A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 96: Dumbledore's international network

William\'s meaning is simple.

Even if Old Tom is defeated, he will not die because of the existence of Little Tom, and will continue to wait for his resurrection... On the contrary, for Little Tom, the same is true!

What is a Horcrux?

A part of the soul is hidden in something outside the body. In this way, even if your body is attacked or destroyed, you cannot die. Because there is still a part of the soul in the world unharmed.

For Little Tom and Old Tom, each other is a part of the soul that exists in the world.

The two became each other\'s Horcruxes, becoming Horcrux nesting dolls, a real... undead duo!

"William, you are worried about the possibility... and it has really happened."

Dumbledore said with emotion: "No one has ever made more than one Horcrux, the tearing of the soul is enough to drive a normal person crazy.

But Voldemort may have made more than one.

Who has never been resurrected with a Horcrux, possessing a body by the state of the soul.

But Tom did it.

Voldemort has entered a so far unknown and untouched realm of magic, and I think Little Tom and Old Tom do indeed form a horcrux symbiosis in a strange state. "

"Can\'t we never kill them?" William was shocked.

"Have you noticed one thing, boy, that when Tom talks to you, he keeps reminding you that he is a piece of Voldemort\'s soul?"


"To a wizard like me, he\'s implying... no, almost making it clear to me that he\'s a Horcrux... The secret to Voldemort\'s immortality is a Horcrux!"

"Why did he do this?" William wondered.

"Tom is just a piece of the soul, perhaps more so than the other pieces because of the earliest split.

And because Voldemort wanted someone else to open the Chamber of Secrets...he was more autonomous.

These two peculiarities led to his successful resurrection.

But the problem is, he is just a piece of soul, no matter how big it is, it is just a piece of soul, after all, it cannot be compared with a complete soul.

His growth will always be fixed at the age of sixteen. "

"Why did he do everything possible to sacrifice his own soul and escape from the diary, instead of just killing other people to complete the sacrifice?

As he said, sacrificing one\'s beloved will gain the most powerful power.

That kind of sacrifice will make him very close to the strength of his sixteen-year-old body... Sacrificing other people can\'t do this kind of thing. "

"But even so, his strength after resurrection is only at the age of sixteen.

At the age of sixteen, he is not yet an adult, and his magic power will not continue to grow... Even, his magic power is not as much as yours.

In such a state, Tom Riddle\'s strength is naturally restricted. Except for an immortal, many people can defeat him.

This is not what Tom wants, he is ambitious, he wants unparalleled strength, he wants to get back to the top, and even stronger.

Not just one eternal life is enough. "

Dumbledore paused and said seriously: "So he also needs to find the Horcrux, and find a way to strip the soul inside, so that his soul will continue to grow.

His true purpose is the wholeness of the soul! "

"Now, it\'s not us who stand in his way, it\'s the Horcruxes, and even Voldemort himself.

I dare say that Tom can\'t wait for us to kill Voldemort! "

"In a way, Tom has the same goals as us now!" Dumbledore chuckled. "Kill Voldemort."

William was in a trance, the world is really crazy.

The little snake has become a thug for the old phoenix. The two guys are going to join forces first and kill the old snake king? !

Dumbledore said contemptuously: "If one day, we can completely eliminate Tom, it is also due to his excessive greed."

"But that\'s the same question." William hesitated. "Because of the existence of Little Tom, the two are Horcrux symbiosis, how do we kill Voldemort?"

"William, I think Tom may have found a way," Dumbledore said calmly. "He knew how to sever that special connection in the soul."

"What?" William asked blankly.

"Slytherin\'s guidance!" said Dumbledore, "Tom mentioned Slytherin\'s guidance.

As far as I know, the four giants have different focuses on the study of prehistoric mysteries... What Slytherin is best at is the study of the soul.

Since Tom has Slytherin\'s records, he must find what Slytherin left behind. "

"Slytherin\'s wand!" William said suddenly.

"Oh, it looks like Nico has already told you," said Dumbledore calmly. "It was indeed Slytherin\'s wand, the only thing he had left aside from the Chamber of Secrets.

I can\'t think of anything else but that wand to guide him. "

"Niko told me that the wand was stolen by Aesop Thirl from her aunt Gormley Gaunt. After Aesop Thirl died, the clue was completely cut off." William frowned.

"The clue is indeed broken, but we still have to go back to the end of the story and try to taste the small details." Dumbledore said softly.

"The last time the wand appeared was when Aesop and her husband James Stewart buried it in the ground outside the school.

Within a year, the place where the wand was buried grew some unknown snakewood that could not be cut down and destroyed. "

"The wand is still under the tree?"

"No...you\'ve checked, the wand has disappeared...but since that\'s where the wand was last seen, Tom must be going to Ilvermorny."

"What would you do if you were Tom?"

"Resurrection...or attach to a little wizard and go to Ilvermorny College to investigate secretly." William said.

"That\'s right." Dumbledore smiled. "Whether it\'s Tom or Voldemort, they\'ve done this kind of thing, and he\'s very good at it."

Dumbledore stood up and removed from the shelf a locked book with a phoenix printed on the raised part of the book.

He touched the lock, and the bullet went off.

Dumbledore was turning the pages, and each page had a picture with a name on it. He turned the pages, but all the people in the pictures were gone.

"It\'s a very small international network that I set up a long time ago to fight—"

Dumbledore paused.

"Gellert... Grindelwald."

William noticed that Dumbledore\'s voice seemed to tremble.

"Later, he promised me to go to Nurmengard, and the network was not interrupted, even in Voldemort\'s time...still functioning."

Dumbledore turned to a page:

An old man with gray hair appeared in the photo.

— Eulalie Hicks.

"Eulary was the headmaster of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When I met him, he was a very young professor, not much older than Newt," Dumbledore explained.

"What\'s going on, Albus?" asked Ulali in the photo.

"Tom Riddle is resurrected...I need to remind you that his target may be the snakewood."

Eulalie in the photo left in a hurry, apparently to inform himself.

Dumbledore closed the thick book, put his fingers together, and said softly, "I can\'t go away here. We still need a reliable wizard to go to America to monitor Tom."

"Any advice, William?" Dumbledore looked at the boy with blue eyes.

"America?" William asked without hesitation, "I think Mr. Newt should be willing to go..."

"Indeed, Newt likes America the most." Dumbledore smiled. "He has a great memory of being there."

"Didn\'t Rita say in the newspapers... Serafina Picquili still misses him? He just happened to be able to visit Madame Picquili~www.novelhall.com~In the café on the left bank, on the Seine , Newt couldn\'t help sneezing.

"got windy."

Newt tightened the collar of his little trench coat. He always felt that there was malice surrounding him.

The last time it was so strong was when he went to the United States.

At that time, Grindelwald became Percival, lurking in the Magical Congress of the United States.

Then, Grindelwald sentenced him to a... death sentence!

The old man picked up a cup of cappuccino and whispered:

"I hate America!"



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