A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 32: This is the back wave!

The sky was slightly bright, and the sea was shrouded in a hazy mist. The waves kept slapping against the beach, bringing in the dank Atlantic breeze.

William and Hermione were yawning, picking up crabs with no energy. Last night, the two of them chatted until late at night before going to bed, and now it is inevitable that they will lose their energy.

On the other hand, Annie, with a beautiful braid and a tattered hat with a pointed tip, ran around barefoot on the coast, always in high spirits.

She is really energetic, and even the **** dog is tired of walking by her.

Who has ever seen your dog get tired of walking your dog? Annie did it!

Anyway, Annie was pulling her head, but the dog refused to run away, lying on the ground sticking out her tongue, gasping for breath, unable to pull it, a proper defeated dog!

This kind of tired look like a dog is really shameful to the pet industry, and the dog can be expelled.

William picked up a few more zodiac crabs and put them in a small basket. The crabs left by the low tide were all too small, and he inexplicably missed those cute ones in the Forbidden Forest.

William only now understood why Hagrid called those animals darlings.

Especially those guys named octopus, which are actually Scottish terrestrial hairy soft-shell crabs!

William\'s last semester was about to end, and he had tasted it a few times. He was huge in size and delicious in meat... Ah, he could cry with greed for a silly badger, a mad lion, and a little snake.

William picked up a few more crabs in disgust, while observing the black dog from the corner of his eye.

This dog is too vigilant.

In the morning, he wanted to lick the dog\'s head, but it immediately tucked its tail, foamed at the mouth, grinned, and looked insulted, and wanted to rush over to bite him.

William is also an inexplicable evil fire rising up. Since he came to France, everything has gone wrong.

He can\'t deal with Arya, and he can\'t deal with your dog, eh? !

William must give it a permanent cure before it causes a disaster!

However, as the heir to the Marxist school of wizards, William must also pay attention to materialist dialectics, and learn to proceed from reality and adapt to local conditions.

After all, the dog doesn\'t eat anything he feeds.

Could it be that the **** dog has already felt his destiny?

Otherwise, it will find a similar one to have a good time. Anyway, there are quite a lot of stray dogs around here.

Annie was also carrying a basket. She jumped up and down, picking up a bunch of shells along the way, and then started picking up pebbles.

Hermione\'s mother Emily, formerly at Brown University, majored in English literature and history, so she is particularly good at music and is very good at making stone paintings.

Anne studied with Emily on a daily basis, picking up stones for her and taking them back to let her paint on them.

Several people deviated from the road more and more, and kept walking along the shallow sea.

The **** dog who was resting on the side of the road, with its cold hair standing on end, suddenly roared, and it jumped up and down, as if it had a rabies attack.

The three quickly knew what it was calling, and there was a rumbling sound in the distance.

William looked around, and on the foggy sea surface, a white line moved from north to south, the wind suddenly rose, and the waves gradually rose as they advanced.

Sure enough, the weather forecast was not accurate. The forecast clearly said that it was a calm day, and there would be such a big wave in the morning? !

It was too late to run to the shore now, the waves were getting faster and faster, and they rushed straight.

William and the others didn\'t leave either, they just held their waists and looked up at the waves at close range.

Anne even took out her wand and raised her hand, as if she was the one who made the huge waves... She wore a pointed wizard hat, and she was even more Dumbledore than Gandalf.

The **** dog jumped up suddenly, roaring down from the side of the road.

Anyway, from his point of view, these three little wizards were either frightened or stupid, or they wouldn\'t be stunned.

This year\'s Hogwarts students are not very good!

There isn\'t even a single one who can fight, thinking back then... ah, let\'s not mention it.

The **** dog ran faster and faster, and suddenly stopped by the beach. He looked around in confusion... Hey, what about people?

Is it too hungry to cause hallucinations?

The **** dog turned his head and found that the three of William had appeared by the road, admiring the majestic wave from a distance.

The boy even pulled out a camera and took pictures of the two girls.

The black dog is dumbfounded, you will Apparate, you should say it earlier, say it earlier! !

Well, people are so fearless because they can Apparate.

The black dog hesitated for two seconds, then turned around and ran away with a whimper, but after only running two meters, it was swept under the head by the monstrous waves.

The salty liquid suddenly poured into his mouth, nearly suffocating him.

"Big black!" Annie exclaimed.

"It\'s okay, the dog can swim," William reassured. "It probably wants to surf too."

The black dog can swim, but Annie slipped away all morning. He hasn\'t had breakfast yet, and he\'s already hungry. With such a big wave, it just wants to rush, so it has to be able to rush?

The **** dog suddenly recalled the unbearable drifting years.

God knows how brokenhearted he was when he thought he had arrived in England, only to find out it was France!

At that moment, he almost wanted to destroy Paris.

So riding this torrent, he might be able to return to England. Of course, it is more likely to be taken all the way to Spain.

Seeing that the **** dog was about to be swept away, it was not easy for William to continue watching the play.

Hermione glanced around and found no Muggles, William understood, and immediately turned into a sea eagle, rushed to the sea, and faced the turbulent wave.

He grabbed the black dog with one paw, like an eagle grabbing a chicken, grabbed it, and carried it away from the sea.

I don\'t know if it drank too much seawater and ruined the dog\'s brain. It suddenly struggled frantically and almost bit William.

William let go of his paws and threw it back into the water.

Another huge wave came, and the **** dog was smashed.

William catches again.

The dog struggles again.

catch again,

struggle again...

William looks like a novice who wants to show off his doll grasping skills in front of his girlfriend.

His hands and brain told him yes, but the crane and coins said no.

After catching it back and forth seven or eight times, the **** dog was rescued.

It was finally honest and did not dare to grin at William again.

The three of them looked at the sea, and the waves became more and more intense, like a black cloud covering the city.

After the strong wind comes the rainstorm!

In this bad weather, there is definitely no way to continue picking up shells, so the three of them can only hold umbrellas and walk towards the hotel.

"It\'s okay, it will stop raining in a while," Annie said. "The weather here has been unusual recently. It rained heavily in the morning, and the sun will come out soon after."

"When we came on the first night~www.novelhall.com~ there were auroras in the sky."

William and Hermione looked at each other, the aurora appeared in France? Something doesn\'t seem right.

The black dog followed from a distance and did not dare to get too close.

He was frightened, that boy was the master of playing badger and eating lion. Apparitions at this age, and Animagus...that\'s outrageous!

James only learned it in fifth grade that year, and this kid hasn\'t even entered fourth grade yet. Looking at the skilled skills, it is obvious that he learned it earlier.

Is the education level at Hogwarts already so high?

It turned out that this is the back wave.

These three may still be the lowest level among the little wizards at Hogwarts... the latter wave.



(Thanks to the "Happy and Invincible Hanhan" boss for the reward)