A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 97: death hoax

"Professor, I have one more thing to tell you."

After Dumbledore made Tom\'s arrangement clear, William hesitated and said.

"Earlier, I was in the Forbidden Forest with Cedric and Autumn... For a walk, we ran into Ronan."

"Are you sure it\'s a walk?" Dumbledore smiled.

"Then another word... Digestion."

"It\'s a good habit to go to the forbidden forest to digest food in the middle of the night." Dumbledore smiled, not caring about William\'s night tour.

"Ronan...I remember the centaur, a guy with a good temper."

"Ronan told me that the ε star in the constellation Hydra is getting brighter and brighter, and its brightness last night even surpassed the Heart of Hydra."

"And last night Voldemort\'s Horcrux was resurrected, do you think this sign refers to this?" Dumbledore said calmly.

"That\'s right, isn\'t it?"

"I know what you mean, William. You mean that the centaurs\' prophecies are so accurate that they can help us," said Dumbledore.

William nodded.

"William, if you know the Centaurs, you know they often say: \'The Centaurs prophesy, don\'t focus on the minutiae.\'"

"What\'s the meaning?"

"The centaurs who watch the sky at night can only predict the overall fate of a species and nation, but they cannot predict the affairs of a certain person."

"We wanted to know who would be the next wizard to help Voldemort, and we wanted to know what Tom would do in America.

But the Centaurs can\'t give us the answer, they never pay attention to these details, they only observe the general trend of the future.

For example, I\'ve heard Fezelen say more than once, \'The people of the wizarding world are just going through a brief period of peace between two wars. The war-bringing Mars shone brightly over our heads, suggesting that fighting would soon resume. ’”

"They don\'t have to tell me about it, I have observed it. But can they tell us more details?

Like who won and how? "

"Then what happened last night..." William said suspiciously.

"You can understand that." Dumbledore sighed: "Tom\'s resurrection will greatly affect the future direction of Britain, and even the direction of the entire wizarding world.

That\'s why centaurs learn about this by chance... we can\'t expect them to be so lucky every time. "

Dumbledore crossed his fingers and added:

"And even if they know more details, I don\'t want to hear it."

"Why?" William asked in confusion.

"Remember the number divination you mentioned?"

William nodded.

Dumbledore said softly: "Professor Victor said the attack would happen seven times and fail.

Seven times to be exact, Tom did use seven basilisks, but the prophecy said it failed... Who the **** did it fail?

Did Tom fail? He did lose his body, but there is still the possibility of resurrection.

Did we fail?

You prevented Riddle from resurrecting, turning him into a shadow state, and the attacked person didn\'t die... But, William, you wouldn\'t consider yourself successful, because Riddle became a thorny foresight for us. "

"The prophecies are so ambiguous, and the results tell us countless times: It\'s stupid to believe too much in this kind of thing!

Voldemort believed in a certain prophecy too much back then, which made him look like he is now.

We can only try to use it, but we can\'t take it as a given result, otherwise it will mislead you. "

William hesitated, "but there is a prediction, I am very puzzled, thinking about it for a long time... Professor, have you read "The Prediction of Tyco Dodonas"?"

"I read it many years ago." Dumbledore raised his hand again, and another book flew over the shelf.

"It\'s a very interesting book, and even looking back and savoring it later, some prophecies happened to people around me."

"This is what you\'re wondering about, right?" Dumbledore turned to a page and said softly:

"Oh, cold-hearted Demon King!

O broken soul!

The self-imposed exile of the year,

Reborn from the gift of death. "

"Who do you think you\'re talking about?" William asked. "There are only two Dark Lords at the moment..."

"To be honest." Dumbledore pushed up the half-moon glasses and said in a low voice: "For many years, I thought it was Grindelwald."

"Isn\'t Grindelwald locked up in Nurmengard?"

"Do you think a Nurmengard could hold Grindelwald? He built it in the first place."

"Why didn\'t the original Dark Lord come out?"

"Because..." Dumbledore took a deep breath, "Gellert promised me that he would never leave Nurmengard unless I died."

William coughed, feeling that something was wrong.

This is not like a mortal enemy, but rather like a decision between lovers, a bit like \'never see each other in this life\'.

"Since he promised you not to come out...why do you think it\'s him?"

"William, I don\'t know if I should trust Gellert." Dumbledore\'s voice was a little frustrated.

"He\'s very good at deceiving people and deceiving feelings... Let\'s just say he\'s the most liar I\'ve ever met, and I can\'t tell... Which of his words is true and which is false."

"So you think he\'s in self-imposed exile in Numonga and will come out sooner or later?"

"I don\'t know." Dumbledore shook his head.

"But I think the prophecy isn\'t about Grindelwald, it\'s about Tom Riddle," William retorted.

"Riddle was a broken soul, and he said he was banished in a journal by Voldemort.

He mentioned the **** of death in the Slytherin records, and the Deathly Hallows.

There are various indications that he is also in line with the conditions of the prophecy. "

"Halloween, holy artifact," murmured Dumbledore, "a dream of a despairing man!"

"But they\'re real." William thought of his ring and Nico\'s alchemy book.

"So, you think the **** of death in the prophecy refers to the **** of death among the three brothers?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yeah, Death\'s Legacy may refer to the new Deathly Hallows."

"If Tom really went to Death and tried to get the Three Hallows," said Dumbledore, "I\'d be happy, because that\'s the bait for the fool.

William, people can never conquer the **** of death... No matter which version of the three brothers, we ridicule the short-sightedness of the eldest and the second, appreciate the intelligence of the third, and laugh at the **** of death being fooled.

But have you noticed that in the final ending, the third child also died, and his soul was taken away by the **** of death.

Deathly Hallows... a hoax of the **** of death. Anyone who tries to find the **** of death will surely die. "

William nodded thoughtfully.

"Professor, then I\'ll go back first."

"Have a good rest and ask Harry at the door to come in later and give me time for a song."

William snorted and left the principal\'s office.

Dumbledore sat sluggishly in his chair, showing an air of decadence he had never shown before.

After a while, he got up and walked into a room.

This is a modest room.

Against the wall stood a large object, covered with black velvet.

Dumbledore stood there, thinking for a moment, then went to the covered object and tore the velvet off.

The Mirror of Erised appeared.

He hadn\'t looked in the mirror in a year since Quirrell.

Now he mustered up his courage and looked in the mirror.

I saw young Dumbledore and young Grindelwald lying on a grass.

Dumbledore turned his head away, resisting the urge to cover the mirror again~www.novelhall.com~ He cheered up and raised his blue eyes.

"Gellert, are you willing to be my lover?" the young Dumbledore asked courageously.

"Albus, I have to remind you again that I am a man."

Grindelwald stretched out his hand to block the dazzling sun, his blond hair gleaming in the brilliance.

He said seriously: "Are you really sure you want to be lovers with me?"

Dumbledore bowed his head, thoughtful, raised his head with a determined look.

"Life is short, why not give it a try?"


Deep kiss!

The scene changed, and the old Grindelwald smiled, sitting in a dusty chair, surrounded by loneliness.

