A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 1: Prisoner of Azkaban

Central North Sea,


There is a perennial storm gathering place.


This is not only a forbidden place for Muggles, but also a forbidden place for wizards.


Because there is a small island in the middle of the sea, and there is a prison on the island - Azkaban.




The storm reached its peak throughout the year, and the strong wind engulfed the sea water, wave after wave, sweeping the island, as if to wash away the prison built of black rock.


In the rainstorm cloud, a black carriage similar to a hearse cut through the sky and flew towards the island.


It was Qipi Yestral pulling the cart!


An Auror drives the reins, directing Thestrals to descend from the rainstorm, and the wheels of the carriage skim across the water, turning huge splashes of water.


With the carriage as the center, a majestic water flower suddenly bloomed on the sea.


A gust of wind rose and a huge wave hit, preventing the carriage from approaching the island.


A huge iron lock, like a black python breaking through the sea.


The iron cable, which was more than 200 meters long, began to rage on the sea. In the blink of an eye, it twisted into a huge arc, like a scorpion swinging its tail, and nailed it to the rock of the island.


Pulled by the iron cables, the carriage finally slowly landed on the shore.


The car door opened, and a wizard came out. He was short and stout, with well-groomed, shiny gray hair.


He was wearing a pinstriped suit, a bright red tie, a long black cape, and purple pointed boots.


He wore a dark green top hat on his head. After a strong wind, the top hat flew away.


Behind him, more than a dozen Aurors followed.


"Oh, Merlin." Fudge stepped on the solid ground, and the discomfort of motion sickness finally subsided.


"The weather is really bad, isn\'t it, Lucius?"


"Yes, Mr. Minister." Beside Fudge, stood a man with light blond hair.


"So, I\'m really curious about your coming here."


Fudge walked towards the prison, and without him speaking, a group of Aurors immediately took the lead to communicate with the Dementors.


He didn\'t want to be eaten by dementors.


"If I remember correctly, this is your second application to come to Azkaban, right?


The last time your wife came, I remember it was last summer vacation..."


"Yes, Mr. Minister, your memory is really good."


Malfoy felt a little cold, and he wrapped his ornate cloak.


"As you must know, my wife, Cissy, is a child of the Black family. As Bella\'s sister, she wants to visit her sister.


This time it was time for Sissy to come, but she was ill, so I had to come to visit the prison. After all, I was Bella\'s brother-in-law. "


"But we all know... it\'s better to stay away from the Death Eaters," Fudge said uneasily.


"Of course, no one hates Death Eaters more than I do." Malfoy stretched his voice.


"But a pure-blood family like us...the noble connection in blood is always hard to let go, isn\'t it?"


"That\'s not bad." Fudge smiled.


"But it\'s best not to let Dumbledore hear it. He won\'t like you talking about pure blood, and he won\'t agree with you to visit Death Eaters."


"But, I thought you were the minister, didn\'t I?" Malfoy\'s eyes showed a shadow.


"We all know Dumbledore is amazing, but he\'s too broad!


Principals should have the self-consciousness of a principal and not meddle in their own business. "


"Lucius, I know, you are dissatisfied with Dumbledore." Fudge pretended not to understand Malfoy\'s provocation.


"He joined other wizards and kicked you from the position of the school manager."


"He kicked me out because he knew that I would object to Hagrid being a teacher!" Malfoy argued.


"Look, who are the teachers Dumbledore is looking for... smugglers, death eaters, dark wizards, liars.


He also wanted Hagrid, the criminal, to be a teacher to protect magical animals.


I think it\'s necessary to keep my son Draco out of this class, I don\'t want him to get hurt. "


Fudge coughed and said, "Although I don\'t like Hagrid either, he has already cleared his grievances."


"Then let\'s not talk about Hagrid. Weasley\'s son almost killed my son. Dumbledore hasn\'t given me an answer yet, you know..."


Fudge waved his hand and interrupted: "Lucius, Dumbledore is the headmaster after all, and the school\'s affairs are not under my control.


I still advise you not to have anything to do with these Death Eaters. We all know that You-Know-Who is dead, there is no future for these Death Eaters! "


Malfoy nodded, he didn\'t want to get involved, what he wanted was the gold from Gringotts.


Otherwise, who is free to travel to Azkaban?


Fudge continued: "Lucius, be more concerned about our Ministry of Magic than the Death Eaters.


Merlin, can you believe it?


When we came to Azkaban, we were still riding in an old-fashioned carriage like Thestral... There were many bumps along the way... It\'s a pity that this year\'s budget is not enough..."


Hearing the minister\'s hint, Malfoy felt a little cold and wrapped his cloak tightly.


"What\'s the matter, Lucius?"


"It\'s nothing." Malfoy said with a struggling expression:


"The Ministry of Magic\'s transportation is really behind... Well, how about I donate some Galleons?"


"Too generous!" Fudge grabbed Malfoy\'s hand and said in surprise, "Lucius, you are so generous, I don\'t even know what to say.


You are truly the conscience of the magic world! "


With a bad conscience, Malfoy doesn\'t know, he just feels a little pain in his heart!


"Let\'s go and see that crazy woman from Bellatrix." Fudge was in a good mood.


"She\'s your sister-in-law? Then I\'ll give you half an hour, just the two of you. How about a separate room?"


"Thank you so much." Malfoy smiled, "I hope to see Sirius Black again.


He was my wife\'s favorite cousin back then. "


Fudge glanced at Malfoy and nodded.


A few people walked along a rock-paved road to Azkaban prison.


This is a triangular building that occupies most of the area of ​​the island, and the space is expanded with a traceless stretch spell inside the building.


Guaranteed to accommodate all criminals in the UK.


After walking for a long time, a group of creatures appeared in the corridor. They were about three meters high, wearing black hooded cloaks, their bodies were gray, and they looked like carrion.


They slid across the ground, shimmering hands from their cloaks, gray, thin and scabbed, trailing behind a pile of shriveled wizard corpses.


The Dementors felt the happiness of this group of people, especially the two people in the crowd, like fireflies in the dark night, bright stars, bright and dazzling.


The Dementors took a deep breath, long and slow, with that gesture, like an old smoker who hasn\'t touched a cigarette for a long time.


Even second-hand smoke can make them restless~www.novelhall.com~What are they doing? "Malfoy fought back the nausea.


"Dealing with the corpses in the prison," Fudge said, "so many wizards die every day, and the dementors are behind the prison, building a mass grave.


They need to leave the body there. "


"Lucius." There was a hint of coldness in Fudge\'s voice.


"No matter what purpose you are here for, I have to remind you... No one can live healthy and alive under the feeding of dementors."


"Azkaban\'s prisoners are all lunatics! This is also the most cruel... torture in the magic world."






(Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month.


Thanks for the reward from the "Hellcat" boss. )