A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 2: Redemption of Azkaban

A long black metal corridor leads to a pure white cell.


Bellatrix was magically pinned to the chair and sat motionless.


Malfoy walked into the room, and the two Aurors left the man and the woman inside, then closed the door and stood guard at the door.


As long as Malfoy doesn\'t kill Bella or let her escape, they don\'t care about other things!


Half an hour was enough for Malfoy to solve any problem.


The moment he saw Bella, Malfoy was slightly absent-minded. He carefully discerned the woman on the chair... Who is it!


Bella in the past was definitely a beauty: she had smooth jet-black hair and piercing eyes, and she had an unruly and wild temperament!


This kind of woman is undoubtedly particularly easy to arouse the hormones of men, which makes people have a desire to conquer.


Unfortunately, Bella fell in love with a man she could never conquer.


Look at Bella now?


The skeleton was covered with a layer of skin, and on the haggard face, there were two crazy black eyes.


"Why are you, Si... How about Si?" Bella said hoarsely.


"She\'s sick, very seriously," Malfoy said softly.


"Hehe, sick?! Don\'t you dare to come? I was frightened last time."


Bella shrieked and imitated: "Oh, sister, how did you become like this... Oh, she is still suitable for hiding in Malfoy Manor as a baby!"


"Don\'t say that, she cried for you many times after she went back." Malfoy sighed.


"That really moved me." Bella smirked and couldn\'t wait to say, "What I want!"


Malfoy took out the bag of the Traceless Stretch Charm, took a piece of sausage from his pocket, and threw it away.


The sausage fell to the ground.


"I can\'t move... You feed me!" Bella stared at the food falling from the ground, her throat twitching.


Malfoy took out another turkey sandwich and brought it to Bella\'s mouth.


Bella, like a mad dog, opened her cracked mouth and took a hard bite. The juice of the turkey oozes out of her mouth, and the whole sandwich was eaten whole in a few moments.


Malfoy pulled out some other food.


After eating for a full five minutes, she ate everything Malfoy brought.


Bella looked eagerly at the sausage that fell to the ground.


Malfoy resisted his nausea, picked up the sausage, and put it to Bella\'s mouth.


Belle pulled out her tongue, rolled up the sausage and put it into her mouth. At the same time, she opened her mouth and bit Malfoy\'s wrist with her black and yellow teeth, tearing off a piece of **** flesh.


Malfoy slammed Bella\'s head with a punch, and the pain was unbearable, he rushed out and asked the Auror to help him stop the bleeding.


After five full minutes, Malfoy returned to the room with a gloomy face.


Bella had completely swallowed the sausage, with Malfoy\'s flesh and blood.


She opened her mouth wide and chewed in the void, as if she was aftertaste.


Bella looked like she wasn\'t full, and glanced at Malfoy with hot eyes, completely treating him as... food.


Malfoy was heartbroken, and said angrily, "Are you crazy?!"


She licked the blood on her lips, looked at Malfoy, and said without emotion: "Your meat is delicious. The ones you ate before tasted a lot worse."


"You still eat... people?" Malfoy took a breath.


"Yeah, if you don\'t eat, how can you live?" Bella laughed wildly. "The food provided by the dementors?"


"Some wizards with light crimes won\'t be locked up for long. If the dementors are not killed directly, they will be sent to my cell.


I\'ll taste them first, and when I\'m about to die, the dementors will swallow their souls, and it\'s all my fault..."


"We have reached a tacit agreement!" Bella showed a row of yellow teeth.


Malfoy only felt his scalp tingle, and he took two steps back. "I asked Sissy to tell you last time, how is your thinking?"




"Give me your Gringotts gold, and I\'ll run it for you, and ask Fudge to let you out."


"Go out?!" Bella laughed wildly, her voice echoing in the room, "Why should I go out?!"


"I stayed in Azkaban for twelve years. I was the Dark Lord\'s most loyal servant. After suffering so much, he will remember... He will come to save me and reward me."


Bellatrix suddenly sobbed.


"I was tortured for the sake of the master, I was all for him! When I thought of this, I couldn\'t help being excited, and my whole body was shaking.


Lucius, you don\'t understand.


It was a kind of joy in my heart... The more miserable I was tortured, the more comfortable I felt... When I was suffering, I would imagine that the Dark Lord was torturing me and tormenting me... I felt very comfortable. "


"Mad!" Malfoy took two steps back in fear.


