, then picked up the sorting hat from the table and buckled it over his head.

There were a few plump plantains next to them, and the accumulated rain fell on the banana leaves, making a crisp sound.

"Ah, William, it\'s too hot, give me a glass of tequila." The Sorting Hat whispered. "Add ice, add salt, thank you."

"Can you still drink?" William asked suspiciously. "Is there such a function?"

"Of course!" The Sorting Hat said dissatisfiedly: "Hurry up...will you take care of me? I\'m in the process of creating art now, and I need some alcohol to stimulate it."

William found out that he had not seen him for a while, and the hat had a good temper. However, he was patient and gave the Sorting Hat his mineral water with ice.

It opened its mouth slightly, sucked the ice water through a straw, and burped with satisfaction.

Water didn\'t come out. Think about it too, this hat can summon Gryffindor\'s sword and divert the water, it\'s nothing.

Maybe now the water has gone to Dumbledore\'s bed. The professor lifted the quilt at night and found that the bed was soaking wet, and he didn\'t know what the green mood should be.

The Sorting Hat hummed again and began to compose the song for this year\'s sorting ceremony.

It\'s about to change its style, add a little yordle, and make it a little wider.

From a certain point of view, the Sorting Hat is Hogwarts\' biggest gold finger.

It has existed in the school for a thousand years, and it has the will of the four giants. The principals of the past generations have also taught it knowledge, and it knows most of the secrets of the school.

Backgammon Sorting Hat, where won\'t ask where, Hermione doesn\'t have to worry about my study anymore! Soeasy!

So Annie wears the Sorting Hat every day recently and is learning magic from it.

"Can I make a hat like this?" William couldn\'t help asking.

"I am unique!"

"I know that everyone is unique, like me and Hermione." William laughed: "But it doesn\'t prevent us from existing."

"Well, that makes sense," said the Sorting Hat earnestly, "but that requires very complicated magic, and one more item..."


"Slytherin\'s wand."

"Is it so special?"

"That wand has great power on the soul."

"Forget it, you deserve to be single all your life and can\'t find a lady\'s hat."

William pulled his hat toward his face, closed his eyes, and started to catch up on sleep.

The Sorting Hat twisted and hummed the lullaby that Anne taught it. It is obviously a very serene song, but under the voice of the Sorting Hat, there is a bit of a Tengger cover.

Love love love!

Soon ~www.novelhall.com~ William was under the sonic attack, and his brain was forced to shut down. After an unknown amount of time, he felt as if some ice water appeared on his face.

Merlin\'s claws, the Sorting Hat didn\'t take revenge like this, did it?

William woke up suddenly and opened his eyes.

A seven or eight-year-old girl was staring at her with her head lowered.

That girl looked like a seven or eight-pointed Hibiscus, or a miniature version of Hibiscus.

She flashed her eyes like an angel descended from the earth; her face had a bright smile that seemed to have healing power; she grinned...a row of open teeth.

That beautiful picture instantly collapsed.

Shut up, kid!