"Of course I\'m crazy, I\'m as crazy as the Dark Lord... Unfortunately, why does he just ignore me?"


Bella squeezed out a smile, black blood mixed with saliva and saliva, and spat Malfoy all over her face.


She said contemptuously: "Go away, don\'t delay my enjoyment..."


Bella was taken down and replaced with Sirius.


To be honest, seeing Bella like that, Malfoy had little hope for Sirius.


Sure enough, the originally handsome Sirius also became skinny. A tangle of dirty, tangled hair hung down to his elbows, and waxy skin clinged to the skeleton of his face.


With his sunken eyes, he stared into the distance indifferently, like a walking corpse.


If Bella had any hope of living, Sirius would almost become the living dead.


No matter what Malfoy said, Sirius just murmured, "I killed them both..."


Fudge walked into the room, he said softly: "Okay, Lucius? We should go, I can\'t stay for a second.


Merlin, Azkaban is really bad. "


Malfoy nodded slightly, this was probably his last visit to Azkaban.


There is no need to think about Blake\'s family property.


Sirius suddenly struggled, staring at the Daily Prophet in the hands of an Auror next to Fudge.


"Want to see it?" Fudge raised his eyebrows.


"Give it to him, Mr. Minister, and show him freedom," Malfoy said quickly. "You know, the air outside is sweet."


Maybe Blake, who has read the newspaper, will change his mind and be willing to leave?


Fudge nodded, not rejecting his big golden pig.


"Take Black back." Fudge picked up the newspaper and threw it on Sirius.


The two Aurors, holding Sirius, crossed the corridor, shoved him hard, and threw him into a cell, then locked the door.


Little Sirius didn\'t get up, but couldn\'t wait to lie down on the Daily Prophet, looking for the photo he just accidentally glimpsed:


The Weasleys stood in front of the pyramid, waving vigorously, and one of the boys stood in the middle of the crowd with a mouse on his shoulder.


Sirius\' face was gloomy and terrifying. He half-knelt on the newspaper, raised his head and let out a roar of a beast that pierced his eardrums, the room trembled, and a lot of dust was shaken off.


"He\'s at Hogwarts..."


There were tears in Sirius\' eyes.


James once said, Hey, Sirius, if you die, you will die. It\'s not ashamed to die against Voldemort, but you can\'t die. You are my son\'s godfather.


He didn\'t agree, saying that he would die in front of James and let James take care of his silly son.


Being imprisoned in Azkaban over the years, he became more and more like a human being, and a ghost like a ghost. Sirius only felt that he was atonement.


For James and Lily.


Twelve years of redemption...he wants to go out now.


Or for James and Lily.


At night, Sirius, who was in a confused state, dreamed of the Hogwarts Express.


Every time they come to Hogwarts and come home, the Marauders sit in the same box on the train, from first to seventh grade.


In the first six years, on twelve trips, Lily Evans would walk past the car door arrogantly. On the thirteenth time, she gave James a smile. On the fourteenth time, she joined the four and sat down. into this car.


So for more than a moment, Sirius, Lupin... all felt that they might as well go out and find another room.


If he could go back to Hogwarts, he would probably have to go to that carriage again.


At night, the prison door was opened, and a dementor slid into the prison.


It threw the moldy food on the ground, and intoxicatedly inhaled the joy that was about to overflow in the air.


But it suddenly stopped, because the joy was gone. The Dementor has no eyes, and it can only perceive its surroundings in confusion, looking for Sirius.


A thin black dog, as thin as a rib, bypassed the Dementor and got through the narrow gap in the iron bars of the prison.


None of the dementors paid attention to him!


The black dog ran smoothly to the shore, and he plunged into the vast sea without hesitation.


Sirius only needs to swim back to England from Azkaban.


The straight-line distance between the two sides is only more than 300 kilometers!


I heard that the cherry blossoms fall at a speed of five centimeters per second. With his dog-planing swimming skills, at what speed should he swim this distance...


Sirius doesn\'t care about this!


His top priority~www.novelhall.com~ is to find out first... Which direction is the UK in? !


It seems to be in the southwest direction.


Sirius observed for a while, then swam in the direction of "southwest" that he believed.


England... I\'m back!


When the huge wave came, the black dog made a stab and continued to work hard.


In terms of direction, if all goes well, Sirius will arrive safely...France!






(Thanks to "Hellcat", "Shadow\'s Mood 123", the rewards of the two bosses.)

